The 7 Sins 4th member, revealed; The Perfectionist

The 7 Sins (일곱죄) - Apply CLOSED



The 7 Sins, New Rookie Group, Reveals Their 4th Member!
 at 1:47 a.m.                                               77,980 View | 66,380 Comments
Girl group, The 7 Sins, has revealed the face for its group, Lee Ji Dae! Yup, it has been confimed! She is also the younger sister of Lee Donghae from Super Junior. Although a lot of people would predict that she's the older one since she is more mature than her playful yet loving brother.
The girl's manager, Oh Yoon Ah, states "Ah yes. Ji Dae is very sophisticated and lady-like. She is one of the most well-mannered girls I have ever met in my life. She's also quite a perfectionist. But don't let her appearance fool you, Ji Dae is very talented; she has amazing vocal skills. She has the voice of an angel than can sure capture many of the netizens heart!"
What do you guys think of her? To help you decide a little more accurately, here are some more information about Ji Dae: (some may have been stated up above.)
Full Name: Lee Ji Dae
Age: 18 years old
Blood Type: AB
Birth Date: June 16, 1993
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Position: Face
Trainee Years: 2 years
1. Has two tattoos located on her body.
2. Almost everyone calls her Jade.
3. She reads books wherever she goes.
4. Role model; Kwon BoA
Did it help you decide a little better? Well I hope it did! Because most of the netizens are loving her already, "Aigoo... She's so pretty! And she is sophisticated looking."  "Yay! Another member has been revealed, I can't wait for the other ones. She's so cute! HWAITING!" More information about Ji Dae and the other members will be revealed soon! So remember to keep checking on one of your most reliable source,! 
Source + Photo: allkpop via Woolim Entertainment

Annyeong! Co-author here, --bubbletea. I'm really sorry I haven't been keeping you guys updated, but I'm planning to reveal another member soon. That's my character up there btw! I'M SO GLAD IT'S FRIDAY! But I just realized I have a lot of homework and a project due next week and I haven't started. THIS . Although a gif spam always makes me feel better. >:D


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Congrats to cherryxpop!I like her character<3 Bad girl :><br />
And your character is awesome!:D She seems very unique<3<br />
Only 2 members to reveal o_o....excited!<br />
(Seungri gif!!*faints*)<br />
cherryxpop #2
Omo,thanks for choosing me~<br />
I'm so happy! Please update soon and btw I love the gifs! <3<br />
Update soon~<br />
lol, sungmin.. nyaha. and was that siwon at the 5th gif w/ the banana? Hilarious!! XD<br />
<br />
anyway, congrats to the 5th member! :)
haha shes AWESOME! (ps, that seungri gif- dead! hes SSOOOOOOO CUTE!)
Congratulations!! ㅋㅋ I love your gif spams ^^ two more members to go!
Congrats to the latest member! 2 more members!~ The gifs are hilarious. Thanks for the smiles and laughs. Fighting! ^_^
Congrats to cherryxpop! Can't wait for the other members^^
Congrats!!! Only 2 more members left!!! :D can't wait!! ^_^<br />
Oh, btw...YOUR GIF SPAMS ARE THE BEST!!!! lol they never fail to make me smile ^_^
Congrats :D