You are the Sun and I am the Moon

Maybe One Day...

"Let hyung treat you out to lunch!" beamed Yoongi. He soon felt embarrassed due to the fact he had no idea what Jimin's plans for the day were. With his neck becoming flushed, he had looked away to avoid eye contact with Jimin. The younger noticed the instant change. His response had been caught in his throat. It's not like he didn't want to accept the's just Yoongi and him had not been spent much time alone together after Jimin started dating Hoseok. They were only in each other's proximity when their group of friends had planned a night out together, dinners, etc. Even then Yoongi remained distant from him. Jimin had not known why. Did Yoongi feel replaced? Did he not approve of him dating Hoseok? Was Yoongi threatened by Hoseok's company? Jimin had been unable to find the answer to his questions. 

   Jimin poked Yoongi's cheek with his index finger and answered, "Yes hyung!" Yoongi felt his cheeks warm. Directing his eyes to Jimin's bright face, he laughed, "Yah! Why are you poking my cheek?"
   "Because they look puffy today. In a totally non-ugly way."
   "Ugly!? If I were you I'd bite my tongue because you're about to die." Lightly punching Jimin's arm. This caused the younger to run. "Nevermind! Seokjin-hyung wouldn't want me to hang out with bullies," he giggled, shortly running after. Yoongi started to speed up his walking because there was no way he was going to run, even if it was for Jimin. 
   "Get back here or I'll really show you what a bully is," he jokingly threatened. Jimin came to a hault and bent over laughing, "Are yo-ouu trying to threaten me when you're walking like an ajhussi?" Placing his arm over his stomach, his laugh erupted into quakes as he fell on the floor, dying of laughter.
   'Cute...' affectionately thought Yoongi, 'I would do anything to keep that smile on his keep that lively spirit going.' Yoongi started to run in order to be by Jimin's side. As he reached the younger he was huffing. "I-i-i..." panted Yoongi, unable to continue his sentence. Jimin tried regaining his composure to the best of his ability. "I get it hyung, you're old and lazy," stated Jimin, getting up and dusting off his jeans with his hands, "Come on hyung! Let's go, go, go!" Dragging the older behind him, Jimin started to hum. It was to the tune of f(x)'s Red Light. Jimin couldn't see but his hyung flashed his gummy smile. 

Walking in the cool breeze, Jimin felt slightly content with himself. Although he felt the constant burn in his heart left by Hoseok, distracting himself from his lingering thoughts was better than nothing. Not that Yoongi was a distraction. 'Was he?' Shoving the silly thought away, he continued leading the elder to nowhere in certain.

   "Hyung...I actually don't know this side of the neighborhood," shyly admitting.
   "Aigoo, this kid..." huffing and taking lead, Yoongi went further into the city to enter a local noodle shop.

The restaurant itself was small, yet it had a home-like vibe to it; its entrance being a glass door with two large red-paned windows centering it, the remaining three walls were made of red-brick, each one containing advertisements and chalk boards reading Today's Special or Job Applications. Tables and booths organized in a row-like fashion facing towards the steel furnished kitchen. 
"Take a seat while I order."
"You don't eve-" Jimin started to say but ended as Yoongi walked towards the cashier. 'He'll surprise me!' He happily thought to himself as he recalled the past when they frequently went out to eat, Yoongi liked to order for Jimin. Every order before had satisfied his hunger so he surely wouldn't be disappointed. Hands full, Yoongi had returned with their bowls. Jimin gasped at the sight of the dishes, "Milmyeon!"
"I thought you could use some comfort food?" Yoongi said hesitantly. Silently observing the other's fave for discomfort.
"Hyung, oh-" tears started to spill from Jimin's eyes. Looking down and wiping away the wetness on his cheeks. "This is so nice...I'm so grateful to have you and I don't know why I'm crying. Well, I guess I do but I'm just so overwhelmed right now and here you are being so nice to me. I just really missed you," gasping for air and looking up into Yoongi's eyes.
Yoongi flashed his gummy smile, "Stop crying and let's eat."
Sniffling and giggling, Jimin started to eat his noodles. Their lunch had gone by quickly with light conversation. Yoongi had been unable to converse without  mentioning anything that lead to Hoseok. Jin had told Yoongi about Hoseok leaving Jimin out of the blue. Yoongi was confused about the whole situation but it's not his problem to deal with. Even if he's attracted to Jimin. The best he could do at the moment is give the other company.
Jimin was aware of why they only small talked and had not gone any deeper. Hoseok. Everything in his life for the past two weeks had lead back to him. Frankly it was starting to bug him more than pain him. The fact that others refrained from having a normal conversation with him because they were tiptoeing around the matter was burdensome.
"Are you finished eating?" Yoongi knew the answer was yes but it was an excuse to hear Jimin speak. To his disappointment Jimin nodded. 

Stepping out into the fresh air Jimin yawned out, "Hyung, I don't want to go back. Let's stay together for awhile?" 
   "Really?" dumbfounded at the younger's request, "Not like it's a problem but it's about to be 5 o'clock, shouldn't you get home and put on your pajamas?" he joked while grinning.
   "Seriously?! Hyung I'm not a child," Jimin huffed and pouted.
   Grinning while grabbing for Jimin's wrist, "Let's go to a park. There's one right around the corner." 
After connecting his hand to Jimin's wrist, Yoongi lead him to the park as the sun started to set.

"Let's just sit on top of that hill," he said to the other, pointing at a grass barren hill. Yoongi facade was slowly slipping but he couldn't stop. Doing anything remotely "romantic" with Jimin was a whirlwind. Yoongi knew he shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't let his temptations take over because Hoseok will come back and will, will away Yoongi without even trying. If he made new memories with Jimin, it would just lead to him to heartache because Jimin isn't his. 

