Day 6

Every day

“So did Kyungsoo kill you?” Is the first thing Jongin asks him when the waiter leaves their table. Baekhyun rolls his eyes. He’s really not in the mood for jokes.

“Well I’m here now so no.”

Jongin just raises his left brow. He spends a few seconds chewing and tasting his cake, before he swallows and goes for another bite.

“You sure about that, because you seem pretty dead on the inside.”

“Thank you Jongin.” Baekhyun answers and takes a bite of his cake too. “Did Sehun give you a wedgie?”


They had decided to visit a café after work. Both had noticed each other’s rather sour mood that day, and going out for sweets seemed like a good idea. Jongin had suggested it not even an hour into their shift, although Baekhyun had only been there for less than ten minutes. He was quite late, more than usual, and it made Jongin worry.

Baekhyun agreed at once. He had been craving something sweet ever since he entered his apartment the day before after his visit at Kyungsoo’s, breathless and cold from running all the way home in the chilly weather. His candy storage hadn’t been enough to please him, and he was too lazy to leave his couch. He only made it to the afternoon shift with the thought of getting his kicked by the Kung Fu panda if he didn’t show up.

To say Baekhyun wanted the shift today to end as quickly as possible was an understatement. He felt a bit childish, like an elementary school kid that’s been promised treats after homework, but he didn’t care.  He’d been close to dragging Jongin after him to their destined café. The younger might have longer legs than him, but his walk is lazy.

Baekhyun had looked for a table while Jongin ordered the usual; chocolate cake for himself and strawberry cheesecake for Baekhyun. It wasn’t the first time they had done this; they had been here three days in a row when Baekhyun had lost the employee of the month title to Sehun.

He had been checking his phone when Jongin sat down in front of him. Jongin had said that he found it buried among the mittens. He can’t recall being there last Friday, he remembers having his phone during the weekend anyway, but he had sold a pair on Monday. Still, he’s phone had already been gone that morning before work.

He placed his phone on the table when Jongin sat down. He had given him a tight lipped smile and tapped the table with his hands in a random rhythm.

It’s then he notices the problem.


Baekhyuns gaze keep shifting inside of the café. Every now and then his eyes would rest a bit on a spot behind him before he would duck his head or pretend like it’s nothing. He looks nervous, sliding a bit down in his seat and taking small bites of his cake. Jongin can’t help to wonder why he’s acting like that. He was expecting them to be on their second piece by now, but Baekhyun is only halfway done with his first. They haven’t talked much yet. Jongin wants Baekhyun to start. It must be serious if he’s acting like that.  

His patience runs out in the end though. It’s getting boring to wait and he really wants another piece of cake. He looks up from his plate to ask Baekhyun to hurry with his eating. Just then, Baekhyun raises his hand and his lips form a smile. It looked uncertain he remembers later.

The greeting isn’t directed to him, but someone behind him.

Jongin turns to see who Baekhyun had exchanged the small greeting with. He knows Baekhyun isn’t as social as he might seem like outside of work, so seeing one of his friends is quite the accomplishment.

Jongin does expect it to be one of the elder costumers, but to his surprise it isn’t.

The guy shifts his eyes from Baekhyun to him. He’s handsome Jongin has to admit. Big eyes, straight nose, full lips, sharp jaw, fair skin and big ears that are highlighted by the slicked up hair. The grey hair looks good on him, but why would you even want to color it that way? It complements well with his dark blue suit that’s nicely fitted on broad shoulders and an apparent tall stature. The guy screams expensive, high class, fine taste and important. But most importantly; how on earth did Baekhyun know him?

The guy sends him a friendly and easy smile followed by a small wave.  He looks young, maybe a bit older than them. He doesn’t seem too bad either considering that he had smiled and not just given him a nod of acknowledgment. Jongin returns the gesture a bit too enthusiastically for a stranger, but a (hopefully) friend of Baekhyun is a (sooner or later) friend of him. He definitely wouldn’t mind partying with this rich, good-looking dude.

Baekhyun clears his throat to get Jongins attention again. He doesn’t want to give Chanyeol the idea that they want to invite him over. It doesn’t seem to be a problem though, because he sees him focusing on the papers scattered on the table like he had before he noticed Baekhyun again when Jongin starts asking.

“Who’s that?”

“A friend of Kyungsoo” Baekhyun sighs. The events from yesterday are still fresh in his mind. Jongin’s snort brings him back to reality.

“Kyungsoo has friends?”

I’m his friend you know…” Baekhyun says with a frown and looks at the suit clad male. His eyebrows are furrowed together and his lips form a slight pout. He breaks his focus on the papers to look at his big silver clock on his left wrist. Baekhyun could never imagine to be greeted by such a look on the otherwise average and goofy looking guy. He looks good. “…and apparently that guy is too.”

“He must be quite the weirdo.” Jongin chuckles and goes for Baekhyun’s still unfinished cake. He’s chewing happily when he meets Baekhyun’s intense stare.

“Excuse me?”

Jongin just tilts his head from side to side cutely while chewing exaggeratedly to .

“Do you know what you just implied?” Baekhyun tries again with a low voice, eyes still staring into Jongin’s.  Jongin makes a little noise out of confusion, then realization, and swallows quickly.

“I-I mean he must be an awesome guy to have melted Kyungsoo’s heart.”

The words make him wince slightly, but Baekhyun covers it with a roll of his eyes.

