ㅤㅤ「 私の星 」ㅤㅤthoughts & ideas (´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊ ).


"friends are like bras: close to your heart and alwayS There for support."


inspired by: sakurasou no pet na kanojo, boarding house 24, roommate, several applyfics i've come across like attic cats, etc.
junsang boarding house has been around for almost 80 years now, first set up by the elderly couple who were once teachers in the university a ten minute walk away from the boarding house. it served the purpose of providing students who, had to live away from their parents and couldn't find a cheaper place to stay at, providing meals and lodging for anyone and everyone. with a cheap rent, free meals and laundry services, it was often the first place students of seungbokdong university would think of when deciding on a place of residence back in its heyday. however, with the development of modern times, fewer and fewer students started getting attracting to the quaint little boarding house and instead opted for the expensive premium condominiums everywhere. the elderly couple have passed away, and with the boarding house left to the care of their lazy son who honestly doesn't give two s and cooks horrible tasting food, the standards junsang boarding house has definitely detoriated by a lot. right now, it is june 2016, and to the residents of junsang boarding house's horror, the 'owner' of the boarding house is considering selling away the boarding house to a developer who would like to use the land to build something else instead. it is up to the last seven tenants left staying in junsang boarding house to convince the world that the little rickety boarding house means something to them, and deserves the plot of land it owns right now. but how can seven university students stop a whole crowd of businessmen when they're just... kids? let operation junsang commence.

▶ the attached — the oldest of all the tenants and having lived in junsang boarding house for almost seven years now, it's easy to know that this particular boarder is the most attached to the place, almost even more than the son himself. he was horrified when he realized that junsang's lease was going to expire soon and was the one who raised up the operation to the rest of the gang.

▶ the ''''rebel''''  — honestly, everyone in junsang knows that this boarder doesn't need junsang. born into a rich family, this boarder comes from a wealthy background and only needs to ask his or her parents for something and he / she would receive it immediately. the only reason why he / she's staying in junsang is because he / she doesn't want his / her parents' help and wants to prove that he / she can be independent.
▶ the mysterious — no one sees this boarder outside his / her room. constantly cooped up and refusing to eat dinner or any meals with the rest of the boarders outside, even though most boarders have known him for at least a year already, they barely know anything about him / her because he's practically a ghost, never stepping out. the boarders have made plenty of theories and rumours about him, from being the leader of some gang to being a secret addict.
▶ the genius — this boarder's a genius. a prodigy. everything. he / she's far from being the model student, since he / she doesn't really care about his / her studies but just his / her passion. it doesn't matter anyway since he / she has photographic memory and just needs to glance at the textbook once and they'd get full marks for whatever test it is. he / she's appeared in the newspapers a couple times already for the amazing things he / she's uncovered.
▶ the sporty — the opposite of the genius, this boarder is what most people know as 'the dumb jock'. he / she may be the captain of the [ sport name here ] team that's won 23840923840 awards, but it's hard to ignore the constant 'f's on his / her report card and the constant threat to kick him / her out of university if he / she doesn't get his / her grades up.
▶ the foreigner — hailing from outside korea, this boarder's come to korea to study and [ optional ] pursue his / her dreams. he / she sometimes feels isolated from the rest and stands out among the crowd of natives, but most of the time the boarders have nothing against this boarder, it's just his / her own mind doing its job of overthinking.
▶ the newbie — the baby of the group, this boarder only recently joined the university and rented a room in junsang. he / she's still new to the whole thing and the boarders might be the closest thing that's family to him / her, so when he / she realizes that that's gonna be stripped away from his / her soon, you can say he / she's more than a little shocked.

notes: i'm so excited 4 this one omg ; v ; there's a high chance of me doing this one,,,,, but i'm not sure whether people'd like it or nah, hee. highly inspired by the anime sakurasou no pet na kanojo!!!! < 3 seven applicants'll be needed, i don't think i'll have a character in the story, maybe that lazy son pmsl. 



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softboi #1
Chapter 6: i have been waiting for a fic like this
i have characters i've been waiting to use otl