A Little Daylight

A Little Daylight


“Why? What's wrong with him? He's so cute!” I whined when Sehun, my bestfriend called a really handsome model in the magazine – ugly.

“You have a tendency to fall for anyone.” he replied, taking a bite of his strawberry.

“Not really! I have pretty high standards.” I retorted and he made a face, for which I hit him in the head with the same magazine.

His eyebrows furrowed with anger and he got up, jumping on me and making me fall on the ground. There – started our little battle. The same old tricks. He would first try to tie my hands together but I would kick him with my knee in the stomach and he would fall to my side hugging his waist in pain, so then it would be my turn to sit on top of him, flick his forehead all the chances I get, and then he would turn me over and do the same, us rolling like that on top of each other for an exact ten minutes until we get tired and then sit there breathless, tiredly punching each other's arm. It never gets old and we still enjoy bullying each other like that with the same old moves. Because it's him. The only person I can never get bored with.

You see, Sehun and I have known – or more like have been bullying each other since childhood. Exactly when I was four years old and he was six and our parents moved next to each other at the same time, like we were fated to be neighbors. But it's not that typical story where either one of them falls for the other at first sight and spends their entire youth for him or her to fall for them too. Because the next day when I tried to make friends with this mushroom hair cut neighbor of mine, he stuck chewing in my hair and said it was a cute pin for me that I would never be able to remove.

So now you might think I would have gone to the corner to cry or would have called my parents, but no, it was also fated that this rowdy little chipmunk will get an equally rowdy little squirrel as a neighbor. So I ran back inside while he was laughing on me and returned with my mom's sewing scissor, yes that big fat one, to cut his hair. Like that, we ran all over our joined garden with me chasing him with a wide open scissor, ready to cut him anywhere – just hair wasn't my goal. 

With my front strand chopped because his 'cute pin' won't come out, I also managed to cut his back strand that was now poking out. Perfect revenge. And a perfect neighbor to plan pranks with. 



We have been friends since then, trying to pull down one's leg more often and then comes the 'you are my true buddy' part where we are actually good and peaceful around each other. Well, in our twelve years of this hate-love relationship, we have troubled a lot of people. Our other neighbors, the school teachers, our classmates, as well as some policemen who are…kind of…our close friends because now they don't even bother to chase us anymore when we spray paint a school bully's house because we are quite fast and it's useless to catch us because we have already spent a night together in one cell for the third time now. So this night we returned by dropping six bottles of beer by the police station in a ribbon wrapped basket with a little note that said: 'thank you for letting us, your young s, be free to commit more tiny harmless crimes'.

We have dropped a lot of those ribbon baskets filled with different gifts for all the people we have troubled as a little farewell. Tomorrow is the last day of our school, our Chemistry exam. These four years passed by so soon. It's like just yesterday when we both got ready with water balloons in our bags to prank every freshmen we were going to be in classes with for these coming years. We have grown fond of them all, they were pretty easy to fool.

“Prepared for tomorrow?” He asked.

 I realized I had unconsciously rested my head on his broad shoulder and we had stopped fighting. I shook my head with a pout. 

“I don't know. It feels weird,” I said and brought my hand to my chest, just above my heart “here. It feels weird over here.”

“Don't tell me you're feeling nostimonal.” he said with a chuckle. I can be sensitive sometimes too, you know?

“Nostalgic is the word, you dummy.” I rolled my eyes and he waved his hand in the air.

“Blah blah. Not that it matters. Atleast you will always have me.”

I think he was smiling in that moment, and then he took the hand I had kept on my chest into his, clasping our fingers together, and brought it forth to his own chest. I could hear his slow and rhythmic heart beat, feel his chest raising and falling. It feels special you know – being the only one he is so close to, the only one who he allows to touch him in this way, the only way he drops his prankster image in front of and becomes this little whiny baby.

“Even if you accidently get teleported to the moon, I'll come all the way to follow you. You are not going to get away with that incident this easily.” he said and I chuckled. 

