Bad Bad Bad

Maybe One Day...

All credit of the following lyrics go to Tablo of Epik High.
(Lyrics Italicized)


They say something has changed.

Yoongi knew that confessing to Jimin was going to alter their lives, for better or worse. What he hadn't expected was how quick it would happen. After Jimin ran away from him down the hill, he noticed the instant change in air. Lungs constricting, breath faltering, and body tensing.
'God I need to get home,' he brooded.

They say I've changed.

Making his way to his, Taehyung's, and Jungkook's shared apartment, he had not been able to rid his thoughts of Jimin.

Pushing open the front door, he saw the two younger males watching Iron Man. The two had kept their eyes peeled to the screen, paying no attention to Yoongi as he drifted past. 
Once in the confines of his room, he started to break down. He felt like a damn fool for believing that Jimin would ever return his feelings, for confessing at such a horrible time in Jimin's life, for everything.

Jungkook had grabbed the television remote to pause the movie. 
   "Do you hear that hyung?" he asked Taehyung.
   "Nah, continue the movie it's about to get good!" Taehyung demanded.
A loud thud echoed through the apartment. This time Taehyung grabbed the remote, "I heard that," he stated. Nudging the younger while saying, "Come on."
Dashing to Yoongi's room, Taehyung without a thought opened the older's door. Yoongi was throwing his personal items at a mirror that hung near his closet. 
   "Hyu-" Jungkook was cut off by the sound of Yoongi throwing CDs at a wall, each one shattering once hitting the hard surface. 
   "Go! Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alon-" Yoongi sobbed. 
Both of the younger's threw themselves onto Yoongi, dragging him into the wooden floor. Attempting at forcing the other two off, Yoongi choked out, "Leave." 
   "No! Not until you calm down," Taehyung sadly huffed. 
   "Yoongi hyung, why are you like this?" Jungkook questioned. "Did someone hurt you?" 
The two felt Yoongi tense under them. Letting out a shaky breath and thick tears, they knew the answer. And they knew who caused Yoongi to return like this, 

They tell me somewhere I turned cold, that I used to be so affectionate.

Even in the embrace of the youngest two of their friends, Yoongi felt himself falter. Jimin had kept his heart warm even when he wasn't around. Now it was freezing over. Yoongi had started to shield himself like his past self had done before Jimin entered his life.

They say something has changed.
They say I’ve changed.


Really short update: I just had this come to mind and I wanted to release it. Check previous update for my last side note.
Song: "Bad" by Tablo

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Jiminxjhope_bts #1
Chapter 10: what?? hoseok just walk away and back again..jimin what did you do?? accept him like nothing hurt a lot
Valentine0 #3
Omomomomo !!!! This story is WONDERFUL !!!! You made me all emotional *sniffles* I'm sorry I haven't left a comment sooner.
Thank you author-nim !!!!!!
NightKnight2002 #5
Chapter 9: Ahh this is so nice my heart hurts for when yoongi comes back!!!
I am so in love with this story
chloes20 #6
Chapter 7: I love this
Yoongi is my bias but i lovE seeing a depressed Yoongi!!
Can Hoseok come back and him and jimin go back together only for Yoongi to think that Jimin will come back with the way he was acting the other day and Yoongi to run away.
I don't want to impose or change the plot but please
Acquaine #7
Chapter 6: Author-nim you update so fast. I think i just died. Now i know hoseok's reason. I think i understand. Waa but still he was being unfair with jiminie.
Aigooo. Imma jump off the cliff i dont know who i want to end up with jiminie anymore. YQVHHJDSIQ now i also want hobi with jimin. But no. Poor yoongi. He has been inlove with jimin ever since forever. Ohmygaaaad. Eottokaji!? Author-nim wae nae mameul heundeunun geonde?! XD
Acquaine #8
Chapter 5: Waaaaa. Ohmygad! Finally yoongi! XD
Spring125 #9
Chapter 4: That pick up line lol OMG I'm crying already XD
Acquaine #10
Chapter 4: I hope yoongi will come and make jimi feel better. TT my heart breaks for jiminie. He needs love! Hwaiting author-nim!