Trudging up the large hill, Jimin felt his happiness kick in for the first time since Hoseok left. Feeling guilty half way up behind Yoongi, Jimin stopped. He felt as if the further he went up, the further Hoseok would be. Shaking his thoughts away he started up again. Reaching the top after Yoongi, he plopped down onto the soft grass. 

   "Hyung, look at the sunset! I don't think I've ever watched it set before," he stated.
Titling his head to the side as if he had a shoulder to rest it upon. Scooting closer, Yoongi decided to take a risk. 'It won't hurt.' he thought to himself. Leaving all restraint behind, he grabbed for Jimin's hand. After he clasped their hands together, Yoongi felt Jimin tense. Pulling back his hand quickly, his wrist was met by Jimin's soft hand. Breath hitching, he watched silently as Jimin reconnected their hands. 

Feeling Yoongi's hand in his own was a surprise to Jimin but the loss of it had caused to younger to realize that it was comforting. Yoongi's hand in his own felt like a hurricane of emotions. Not knowing how to decipher it, Jimin closed the space between them and laid his head atop of Yoongi's shoulder letting the sight of the sunset relax him. 'This is fine, right?' he questioned himself. 
   Not knowing the answer he decided to voice his thoughts,"Hyung, is this okay?" he meekly asked Yoongi.
   "Yeah, it is."
The sun had finally set, moving into another part of the world. 'Maybe he is the sun and I am the moon...' Yoongi contemplated.
Freeing his hand of Jimin's, he laid down onto the grass and looked up into the darkening sky. Jimin repeating the same actions. 
   They let the silence consume them until Jimin's voice broke it, "Hyung...after...after I started to date Hoseok hyung...why did you leave me behind?" 
   It felt like a jab to the stomach to hear that. Yoongi firmly answered, "I needed time." Whether or not Jimin wanted to hear this, Yoongi had to let it out. After two years of hidden feelings, he was ready to let Jimin know of what cluttered his mind. 
   "Time? Time for what?"
   "Time to let you go and be with another. Time to accept that I was nothing more to you, that I could never mean as much to you as Hoseok." 
   "Jiminie please understand, that you were my world then, that you still are," Yoongi muttered in hopes of Jimin not hearing.
   "Stop!" getting up and dusting off himself, Jimin on the verge of tears and croaking out, "Why of all times you decide to tell me now?" With confusion turning to anger, Jimin snapped, "I won't stand for this." 
Yoongi sat up as heard Jimin, seeing the younger run down the hill. No, his world wasn't broken but he did feel immense regret. He had expected many reactions and Jimin's was one of them. 


Running through the now busy streets, Jimin had started to make his way to his studio. Tears stinging his eyes, he had wondered why Yoongi had said what he said. At that time in his life, Jimin had known Yoongi was affectionate to him but Jimin had also known that Yoongi called it brotherly love. Yoongi had always said that Jimin was his favorite donsaeng. Jimin was someone Yoongi wanted to care for but that didn't mean anything romantic. Well at least to Jimin's knowledge. This new information didn't settle well with Jimin. Not because of Yoongi's feelings but because the older knew that Jimin was in fragile state. He didn't need Yoongi to tell him that. Not when he was desperate for Hoseok's hand and not Yoongi's.

Reaching the front door of his shared studio apartment, Jimin reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out the key. He brought along the key because in the back of his mind he knew he would be going back. Upon entering, Jimin was welcomed by stuffy air. Closing the door behind him and not caring to turn on the lights, he made his way over to the  leather couch Hoseok had bought when they first moved in. Immediately he pulled out his phone and dialed Hoseok. Jimin expected the line to just ring but he was answered by Hoseok's voice,



Hello! I'm sorry for not updating for nearly a month. :'-( I just lost a little motivation but I'm back at it again. 
Please leave comments. 
I want to see what you all want out of this fic. 

Alright talk to ya next update. 

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Jiminxjhope_bts #1
Chapter 10: what?? hoseok just walk away and back again..jimin what did you do?? accept him like nothing hurt a lot
Valentine0 #3
Omomomomo !!!! This story is WONDERFUL !!!! You made me all emotional *sniffles* I'm sorry I haven't left a comment sooner.
Thank you author-nim !!!!!!
NightKnight2002 #5
Chapter 9: Ahh this is so nice my heart hurts for when yoongi comes back!!!
I am so in love with this story
chloes20 #6
Chapter 7: I love this
Yoongi is my bias but i lovE seeing a depressed Yoongi!!
Can Hoseok come back and him and jimin go back together only for Yoongi to think that Jimin will come back with the way he was acting the other day and Yoongi to run away.
I don't want to impose or change the plot but please
Acquaine #7
Chapter 6: Author-nim you update so fast. I think i just died. Now i know hoseok's reason. I think i understand. Waa but still he was being unfair with jiminie.
Aigooo. Imma jump off the cliff i dont know who i want to end up with jiminie anymore. YQVHHJDSIQ now i also want hobi with jimin. But no. Poor yoongi. He has been inlove with jimin ever since forever. Ohmygaaaad. Eottokaji!? Author-nim wae nae mameul heundeunun geonde?! XD
Acquaine #8
Chapter 5: Waaaaa. Ohmygad! Finally yoongi! XD
Spring125 #9
Chapter 4: That pick up line lol OMG I'm crying already XD
Acquaine #10
Chapter 4: I hope yoongi will come and make jimi feel better. TT my heart breaks for jiminie. He needs love! Hwaiting author-nim!