“Yes my lord! I remember my debt,” I said and he chuckled this time “but don't forget what you had done to my hair either.” I narrowed my eyes when I finally lifted my head to face him. Now he was laughing hysterically. “What's so funny?”

“I was actually kinda feeling…the word 'nostalgic' so I just now…” he spoke in a broken sentence and clutched his waist which was probably hurting by laughing so much.

My eyes bulged out and I quickly reached my hand for my hair and in the exact place as all these years ago, I felt the sticky thing attached to a handful of my front strands. My mouth parted and he laughed more, falling to the ground.

“SEHUN?!” I yelled. 

“Oh my god you look so cute with that pink hair pin.” he laughed and I got up, hurrying to my study table and grasped the scissor, unfortunately a short stationary one. 

“You are so dead now.” I said with a stern face and hurried off to him. He got up and rushed to the door, yelling all the way down the corridor.




“I hate you and I hate you and I shall forever hate you, bastard.” I cursed him as he was washing the gum out of my hair.

We swore on each other a lot, the kind of swearing you do with love. He pinched my cheek from behind as he was washing my strand with soap. There, gone my hair. It will be spiky and rough from the front now and probably difficult to style too. Thanks to Sehun again. But he somehow managed to make it loose and was pulling it out little by little. We were sitting near my window as he dipped his hands again and again in the bucket with a mix of water and soap, making a soft splashing sound. The room was dark, our only source of light coming from the open window. The best thing about it was that it had a perfect and direct view of the moon. Today was a full moon night and somehow I got lost into staring at it. So pale and so beautiful, it reminded of Sehun. 

“Almost out.” he said, bringing me out of my thoughts. I felt him squeeze and stretch the gum out which hurt my scalp and I winced, and he copied that to tease me.

“Hey, what happened?” he asked, I shook my head. 

“Nothing yo.” I replied and he pulled my hair, in return to which I hit his knee. 

“Ouch! Don't tell me now you were having romantic thoughts when you saw this white plate.” he said pointing to the moon.

“What do you know about my romantic thoughts?” I asked with sarcasm and he chuckled.

“The question should be what I don't. You were literally sobbing while watching that Japanese teen movie.” he imitated me crying in a really ugly way and I glared at him.

“Better than watching one with extra touchy scenes.” I made a face. 

“Oooooh so that isn't romantic?” he asked like it was something really controversial. I shook my head and tilted it, staring off at the moon again.

“No…it isn't. It's totally not. Skinship is not romance.” I answered almost as a whisper. 

“So what is?” He asked and rested his chin on my shoulder blade from behind, wrapping his arms around me. He lulled to the sides, making me swing too.

“On a rooftop, when a guy and a girl plan to spend the night to look at stars. And after a few minutes of counting mere twenty of them, the guy kisses the girl, brings her closer to him, they look into each other's eyes and there – their first time happens under the night sky,” I paused “that isn't romance.”

I felt him smile a little by my change of answer. He hummed for more and I continued. 

“After counting upto a fifty something, they feel cold. But instead of taking the blanket as a whole both of them try to give it to the other. That is romance. After counting upto a hundred stars, one of them starts falling asleep and the other keeps on fighting with them to wake up and count more. That is romance. After counting upto a mere ten more, they unknowingly fall asleep together and snuggle close, thinking maybe they can blame the other for dozing off first in the morning. That is…romance.” I finished. 

“You have a pretty weird example.” he said with a wide smile.

“Romance is weird. It's quite complicated for those who haven't fallen in love yet and the simplest thing for those who have.”

 For me, it's none. Because even though I think I love him, I can never have the experience of romance with him. Because you see this guy likes someone else. 

“What about that girl?” I asked and I felt warmth from his cheek brushing my neck.

Last month he told me he likes someone but I had known this all along. It was pretty obvious. Except I never knew who this girl was. She’s quite lucky and I hate to admit but – I envy her.

“Tomorrow.” he said, unwrapping his arms around me.

“Oh because it's the last day?” I asked and he nodded. 

