Day 5

Every day


“Kyungsoo!” Baekhyuns whine resonates through the store even before the bell rings. The lights are off and he can’t really see the counter further in. The store isn’t open yet after all, if the big CLOSED sign in the window was any indication. But Baekhyun knows he’s here, and he’s close; the door had been open.

He doesn’t dare to walk past the doormat. His shoes are wet from a light snowfall earlier that morning, so he opts to stand there awkwardly. He’s tempted to walk in, but he’d rather stay away from Kyungsoos wrath if he can.

“Kyungsoo?” Baekhyun tries again, adding some aegyo to stay on his good side. It could be a bad idea, but it’s better than moving.

He hears a loud sigh from inside the store, and the person in question pops up suspiciously like he’d been hiding behind the counter.

“What?” There’s a little bite to his words, but Baekhyun pays it no mind. Instead he his head cutely to the side and waves.


Kyungsoo groans and stretches himself over the counter like it’s the most comfortable thing in the world.

“Why are you here?”

Baekhyun lets out a dramatic sigh, bows his head and sways his arms childishly, bringing out more of his aegyo and answering with pursed lips.

“I wanted to spend some quality time with my best bud SooSoo..!”

He’s doing this purposely, because he knows how much Kyungsoo hates it. Anything is heaven compared to this for him, so it’s a bigger chance that he’ll agree to Baekhyuns real offer. There’s a reason why Baekhyun is the one that’s doing this, mostly because the others, especially Jongin, are scared of the cold attitude and aura the other emits.

He sees Kyungsoo closing his eyes in disgust. Score!

“No thanks. Get to the point.”

Baekhyun clears his throat and stands up straight again.

“We got in a stack of CDs, vinyls and cassettes the other day, so I was asked to ask you if you were interested in buying.”

Kyungsoo opens his eyes and looks around the store. Baekhyun follows his example and notices the rather empty shelves and boxes.

“Maybe. Probably. I’ll come by later and look at them.”


None of them moves from their spot. They continue in an awkward silence for a little less than a minute before Kyungsoos stare becomes too much for Bakehyun.

“Also I lost my phone.”

“Yeah ok, I don’t have it.” Kyungsoo says before he gets up from his previous position slowly. He turns around and waves a dismissive hand, “You can go now.”

“Hmm…” Baekhyun hums loudly while bending down. “Nah.”

He starts to tie up his shoes and taking them off as a sort of peace offering, before stepping further in to the store. Kyungsoo snorts when he sees Baekhyuns thick wool socks.

“I see you planned this out.” 

“I had to switch shifts with Sehun today. Jongin said he’s part of a play in the theater.” Baekhyun laughs sheepishly, “I can’t really imagine him as an actor thought. He’s probably a tree in the background or something.”

“Does he really have to practice for that?”

“Well you got to remember when you have to be on stage? Costume-fitting?” Baekhyun reaches the counter and leans on it with folded arms. “Practicing standing straight?”

Kyungsoo gives him a pointed look.

“I don’t know! Maybe he’s a talking tree? I’ve heard he’s a good dancer so yeah maybe there’s some dancing.” Baekhyun shrugs and turns to look around in the store. “Anyway, where do you need me?”


Turns out that despite the state of the store it was still a lot to do. Kyungsoo explained while they went into the staffroom to get the cleaning supplies that a group of art students had been there yesterday and bought a bunch of vinyls. “They’re going to use it for a project. Tear the covers apart. Break the records. I really didn’t need that information.” Baekhyun had wiped an imaginary tear while filling the bucket with water. “Don’t worry Soo, I won’t go to the exhibition.”

Baekhyun had started by emptying the shelves and boxes, being careful to stack everything in the order they had been because he knew how strict Kyungsoo was at having everything in alphabetic order. Also he didn’t like to waste time. He was so into it that he didn’t really pay attention to what artists he had been stacking. He had however been a bit suspicious when a The Clash vinyl had been on the top of the pile and a NSYNC vinyl was ten records later. His curiosity shot through the roof when Kyungsoo a few minutes later had bumped into a stack of CD’s who spilled all over the floor, and when Baekhyun had shrieked and tried in a desperate attempt to stack everything in order again, Kyungsoo had simply told him to let them be. 

