
Maybe One Day...
"Do you know why he left? Did you two argue? I don't understand," Jin huffed with confusion in his voice. The two were now on sitting on separate sides of the bed. Jimin had created the distance when he tugged his hand away from Jin. The act of anyone touching him affectionately, besides Hoseok, during this time was revolting to him. He felt as if he were cheating on Hoseok, even if they were on a "break". Jimin's thoughts had wandered to his bright-eyed hyung, his one true love. Oh, how he missed his remarkable heart-shaped smile. It's been ten total days with Hoseok gone. Jimin had done remotely nothing to contact his boy. All he could bare to do was contact Hoseok's loving parents right after Jimin had found him gone. Casually trying to make conversation in hopes of having his umma give away any hints of where Hoseok had wandered off to. Yet, Jimin had gotten nothing. The pain of it all had left the red-haired younger in despair, leading him to do nothing but lie in his bed and exist.
Jimin had waken up to the cold. There was no comforter surrounding his frame nor were there familiar arms around him. Noticing it instantly, he had sat up in the king size bed. Quickly he looked around their studio with lingering eyes. It being small, he was able to see every nook and cranny. Hoseok had been no where. 'Unless he was in the bathroom,' Jimin foolishly thought. "HYUNG!?" Jimin called. No response. Jimin hopped up. Sprinting to their bathroom, he nearly crashed into the door while opening it. Sadly he had found no one on the other side. 'He can't have left me? Did he?' hazily thought Jimin. 'God, he couldn't have.' He continued to look, not in search for Hoseok himself but anything that would let him know where he was, such as a note. But luck was never on Jimin's side. He didn't find anything. Hoseok had given Jimin his parents home phone number in case of an emergency. Having it saved in his phone, Jimin called because this was an emergency. Three rings later and the other line picked up
   "Yeoboseyo," greeted Hoseok's umma. Jimin's heart sunk at the sound of her voice. He could here a smile in her voice. Similar to his hyung's.
   "Annyeonghaseyo," uttered Jimin through with false happiness. "How are you? I just wanted to check in. I know you haven't heard from Hoseok or I in awhile." From the other side he had heard shuffling and hushed whispers. Jimin assumed it was Hoseok's appa. Both of their parents had known about the two's relationship. It had been rocky at the start but both families had the loving hearts to accept the two. They had been blessed with supportive families. 
   "Ah, sorry Jimin-sshi I was fixing up dinner. I'm doing just fine. I hope you are too. Take care of your health, it's fragile. It's nice to hear from you. Your sweet voice always warms my heart. I'm sorry to keep this conversation short but I must excuse myself to look over my cooking. Contact us soon!" And with that she had ended the call. That had given Jimin no answer. Nothing, absolutely nothing.
Plopping on his bed, he began to cry. He cried, he cried, and he cried. With no track of time and lost in his thoughts, Jimin had numbed his pain like always. Simply by pushing away his negative emotions and detaching himself from reality.
"Jimin-ah? Jimin-ah!" Jin gloomily called. He had seen the younger transfer to his thoughts. With no response he reached over and tapped the younger on his exposed shoulder blade. Jimin had turned halfway around to meet the eyes of his hyung. Jin nearly threw himself at him but had stopped himself remembering the younger pulling away from him when he has touched him. He had figured this had to deal with Hoseok's absence. Jin still wasn't given an answer. "You didn't tell me why Hoseok left. I understand that it might be hard to talk about but you know I'm here to help. I can't help if I don't know." 
"IF I KNEW I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU ALREADY!" wailed Jimin. Tears had made a trail down his cheeks. "Hyung...I-I don't know why he left me. We were happy together, weren't we? Hyung don't you think?" With his lip trembling and tears coming out so fast, he himself had thought nothing was left in him.
   "I miss him so much. The day he left, he had told me that we need to take a break? I thought we settled it. I thought I had gotten it through him that we didn't need---" Jimin's voice had began to break. Finally giving into all of his emotions, he had broke down. Head down, constant sniffling in attempts to stop his crying, and a whimper here and there.
   "I don't know why he left you but I do know that he must be dealing with internal emotional issues to go as far as leaving you."
   "He said he'd loves me too much. What does that mean hyung? If he really did, then why did he go?" 
It all clicked in Jin's head as if he had understood everything and anything possible. Hoseok and him had been close, as they all were. But Jin had been one of the only few to notice Hoseok's thought process. He had known the younger shied away when he had felt he lost a grip on reality. Being with Jimin clearly scared him away. If Hoseok had been scared by Jimin, then he must have fell madly in love with him. He must have felt as if reality was merely a fantasy. That the whole relationship was nothing but a dream of his. Jin had solved the riddle as to why he left but as for his whereabouts, he had no idea. 
   "Jimin-ah you're allowed to feel your sadness, but for the sake of your own sanity, please, please, please get up and live. If you don't then I'll have to stay with you. No and, ifs, or buts. I promise you, I will help you find him and set him straight. Okay? Trust hyung." 
   Jimin had tilted his head to meet the hopeful eyes of his hyung. He had only seen and heard nothing but the truth. Jin never lied. Jimin threw his body at Jin. Clutching onto him as if he were his last hope. Jimin had a feeling in his gut that maybe, just maybe everything will be okay.
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Jiminxjhope_bts #1
Chapter 10: what?? hoseok just walk away and back again..jimin what did you do?? accept him like nothing happened..it hurt a lot
Valentine0 #3
Omomomomo !!!! This story is WONDERFUL !!!! You made me all emotional *sniffles* I'm sorry I haven't left a comment sooner.
Thank you author-nim !!!!!!
NightKnight2002 #5
Chapter 9: Ahh this is so nice my heart hurts for when yoongi comes back!!!
I am so in love with this story
chloes20 #6
Chapter 7: I love this
Yoongi is my bias but i lovE seeing a depressed Yoongi!!
Can Hoseok come back and him and jimin go back together only for Yoongi to think that Jimin will come back with the way he was acting the other day and Yoongi to run away.
I don't want to impose or change the plot but please
Acquaine #7
Chapter 6: Author-nim you update so fast. I think i just died. Now i know hoseok's reason. I think i understand. Waa but still he was being unfair with jiminie.
Aigooo. Imma jump off the cliff i dont know who i want to end up with jiminie anymore. YQVHHJDSIQ now i also want hobi with jimin. But no. Poor yoongi. He has been inlove with jimin ever since forever. Ohmygaaaad. Eottokaji!? Author-nim wae nae mameul heundeunun geonde?! XD
Acquaine #8
Chapter 5: Waaaaa. Ohmygad! Finally yoongi! XD
Spring125 #9
Chapter 4: That pick up line lol OMG I'm crying already XD
Acquaine #10
Chapter 4: I hope yoongi will come and make jimi feel better. TT my heart breaks for jiminie. He needs love! Hwaiting author-nim!