To the beach!

Things Woozi Does

“DORKS!” Woozi screams from the car. But Dino and Vernon are already too far away. “Dorks,” he repeats under his breath, laughing and shaking his head.

“They’re just excited, as you should be,” you say. Woozi and you are left to unload the car. Well, Seungkwan’s there too, but he’s too busy rubbing on another layer of sunblock to help you guys with anything. “It’s a day off. Of course they just wanna run around.”

You’re at the beach with your boyfriend and the group’s maknaes. The others are off doing whatever it is they do, but you and Woozi had agreed to take the three youngest out to the beach about a week ago. Woozi had admitted that he had probably been the hardest on them in the studio, so it only fit that they be rewarded. Woozi drove your car with the five of you and immediately after parking, Dino and Vernon ran off to play in the waves. The rest of you are still sitting, watching them sprint into the distance. “How they have so much energy, I’ll never understand.”

You both step out while Seungkwan continues to maximize his level of protection. You pop open the trunk and take out your beach bag, consisting of more sunblock, a towel, a hat, a few water bottles, and other excess things. Woozi takes out a stack of four towels and puts his arm around you. “Seungkwan-ah! You done yet?”

Seungkwan comes out of the car, his face half white while his hand is lathering the other side. “Yes, yes, almost. My skin requires the proper care.”

“Your whole existence requires the proper care,” Woozi teases.

Seungkwan gives him a look, clearly showing that he’s not amused. He then looks to you and raises an eyebrow. “You can do so much better.”

You laugh and walk over to him, helping him put on the rest of the sunscreen. “Ehh, I only stick around to help take care of you guys.”

“What you think I can’t handle this on my own?”

Patting Seungkwan on the cheek, you turn to look at your boyfriend. “Baby, you can’t even handle yourself.”

“I would argue, but I can’t remember a time when you weren’t there for me,” Woozi says, showing off a cheesy smile.

“Aww, you’re cute, baby,” you purr, coming over and hugging him around the waist.

Seungkwan snorts. “Please, do us all a favor and be a little less cute.”

“We can never be as cute as you, Seungwkannie,” you tease.

“Uhh, can we focus on the cutie with his arm around you?” Woozi retorts. You chuckle at your boyfriend’s weird jealousy. It comes and it goes.

Seungkwan closes the trunk after taking out a blanket and Woozi locks the car. You three make your way over to Dino and Vernon, splashing in the waves. Dino’s t-shirt is already soaked through and Vernon’s hair is already dripping. “You guys really couldn’t wait, could you?” you snicker.

Dino exclaims from the ocean, “You’re just slow!”

“You’d be out here too if Woozi-hyung was yelling at you all week,” Vernon taunts, sticking out his tongue.

“Yah!” Woozi yells, letting you go and shoving the towels into Seungkwan’s hands. He sprints out towards Vernon.

“Oh, !” he screams, as he and Dino trek even further out against the waves.

“Don’t curse!” Seungkwan nags, cupping his hand around his mouth so they can hear him. He looks over at you as you two make camp a few feet from the tide. The beach is slow today, probably because it’s a Wednesday. “Jisoo's always talking to him about his language.”

“Well, Joshua’s an angel. Vernon’s…a little less than that.”

Seungkwan chuckles. “Don’t you mean Jeonghan’s an angel?”

You help him spread out his blanket. “They’re like the same person at this point,” you joke, winking.

“Fair enough.”

As you and Seungkwan make yourselves comfortable, you see Woozi finally reach Vernon. He shoves him into the water as the air’s filled with their laughter. Dino tries to help Vernon, but Woozi’s masked strength is unleashed from his small stature as he pulls Dino down as well. Eventually, the maknaes flip the scene and Woozi’s flailing in the water. Giggling, you look over to Seungkwan. You tilt your head towards the others. “Why don’t you join them?”

For a second, you and Seungkwan just stare at each other before bursting into laughter. He rolls over and buries his face into the blanket as you hunch over clutching your stomach. He finally pulls himself together long enough to sputter, “OH, OH, THAT’S A GOOD ONE.”

You unsuccessfully try to open your eyes. “OH, I KNOW I’M SORRY.”

Seungkwan sits back up and wipes a tear from his cheek. “Oh, wow, yeah, okay. No, you should go out there. I’ll watch the stuff.”

With a final laugh, you stand up, take your phone out of your pocket, and throw it on the ground. “THANKS!” You slip out of your sandals and dart towards the mess of splashing a few yards into the water. It takes you a few moments to get used to the pressure of the waves as you move. “JAGIYA, THEY’RE GONNA KILL YOU OUT HERE!” Woozi hollers as he sees you coming closer, a giant grin on his face.

The water’s up to your waist by the time you reach them and you’re appropriately greeted with a massive splash from Dino. Early on, you had made it clear to Woozi and the members that just because you were a girl did not mean you would be excluded from their roughhousing, mostly because the members of Seventeen were definitely not the most…threatening, you could say. The roughest they ever got was when Mingyu accidently pushed Wonwoo off the top bunk when they were wrestling for the blanket. You tackle the maknae who doesn’t go down without a fight. Consequently, Vernon and Woozi pick a side to join the brawl; it’s just that Vernon’s the one helping you and your boyfriend’s trying to shove you under. Woozi eventually grabs you from the waist and throws you into the air before you crash into the ocean. You jump back up, spitting out sea water and wiping your face as you run at him. His smile is blurred when you quickly grip his shoulders and trip him with your leg. He falls with a plop and pulls you down, too. Ten minutes go by before you all make it back to dry land. Seungkwan interrupts his sunbathing to glance at everyone over his sunglasses. He sits up and laughs. “I’m glad you’re all alive.”

