
The 7 Sins (일곱죄) - Apply CLOSED


#1. Do NOT use an ulzzang that doesn’t fit the “bad girl” image. Examples: Kim Shin Yeong, Hong Young Ki, etc. There are so many other ulzzangs who doesn’t act all cutesy in front of the camera. Just do your research, it’s not that hard.

#2. Do NOT make your character’s personality aegyo-like. Remember we’re trying to strive for the bad girl image. We need girls who are fierce with strong attitudes. You know the girls who don’t accept defeat; if they lose they will choose to get back up. And the ones who doesn’t get hurt easily. This will also reflect your persona. So, no aegyo queens/princesses; no one’s perfect, get over it. We don’t want Barbie dolls in our group.

#3. Don’t follow the ‘crowd.’ Meaning, avoid being so cliché! Not everyone should have their last names as Park, Lee, Kim, or Choi (unless you’re related to a k-pop idol with those last names) and seriously there are a whole BUNCH of Korean last names, all you need to do is go on Google. It can’t be any easier. Also don’t use names like Eun Mi or something you just came up with that sounds totally wacko.

#4. Be creative. This follows the #3 tip. Seriously, it’s not that hard. You gotta think and let your imagination go wild. Don’t try to copy others, be original. We want you to amaze us, and trust me it’s not that easy.

Those are all the tips for today! ^^

P.S. Ulzzang Song Ah Ri and Park Ji Young is taken.

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Congrats to cherryxpop!I like her character<3 Bad girl :><br />
And your character is awesome!:D She seems very unique<3<br />
Only 2 members to reveal o_o....excited!<br />
(Seungri gif!!*faints*)<br />
cherryxpop #2
Omo,thanks for choosing me~<br />
I'm so happy! Please update soon and btw I love the gifs! <3<br />
Update soon~<br />
lol, sungmin.. nyaha. and was that siwon at the 5th gif w/ the banana? Hilarious!! XD<br />
<br />
anyway, congrats to the 5th member! :)
haha shes AWESOME! (ps, that seungri gif- dead! hes SSOOOOOOO CUTE!)
Congratulations!! ㅋㅋ I love your gif spams ^^ two more members to go!
Congrats to the latest member! 2 more members!~ The gifs are hilarious. Thanks for the smiles and laughs. Fighting! ^_^
Congrats to cherryxpop! Can't wait for the other members^^
Congrats!!! Only 2 more members left!!! :D can't wait!! ^_^<br />
Oh, btw...YOUR GIF SPAMS ARE THE BEST!!!! lol they never fail to make me smile ^_^
Congrats :D