Day 1

Every day


It’s late October and a week or two before Baekhyun catches his annual early winter cold. Baekhyun is on his way to work and he’s freezing. Only clad in his trusty beanie because the walk isn’t that long, Baekhyun is starting to regret his decision. His sweatshirt and jeans are doing nothing to stop the crispy wind and he silently curses himself for not checking the forecast.

“It was hot yesterday” he says to himself for the third time that week, not bothering to whisper. The people around him are too occupied with their morning coffees, mobile phones and coats. He decides to glare at everyone just a little bit.


By the next traffic light Baekhyun is considering to just make a run for it, but the light turns red.  Receiving a knowing look from the older lady to his right, he lightly jogs on the spot, trying not to bump into any suitcases or expensive looking people. He feels awfully out of place, and man why can’t the light just turn green already?

Eventually it does, but when Baekhyun is a about to walk away as fast as possible a deep chuckle and a light hand on his shoulder holds him back.

“Are you cold?”

Startled, Baekhyun turns to his left for less than a second before turning back. His original escape route is useless now that people had started walking again, and he feels slightly dizzy trying to keep up with all the feet moving on the ground. The hand travels down to the middle of his back, slightly pushing him forwards to keep him walking.

“No” he says when they’ve crossed the street. The hand leaves, and the figure steps next to him. Baekhyun looks up and is met with a smile and slightly mocking eyes. He feels a bit uncomfortable.  

“You sure look like it.”

He doesn’t want to keep the conversation going.

“No I’m fine.”


They walk in silence side by side. Or rather, Baekhyun keeps walking and the man continues to stay by his side, every now and then guiding him through the crowd with a hand on his back. He doesn’t like it at all, and the urge to just punch the guy and run rises with every step. But that would attract him unwanted attention, and this morning had already been sour enough.  Baekhyun had decided however that this guy was a total creep, and that there’s no way that he’s letting him know where he works.  He casually takes out his phone from his pocket to check the time. He knows he isn’t late.

“Anyways, I’m late so I got to go.”

That seems to do the trick because Baekhyun can tell that the guys’ feet lose their rhythm a bit. If he had looked up he would have seen his slightly startled face too, like he had been walking in a daze this whole time.

“Uh sure, bye!”

The reply takes Baekhyun by surprise. That was way too easy. He pays it no more thought, and takes an abrupt left turn down a crowded street, trying to blend in the crowd so the guy won’t see where he’s going. It’s the opposite direction of his work, but he really doesn’t care right now. He needs to get away.

It isn’t before another five minutes that Baekhyun dares to look back, and luckily he doesn’t see the guy from earlier. He is late now though, but a simple text to his coworker and a quick explanation will hopefully do the trick. Jongin is quite nice. 


594 words
It's so short omg (。・・。)

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flowersfrom-paradise #1
Chapter 10: this is so nice!!! keep up the good work!
zengkelly #2
Chapter 7: I'm seeing a possibility of sekai in this story n i hope it will happen ^^
bluefrenchfries #3
Chapter 2: And then Chanyeol go to where Baekhyun is working to buy a Suit for an event and then they will meet each other hahaha:D
bluefrenchfries #4
Chapter 2: I like your writing style!Lol so random,but yeah:D Clothing store,because....Well,just because._. It's gonna be amazing,right?like a suit shop or something like that._.
myung-yeollipop #5
Chapter 2: no! cafe is very common already. :)
sounds interesting ^^