“Excuse me what?”  Baekhyun is lying on the floor. Limbs in every direction trying to catch as many CD’s he can reach. There’s already a few swiped in between his arms, one of them poking his neck uncomfortably.  

“Yeah, don’t worry about it.” Kyungsoo says while softly kicking some of the CD’s to make place for his feet and walking over Baekhyun.

“What!” He can’t believe his eyes. Kyungsoo just kicked a CD. He turns and lies on his back so he can better see him when he hears Kyungsoo sigh.

Even with the weird perspective from lying on the ground and Kyungsoo having his back to him, Baekhyun can see how gloomy he is. It’s like a big grey cloud is hanging over his head, and totally not a broken light bulb. He hears him take a deep breath. Well this can’t be good.

“There was a few teenage hipster wannabes here last week…”

Baekhyun gasps. Teenage hipster wannabes.

“… and they...”

Kyungsoo turns abruptly and his eyes pierce Baekhyuns.

 “…ruined my store!”  

Kyungsoo growls out loudly. His statue is tense, eyes on fire. It’s like every cell in his body is in rage.

Baekhyun wants to get up, but he can’t. Not when Kyungsoo is towering over him like this. This possessive side over the store is oddly cute, and Baekhyun honestly wants to laugh, but if he did he would be dead.

But it’s starting to make sense now. He picks up two CD’s next to him and looks at them. One of them is in the right place, but the other belongs in the pop section on the other side of the room. He gestures the pop CD towards the classic rock sign on the shelf to his left.

“I see” They messed up the whole store.

“They walked around and picked up anything they recognized. Trying to impress each other by knowing the most artists. Leaving the records and CD’s wherever they seemed fit. Those loud s were here forever! It was torture!”

Kyungsoo yells and his arms are flying everywhere. Baekhyun can’t remember him being this expressive before. He suppresses a snicker. Seeing Kyungsoo this upset is too funny. Let the kids live a little.

Kyungsoo scoffs and leans his head on the cold wood of the shelves.

“In the end they bought a Ramones vinyl.”

Baekhyun gasps loudly and falls back on the floor dramatically. There’s a small smile on his lips thought.

You’re not kidding me Kyungsoo. I know your first vinyl was a Ramones one too. It’s framed in the staffroom and you look at it when you feel down.

The dramatic gesture doesn’t sit well with Kyungsoo, so he decides to step on his stomach when he walks to the counter. Although it’s painful, Baekhyun knows it’s well deserved.

Still, there’s something he can’t seem to understand. This happened last week. Knowing Kyungsoo, he would’ve stayed up all night putting everything in place. Why didn’t he? And more importantly, how hasn’t he died yet from guilt when a customer pulls out Britneys Oops… I Did It Again among Queen?

He gets up on all fours, head in Kyungsoos direction, and starts collecting the scattered CD’s. He has to do it at some point anyway.

“Can I ask, why didn’t you do anything about this before?”

Baekhyun looks up at Kyungsoo just as he hops on the counter. He sighs and crosses his right leg over the left.

“There’s only so much I can do Baekhyun.” There’s a tiny smile playing on his lips. “And you sent a text last week where you promised to visit remember?”

An “I did?” almost slips past his lips because he really can’t remember. He’s certain that he was asked to come here by the thrift shop owner yesterday. And since that’s not the case, what plans in the past had he cancelled to promise to come?

“You said that you would bring coffee too.”

Baekhyun frowns. He can’t figure out if Kyungsoos playing with him or not. That’s something he honestly could have done, especially with Kyungsoo. He didn’t today because he knew he would be scrubbing the floors alone while Kyungsoo was sipping both of their coffees.

He hears Kyungsoo laughing almost inaudiobly of him then.


