Day 5 - Jongin

Every day

Not proofread and lame. Might be important for later.



It had started the moment Sehun had walked into the store on time like he owned the place. Jongin, who had forgotten about Baekhyun and Sehuns swap, had been dancing around rather enthusiastically with the broom in the store, already used to Baekhyuns late arrival. Although he wouldn’t admit it if you asked him, he had been quite embarrassed. The embarrassment had quickly turned back to its mild hatred as Sehun had told him to get his together. Not with those exact words, but that was basically what he had meant. He had turned down the volume on the radio and proceeded to boss him around as the day went on.

Jongin had never really liked the other. He couldn’t figure out why someone like him worked in a field where he had to interact with people. Sehun didn’t lack social skills or was socially awkward. He just didn’t… care? Jongin hadn’t really noticed him before Baekhyun pointed out that it was weird that he worked there. And so over time Jongin had grown to dislike him. It had come to the point where he would criticize the smallest mistake he could catch.

He still wasn’t over Sehun snagging the employee of the month from Baekhyun. In other words, he snagged the title from Baekhyun and a sponsored night out at the club for Jongin in the process. Jongin really couldn’t help but be bitter.

Now he certainly wasn’t going to let himself be ordered around by the afternoon shift head. Sure Sehun was older and had worked there longer, but this was Jongins shift and his regular costumers they were going to deal with. It was him who should be in charge.

Jongin side eyes the blank looking man currently cashing in Soonkyus order; a prettily decorated tea cup. She had come in to drop off her annual knitted mitten delivery, and decided to buy the beautiful cup she had been eyeing during her last visit. Back then Baekhyun had eagerly encouraged her to buy it, but she had been stubborn and bought a vase instead. Now it was Sehun who had casually greeted her buy the counter.

Last time she was also wearing her glasses.   

“Oh my dear Baekhyun, is that really you?”


“No need to be shy Bakehyun-ie, kids your age grow quite fast you know. One day they’re chubby little beings and the next they are full grown young men after a growth spurt overnight.”

“That would be 4 dollars and 90 cent ma’am.”

“Oh I see. Can’t be seen with an old grandma am I right? Don’t want to scare the pretty girls away.”

“Here’s your change”

“My my Baekhyun-ie. Well, the girls like the cold mysterious type. Keep it up handsome. I’ll see you next week!”

She chuckles and winks at him before she heads towards the entrance. Jongin won’t let her leave without saying goodbye to him. She’s a regular costumer after all, and not initiating for a quick chat would be rude of him. He would love to hear what she’s been up to the past week.

And maybe for her to call him handsome too.

He quickly walks up beside her, and presents her with his best smile.

“Hello Soonkyu! I see you finally bought the tea cup?”

“Ah yes Jongin-ie. I’ve been thinking about it all week. I barely finished my knitting on time!” She exclaims enthusiastically.  

“I’m glad you like it! I’m sure it will fit in nicely in your home.” Considering how Baekhyun keeps picking out things for you to buy.

“I think so too. Baekhyun-ie has nice taste doesn’t he?”

Jongin wants to say no, because his taste is rather random. He would love to see how Soonkyus home would look by now. He’s pretty sure he can visit if he asks, but he has decided to wait at least a year so Baekhyun can pick out more weird stuff for her.

“He really do.” They reach the exit and Soonkyu turns so she stands directly in front of him. Like this the top of her head doesn’t even reach his chin, so he gently bends down a bit.

“Make sure Baekhyun-ie doesn’t get too much into character.” She says with a slight frown and gently pats his cheeks. “Bye Jongin-ie!”

“Bye bye! See you next week!” He waves after her until he can’t see her anymore.

Well, she’s up for a surprise.


“Hey Jongin!” he hears Sehun call for him. Sehun heads towards him with the box of mittens from Soonkyu. He decides to meet him halfway, so the grumpy “handsome” elder doesn’t have to walk too far. Also with them both standing near the exit it might look like they’re about to leave. Being the only two workers there at the moment it wouldn’t leave a god impression, and Jongin had been seeing a woman eyeing them rather suspiciously. Either she’s there to evaluate them for the business survey or hopefully she’s too scared to ask for help.

“What’s up Baek”

“Very funny. Take this in the back and put the tags on them.”

Jongin replies with a simple sure while Sehun hands over the box to him. If he had bothered to check he would have seen the red ribbons that connected the mittens in pairs. It was considered enough for them to be put on display. They would be lying in a pile with a dozen others with a sign above were the price was, so there was no need to price them individually. But of course Sehun wouldn’t know that. It was his panda co worked who roamed in that part of the store.

He turns his head to see Sehun returning to the counter. He couldn’t help but think that he looked rather uncomfortable. Why is he only standing by the counter anyway?

Jongin is about to dump the mittens in their rightful place when he spots something black and shiny. He fishes out a phone with a Rilakkuma phone case.

So that’s where Baekhyuns phone had disappeared.

He swiftly pockets the phone in his back pocket before returning to his work.

I’ll give it back tomorrow.



1029 words

Hello hello~

Am I the only one who thinks that Baekhyun and Sehun look kinda alike? Like they could be brothers or something?

But yeah, my exam went well and my birthday passed nicely. Sing For You was the best present ever!!! When MID came out on the 9th I was like damn so close... but this time it was on my birthday (although it still was on the 9th because of time difference but whatever!)!!! Also I'm officially an adult now, and I honestly don't know how I should feel about it. At least I won't feel bad about clicking on yes I'm 18 or older when I'm offline lol

Also I'm not from the states so I have no idea how dollars work. Please forgive me if I'm making mistakes.

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flowersfrom-paradise #1
Chapter 10: this is so nice!!! keep up the good work!
zengkelly #2
Chapter 7: I'm seeing a possibility of sekai in this story n i hope it will happen ^^
bluefrenchfries #3
Chapter 2: And then Chanyeol go to where Baekhyun is working to buy a Suit for an event and then they will meet each other hahaha:D
bluefrenchfries #4
Chapter 2: I like your writing style!Lol so random,but yeah:D Clothing store,because....Well,just because._. It's gonna be amazing,right?like a suit shop or something like that._.
myung-yeollipop #5
Chapter 2: no! cafe is very common already. :)
sounds interesting ^^