The 7 Sin's 3rd Member Revealed; Pandora's Snow!

The 7 Sins (일곱죄) - Apply CLOSED




The 7 Sin's Reveals Their 3rd Memver, Their Main Rapper!                                                                                                                                           

at 1:47 a.m.                                 77,980 View | 66,380 Comments
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Wow! Woolim Entertainment is revealing their members so quickly! Guess they can't wait til their debut. I know we all can't wait either huh? Well here is The 7 Sin's 3rd member, Kim Yuki. Isn't she cute? But don't be fooled by her appearance, she may seem cute and silly, but you don't know. Here's a little more about Yuki:
Full Name: Kim Yuki
Age: 18 years old
Blood Type: O
Birth Date: November 23, 1993
Height: 163cm
Weight: 44kg
Position: Main Rapper
Trainee Years: 3 1/2 Years
1. Has the same birthday as Teen Top's L.Joe (Lee Byunghyun)
2. Loves to cook, kitchen is her territory
3. Has a pet terrapin nicknamed Nicko
4. Is a big fan of Kwon Jiyoung
How do like her so far? We sure love her, she's a new addition to the Woolim family. The netizens sure love her too! 
They commented, "Omo! She's looks very one of a kind. She's looks like her rapping deserves an A+! ^ ^ I wonder what her real personality is really like, oh well! I'll just wait to find out. :D"
Source + Photo: allkpop via Woolim Entertainment


So? It's Kayla, again. Unnie is busy with projects and sorts, so i'm here again! Aren't you happy, more gifs for you guys, haha! Well do you like the new member, i loved her personality and quirkiness. Congrats to Emerson, she really deserves it!!! :D GIFS FOR YOU!!!!
tumblr_luz13d2Nxs1qivar4o2_250.gif   Dont kill the lady who's trying to calm down that kid, he cant help it!!!!! :D
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Congrats to cherryxpop!I like her character<3 Bad girl :><br />
And your character is awesome!:D She seems very unique<3<br />
Only 2 members to reveal o_o....excited!<br />
(Seungri gif!!*faints*)<br />
cherryxpop #2
Omo,thanks for choosing me~<br />
I'm so happy! Please update soon and btw I love the gifs! <3<br />
Update soon~<br />
lol, sungmin.. nyaha. and was that siwon at the 5th gif w/ the banana? Hilarious!! XD<br />
<br />
anyway, congrats to the 5th member! :)
haha shes AWESOME! (ps, that seungri gif- dead! hes SSOOOOOOO CUTE!)
Congratulations!! ㅋㅋ I love your gif spams ^^ two more members to go!
Congrats to the latest member! 2 more members!~ The gifs are hilarious. Thanks for the smiles and laughs. Fighting! ^_^
Congrats to cherryxpop! Can't wait for the other members^^
Congrats!!! Only 2 more members left!!! :D can't wait!! ^_^<br />
Oh, btw...YOUR GIF SPAMS ARE THE BEST!!!! lol they never fail to make me smile ^_^
Congrats :D