He hands the panting Dino a towel, who proceeds to lie down beside him. “Barely alive.”

Vernon chuckles as he pats Dino’s back and sits down next to him. “You fought well, young one. You fought very well.”

Woozi and you watch as Vernon and Dino rest their exhausted selves with Seungkwan. Woozi smiles, “You guys lay there. (Y/N) and I are just gonna go for a walk.”

Dino groans. “How can you still move?”

Vernon looks to you and asks, “(Y/N), are you okay? Jihoon gets so scary when he’s excited.”

You laugh and slap Woozi in the chest. “Oh yeah, he’s so terrifying,” you agree, sarcastically.

“We’ll be back in a bit,” Woozi says through a smile. He takes your hand as he leads you down along the water.

“Does that mean I’m in charge?!” Seungkwan yells out.

Woozi turns around. “Seungkwannie, how many times do we have to tell you? YOU WILL NEVER BE IN CHARGE!”

Seungkwan pouts and crosses his arms. “Some power, that’s all I ask for.”

Vernon grunts as he lays back and puts your hat over his face. “Thank god you never get it.”

You and Woozi stroll together and talk about your past week. It’s been pretty busy so you haven’t really been able to see each other as much as you both would like. “I’m glad we could do this today though,” you say, moving some of the damp clumps of hair out of your face, but the wind continues to whip it around.

Woozi smiles and helps you out. “I am, too.” For a second, he just stares at you. “Hey, do you remember how I confessed to you?”

You’re thrown off a bit by the sudden change in subject. “Yeah?”

“How’d I do it?”

“Well,” you say as you start to think it over. A smile crawls on your face as you recount one of the happiest moments you can remember. “It was…randomly. Since we’d been friends for a while, we were pretty comfortable with each other. We were at a coffee shop that night and we were just talking like we usually did back then. Then you just JUMPED out of your ing seat and starting yelling stuff I just couldn’t understand.” You stop walking to focus on Woozi. “You were just uhh…going crazy, saying all these things like you had always felt something more for me and that you just couldn’t hold it in anymore. I was scared ‘cause I thought there was something actually wrong with you.” He laughs as he clutches your hand tighter. “Then you took your drink and splashed it in your face. I remember really thinking you were insane.” You pause to laugh with him. “But then, you looked me in the eyes, coffee dripping all over, gave me the biggest smile, and told me that you loved me.”

Woozi his lips and smiles. “Yeah, that was not cold coffee.”

You chuckle as you clutch his face. “I’m lucky there’s no damage, then.”

“You mean I’m lucky.”

“That too,” you tease. “Why’re you asking about your confession?”

He smirks and lets go of your hand. You watch him as he gets back into the ocean. Once he’s about knee high, he turns back to you and laughs, spreading out his arms. You explode into laughter. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”


“WELL THANKS!” you scream back. Woozi has the dorkiest expression and you’re probably wearing one just as bad.

He continues to shout as the wind picks up and battles his volume. “BUT EVERY MOMENT AFTER THAT, I SAW THAT THERE WAS SOMETHING THAT I SO STUPIDLY MISSED! I’M SO HAPPY I FINALLY REACHED THE POINT WHERE I KNEW THAT THERE WAS NOTHING MORE I WANTED THAN TO BE WITH YOU AND MAKE YOU AS HAPPY AS YOU MAKE ME!” With that and without a warning, Woozi closes his eyes, tilts his head back, and falls straight back into the water.

“OH MY GOD, BABY!” you holler, still laughing as you run out to him.

Once you reach him, he shoots out of the water and grabs you by the shoulders. His face is as soaked as the day he confessed, but his smile is somehow even brighter. “(Y/N), I LOVE YOU! EVEN MORE THAN I DID WHEN I FIRST TOLD YOU, AND EVERY DAY IT JUST BECOMES MORE AND MORE!” He pulls you into his body and kisses you hard. You can’t contain your laughing and he’s forced to let you go for a second. He hugs your head and kisses the top of it. Out of breath, he says, “I love you so much, (Y/N).”

You smile into his chest and hug him back. “I love you too, my crazy Jihoonie.”

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Chapter 39: These stories are too cute!
Chapter 39: Lol he's sooo freaken cute VERY NICE. Please update soon
spacemilk #3
Chapter 39: Author-nim~ Will you update more stories like these? ㅋㅋ They all are so good~♥ Make me squeal so hard just to imagine woozi did such things~~ You're really good at describing! Author-nim, I hope you will update soon!
Chapter 10: Why Wonwoo called Woozi Hyung? Wonwoo and Woozi is the same age and beside, He is older than Jihoon about 4 Month and 37 Days to be exact~ :-/ :-D No heart take, I'm just asking
Chapter 7: I love you JeongSoo couple. BTW thank you for the ice-bucket water XD :-D
Sialover #6
Chapter 33: Please update more!!!!! I love this fanfic
jlwildchild #7
Chapter 39: Omg this series is like the reason my account is still in use!!! Could u please make 1 for vernon and seungcheol and maybe the rest of the crew? itld be cool to have 1 for every member, but no presure or anything :))
gina1402 #8
Chapter 39: OMGGG thanks for writing another chapter of woozi !!~
Chapter 39: Cuteeeeeeeeeee