Baekhyun huffs and gets up, the CD’s forgotten on the floor. He gets the bucket of water and cloth and starts to wash the rest of the shelves. Kyungsoo hums a bit while still sitting on the counter.

He’s about to start on the long dreaded top shelf when the bell above the door rings. He doesn’t bother to turn around, but tiptoes so he might reach the back of the shelf. Kyungsoo greets the customer, obviously a regular by the informal first naming. His heels meet the ground though when the costumer answers with an all too familiar deep voice. 

“Hey Chanyeol”

“Yo yo what’s up Kyungie!”

Baekhyun sees Kyungsoo cringe. Instead of insulting him like he would have done to Baekhyun he simply laughs and hops down from the counter.

“I’ve got your order, so if you’d come with me in the back then we’ll figure this out.”

Baekhyun knows this isn’t how it’s supposed to work. Kyungsoos staffroom is exclusive v.i.p , and why the frick do they have to deal with this in there anyway? How close are these two? 

“Sure!” Chanyeol says and starts taking long strides into the store. He doesn’t make it far before he trips slightly in Baekhyuns abandoned shoes. He looks down angrily at them for a second before his head shoots up and his eyes search for their owner.  

 “Oh hey! Cool seeing you here” He starts to walk in Baekhyuns direction. Baekhyun manages to mumble out a lame uh yeah hi just as he stops in front of him. Chanyeol smiles friendly down at him when he looks at him through his fringe.

“So this is where you work?”

Baekhyun turns to the bucket to explain that he’s only helping out, but Chanyeol spots the rug on the top shelf first.

“Here I’ll help you.”

Chanyeol steps closer to him and takes the rug effortlessly. Baekhyun can only stare as he works swiftly, not completely sure what’s going on. He’s moved away gently when Chanyeol needs to continue further along the shelf. The hand on his shoulder is warm.

Chanyeol hands him the rug back less than a minute later.

“There, all done.”

His smile is warmer than his hands.

“Uh.. I..”

“Chanyeol, hurry!”  Kyungsoos voice slashes through the store like a knife.

“Coming!” Chanyeol yells back. He gives Baekhyun a final smile and walks towards Kyungsoo who had stepped out to the counter.

“Baekhyun! Stop fooling around and clean the store!”

The words take Baekhyun by surprise. He sounds stressed.


They come out fifteen minutes later. Chanyeol is laughing loudly, a heavy plastic bag in his right hand, and there’s a very much noticeable smile on Kyungsoos face too.

Baekhyun tries hard not to stare, but he still does. What the hell is going on?

Kyungsoo follows Chanyeol to the door. He leaves with a wave in Baekhyuns direction and a happy bye! to Kyungsoo, and Kyungsoo answers with a too enthusiastic See ya!


“You know him?” Baekhyun shrieks as soon as he’s out the door.

“Yeah, you could say he makes me get up in the morning” Kyungsoo says and throws Baekhyuns shoes that he left by the door at his direction.

“What?” Baekhyun stands dumbfounded. Kyungsoo walks past him and into the store.

“Yes, now leave” he says before disappearing into the staffroom.

Baekhyun doesn’t even hesitate to put the shoes on. They’re only halfway into their cleaning process, but he doesn’t care. This is stupid and Kyungsoo can do the rest by himself!



2123 words

What just happened!?  Chansoo??? (」゜ロ゜)」


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flowersfrom-paradise #1
Chapter 10: this is so nice!!! keep up the good work!
zengkelly #2
Chapter 7: I'm seeing a possibility of sekai in this story n i hope it will happen ^^
bluefrenchfries #3
Chapter 2: And then Chanyeol go to where Baekhyun is working to buy a Suit for an event and then they will meet each other hahaha:D
bluefrenchfries #4
Chapter 2: I like your writing style!Lol so random,but yeah:D Clothing store,because....Well,just because._. It's gonna be amazing,right?like a suit shop or something like that._.
myung-yeollipop #5
Chapter 2: no! cafe is very common already. :)
sounds interesting ^^