“It will be like umm a new beginning.”

“How?” I asked, putting on a fake smile, something I am used to now. 

“You'll know. I guarantee that. You'll be the first one to know.” He said with a grin, looking really happy.

I nodded and smiled once more before turning around. It was like hell, sure, but I heard somewhere that giving love is more fun and placid than obtaining it. True. That little grin of his at her mention is my favorite thing to see – even though it's not about me. It did turn a little typical with either one of them falling for the other but maybe I'll just let our story be non-typical with those two childhood friends, staying friends. 




“Thank you for that one time you hid my physics notebook and returned it when I made down a new one.” Chanyeol, my classmate, a really tall but dumb guy smiled sarcastically as I was cleaning my locker. I smiled back, but much more sincerely, because he was my favorite to disturb.

“Aww I know you love me too.” I said pinching his cheeks and after fake glaring at me for a moment he let out a laugh too. 

“I hate you, you know. The only one who I hate so much that I always adored her. You had secretly dropped that basket at my house right?” he asked and I flipped my hair like a model and nodded, making him laugh further.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Sehun running down the hallway in a hurry. For some reason when he is running, he manages to see me in the crowd and knows what's going through my head. 

“Preparing a surprise for her.” he said and my heart beat kind of dropped but I put on a fake smile, forming a fist to encourage him.

“Bet you both are still going to continue with your pranks.” Chanyeol said once Sehun had passed. I laughed and nodded.

“Ofcourse! If it wasn't for us, your whole high school life would've big time.” I replied, making him laugh too. 

A few more classmates came in my way to wish me farewell. The nostalgic feeling kicked in and my heart was dropping its rate quicker than our teacher’s temper when we threw paper planes around the class. Leaving high school is like leaving your favorite hotel with all the good facilities and a comfortable bedroom. But you just have to, even though you know you will miss the luxury, because your vacation time is over.




“Have you seen Sehun?” I asked, passing by the lab rooms when it was late in the evening.

Most of them shook their head and started chatting with me for the last time and most of them told me about the different places they had seen him last, which were totally corresponding and obviously not true.

“This guy…” I shook my head. A few other students including me were left to pick up our stuff from the lockers.

I walked past the chemistry lab and saw the door wide open and somebody's handsome silhouette standing by the window. The only person with such a stature I had ever seen was Sehun. 

“Sehun? Is that you in there? Yo.” I said as I walked in and the guy nodded.

“All alone in the lab you hated the most. What's wrong?”

He didn't reply.

“Hey…why so quiet? You’re even more annoying when you are not talking. Come on tell me wha—” I stopped when I managed to turn him around and saw his serious face.

It was after such a long time I saw that expression, the last time being when I twisted my arm during high jump in the school’s sports festival. Something was terribly wrong.

“Did…you talk to her?” I asked and he shook his head. 

“I guess it's late.” he answered.

The room was dark except the evening sunlight shining through the windows. I could do it right now. I just had to fake smile again and convince him to forget about her, make him believe that yeah maybe he is late and now she's gone and it's over.

But what's the use? That won't make him mine. It was hard, but atleast one of us had to be happy. I couldn't let us both suffer. Who knew what I was about to say would do but, I had to do this. 

“You see this?” I asked. He shook his head when he couldn't make out what I was referring to. “This…the sun out there.” I said pointing out the window. He was further confused. 

“What are you blabbering about? There is no sun out there. It's past sunset.” he said with a poker face. I took hold of his chin and forced him to look out. 

Sure it was past sunset but even though one could hardly see the outlines of the sun, there were faint sun rays still glowing. They spread wide all over the horizon, golden beams crossing through the pink evening sky.

“You see this light? All this light? The day is not over yet because the daylight is still there. And until there is daylight, spreading over the vast horizon, it means there's time. It's not dark yet,” I said with a smile “you still have a chance, stupid.”

After moments of staring at me, maybe thinking, he smiled ever so widely – his smile melting my heart.

“You think so?” he asked and I nodded.