“I don’t know…”

Kyungsoo’s words rings in his head. You could say he makes me get up in the morning. The thought of Chanyeol and Kyungsoo being a thing sting a bit. He feels left out for no apparent reason. At least he melted Kyungsoo’s icy heart too. Kind of.

 “Oh?” Jongin drags out and takes another piece of his cake. “Are you jealous that you’re not the only one Kyungsoo has as a contact on his phone anymore?”

 “I’m pretty sure he deleted me as soon as he found out that I had saved my number on his phone.” Baekhyun says with a shrug. He tries to pretend that he doesn’t care, but he’s honestly a bit embarrassed and doesn’t want to talk about Chanyeol anymore. He glances at him to make sure that he isn’t looking at them before he continues. “The first time I called him after I did it he kept lecturing me about leaving other people phone alone. After that he’s always answered me with who’s this?

He looks at Chanyeol again when he gets startled by his phone ringing. Lanky arms search every pocket to stop the loud noise as fast as possible. His face flushes out of embarrassment and he quickly beds down to collect the papers that went flying while answering the call.  

“At first I would answer back with a weird voice and pretend I was different people, but then he started to hang up on me so I stopped.”

“Why hasn’t he killed you yet?” Jongin is only halfheartedly paying attention and he doesn’t really catch everything he’s saying. The reply is fitting for pretty much anything that has to do with Baekhyun and Kyungsoo in one sentence, so he uses it on autopilot. Although he was busy thirsting for another piece of cake he doesn’t miss the falter of eye contact Baekhyun does.

“No idea.”

Chanyeol leaves the café in a hurry, still on the phone and his face painted with an emotion Baekhyun can’t read.

It becomes quiet between them again. Mostly because Jongin had decided to take Baekhyun’s cake and eat the rest of it by himself. It’s the perfect timing for Baekhyun to start annoy Jongin.

“Speaking of friends, how did it go with Sehun?”

Jongin groans and falls back in his chair and crosses his arms.

“He’s such a jerk. I hope his play flops.” He speaks with the last piece of cake still in his mouth. He had said the exact same words when Baekhyun had asked him earlier that day, and he wasn’t going to let him of that easily.

“I want the details this time.”

“There’s really nothing more to say. He just stood behind the counter the entire time looking like he wanted to be anywhere but there.”

Baekhyun doesn’t have a hard time imagine the tall guy standing there with his blank face like a statue. He’s pretty sure he doesn’t do much in the store unless Tao tells him to.

“Maybe he’s practicing for his role.” Baekhyun muses.


“His role. For the play?” Jongin looks confused and shakes his head to show that he doesn’t understand.  “He’s a tree right?”

“No, he’s the freaking prince charming.” He snorts and answers back with a pout.

“What!?” Sehun actually acting? Does that guy even have any emotions? Baekhyun notes in his head that they have to go and watch it.

“Yeah I know….” Jongin sinks down in seat and uncrosses his arm. “You should take it as a compliment though.”

“Me, why?”

Jongin chuckles and sits up straight again. Baekhyun doesn’t like how the conversation is turning back to him.

“I told you that Soonkyu was there yesterday with the mittens?”

Baekhyun nods.

“Well she thought Sehun was you.”

Baekhyun gasps and puts a hand over his heart for dramatic effect. He feels a bit betrayed by his favorite costumer.

“She was like kids and their growth spurts and – “ Jongin can’t help but laugh. “she told me to make sure you didn’t get too much into the bad-boy character.”

“W-what!” Sure, Baekhyun would admit that he wasn’t the nicest kid around, but he didn’t even own a leather jacket.

Jongin just shakes his head and smiles.

“She forgot her glasses.”

“Oh, I see.” Baekhyun gives a fond smile of his own. But if she forgot her glasses then…  

“How did she take home the right teacup?”

“You mean the bright red one that I might have placed with all the white ones when I saw her entering?”

“That’s good. The cup is perfect for her.”

It becomes silent between them once again. Baekhyun wiggles a bit in his chair to a random tune in his head. Jongin is looking at the two empty plates in front of him deep in thoughts.


 Baekhyun stops wiggling and hums to acknowledge that he had heard him. Jongin lifts his face slowly, and Baekhyun is met with serious eyes.

“Do you or do you not make her buy stuff that would never be bought otherwise?”

“Are you making fun of me!?”

“No, Baekhyun please sit down.”



1947 words


I'm late but Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thank you to those of you who took the survey! It was fun seeing where you guys are from lol, but it made me a bit nervous too because wow you're actually real people

We got to see a different side of Chanyeol today!
While I was writing this chapter I want to make a fic with obviously biual and really flirty Chanyeol (I have no idea why), but I have that Wolf!au that I promised like three months ago and haven’t properly started with too oops

Should I add which day it is in the beginning of the chapters? Because it's a day by day thing so idk maybe it would be smart

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flowersfrom-paradise #1
Chapter 10: this is so nice!!! keep up the good work!
zengkelly #2
Chapter 7: I'm seeing a possibility of sekai in this story n i hope it will happen ^^
bluefrenchfries #3
Chapter 2: And then Chanyeol go to where Baekhyun is working to buy a Suit for an event and then they will meet each other hahaha:D
bluefrenchfries #4
Chapter 2: I like your writing style!Lol so random,but yeah:D Clothing store,because....Well,just because._. It's gonna be amazing,right?like a suit shop or something like that._.
myung-yeollipop #5
Chapter 2: no! cafe is very common already. :)
sounds interesting ^^