I can predict what will happen now. He will rush out to where ever she is and hold her in his arms. There will be this long staring competition and he will say the three words. And she would say a yes. Definitely a yes because she would have somehow guessed that this tall pale guy really likes her. And that's it. They will date, maybe get married three years later, and I'll forever be his sidekick. And then there will come a time when he would stop hanging out with me too. He would say that all these pranks are immature and that he has responsibilities and that he is ashamed to tell his kids that he had a friend like me. Ah all so…so…heart breaking. Oh the pain. It's all a clear future ahead me – very lonely. I'll grow old and would tell little children of some orphanage about my pranks in my youth, sitting on a wheelchair, with a photograph locket of Sehun. 

“Go now! hurry up!” I smiled very forcefully, very half. He took a step. 

Towards me.

Another one. 

Close enough, cupping my cheeks. 

Now comes the 'thank you for being such a good friend' part. Atleast I can live by with all the memories I made with him. I have to go and choose my old age home today.

He kissed me. 

He kissed me again, even more softly. 

My heart beat was…like that one time I lost a bet to Sehun and had to take a roller coaster ride all alone in the first seat. 

He removed his lips from mine and stared at me with another heart melting smile. 

“You aren't supposed to practice with me. You ruined my first kiss.” I said, my mind was blocked. He blinked twice and flicked my forehead. 

“I knew you were retarded but today you exceeded my expectations.” he said and now I blinked expressionlessly because my throat was clogged and my chest felt numb. I stared at his face for long, everything going over my head. 

“Uh…what?” the only thing I managed to speak out. He flicked my forehead again.

“I love you, you idiot.” he answered. I felt being hit by a refreshing strong wave of emotions and confusion and a little bit of Sehun's cologne and the sensation of his lips on mine.


“I love you.”

“You what?”

He kissed me again, a little deeper this time. 

“I don't understand…what about that girl?” I asked, not being able to react properly when he kissed me again.

“You’re unbelievable!” Sehun started with an angry gasp “It’s you! God! That girl is you! I love you! I just kissed you! What's wrong with you?! You ruined my first confession!”

“What do you mean first confession?! Do you think I’ll let you confess to someone else ever again now?! I hate you! Why didn’t you tell me about this before?! Of course I love you too! But I still hate you! Is that how you confess?! You are the most meanest person humanity will ever come across! I love you so much but you’re so dead now! Oh Sehun, confessions are not supposed to be like pranks!” I started hitting him, quite hard. Words were just spilling out of my mouth as I hit him anywhere I could see.

“Isn't that your idea of romance?!” He yelled and rushed towards the door, me following behind ready to knock him down. 




So then again, why do people love it so much omg T3T like I had no idea what I wrote, this one shot was totally on the spot sort of thing. I watched it after watching 'Close range love' (check it out, it's really cute >.<) and I was just hit with this feeling to write something that involved fluff and something on a serious note as well. And while in the bathroom, (yes you saw it right) I saw this little light of the sun, although it was nearing nighttime and I came up with this theme. 
But like, the title sounds so much like a litle delight and I think that's cute considering that's exactly what the story is about. 
I just did a little editing for grammatical mistakes and all. And I still can't believe something as random as this made you feel nice ^^
I wish I could write you a sequel but nothing would come up in my mind :(
Anyways, thank you liking this shot <3 


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Smeh I guess I won't delete this link then since yall love it so much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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Chapter 1: Rereading this again because i need that amount if fluff to get over my ty day
Chapter 1: demmm this is too cute to handle
Is it only me? I got update notification from this fic. But then..I dont see anything new.
Chapter 1: aww...this is so cute,fluffy and sweet. But at the same time,they were kinda stupid which is stupidly cute (I know I dont make any sense) but thats is their charm. Being stupid with each other and cute but still loves each other so much.
Chapter 1: Owh my god this is so cute and interesting...I really love both of them...Hehe
Chapter 1: their lives is so adventurous.. i envy them for that. How i wish i lived in a book lol.