

A/N: Congrats to us, because #YunJaeisBack2015 !! <3




“Come on, pick up.”

A couple more rings, still, nothing.

The number you have dialled cannot be rea-

“Damn it.” He redials. He’s been harassing his phone ever since the end of his last class. Most of the students had already left, while some hung around the classroom. His pale fingers tapped impatiently on wooden desk while his left hear was red from the constant contact with the phone.

“Hey do you know who that guy is?”

“That man in the baseball tee? No, I think he’s new.” The two girls that sat near Jaejoong’s desk gossiped as they stole glances from the man sitting a couple of rows behind him. Yunho’s eyes were fixated on his book, but he was all ears with his surroundings.

The number you have dialled-

He bit his lips and redials again. How many missed calls did he make already?

“He’s h.o.t! You think we should talk to him?” The giggly girl nudged his friend, consciously combing her curly, hair sprayed hair with her fingers.

“I know right? He looks so intimidating, though. Do you think he has a girlfriend? Just look at those arms-“

“Can you shut the up and take your crap somewhere else? I’m trying to make a call here.” Jaejoong snapped, making the two girls gasp on his crudity. Their mouths gaped and their drawn eyebrows crinkled while Jaejoong kept his glare, jerking his chin to tell the girls to piss off. The two snarled, but stood up and walked off anyways.

“What the hell was that? Just because he’s a little rich and good looking.”

“We all know he’s just buying through college, bastard wouldn’t last if not.”

Now that the bugs were gone, he could finally listen peacefully to the ringing and the monotonous voice that would follow soon after. He fondled his phone to redial once again.

“Why aren’t you answering my-“

“Something the matter?” Yunho was standing behind Jaejoong, startling the latter as he quickly pocketed his phone.

“Oh, nothing.” Jaejoong stood up and grabbed his things. “Just trying to keep in touch with my…queer friends. You know, you should meet this guy you’re totally his type-“

“You’re meeting Park Yoochun, right?.” Yunho pretended that he didn’t hear a thing. “Let’s not make him wait.”

Yunho walked off. Jaejoong smirked before following the man out.

It wasn’t as bad as he expected–Yunho being at school with him. He thought that the bodyguard would stick to him like an annoying booger, but instead, he barely noticed the tall man there. Well, he is there, but he would usually be somewhere behind or just hovering close by.

Actually, it felt more like having a stalker rather than a bodyguard, because he could feel eyes watching him and it would sometimes send shivers down his spine. It was undeniably creepy.

So, Jaejoong refuses to give in. Yes, he was kind of being an insufferable brat but if he can’t fire this man, he’ll make sure he’ll quit.

He had tried many things for the last few days, like calling the man in the middle of the night and faking an emergency. Yunho had rushed into his apartment breathless, with bed hair and heavy eyes, only to find Jaejoong struggling to open a jar of mayonnaise.

Jaejoong would purposely soil Yunho’s clothes just so he’d have no choice but to wear Jaejoong’s spare shirt (which he ‘coincidentally’ brought with him), so the bodyguard ended up walking though campus in a pink, unicorn-beaded shirt.

The constant teasing and pretense flirting was where he’d get the most lethal of glares from Yunho, but other than that, the guy didn’t show any sign of quitting.

Jaejoong was running out of ideas, but he won’t give up either. He was born with exploding creativity, and creative he shall be.




“I think your friend just bore holes on my back.” Yoochun flexed his stiffening shoulders. He didn’t have to check whether the man behind him was glaring. He felt as if eyes were carving patterns on his back.

They were in the lounge of Yoochun’s music studio. Papers sprawled all over the coffee table as they worked on Jaejoong’s unfinished lyrics. Across Yoochun sat the raven haired man, hunched over his pen and paper. Even though Jaejoong was studying business, he’d spend most of his time learning and making music instead of analyzing graphs and spreadsheets. Why didn’t he go to music school, then?

Same reason he was stuck with Yunho.

He would go to Yoochun’s studio and get his hands on the latest instruments, or have the renowned writer help him with his composition. He kind of became Jaejoong’s free, personal music instructor.

“I told you, he’s not my friend. He’s my bodyguard.” Jaejoong’s eyes shifted from Yoochun to the man standing at the back. Yunho stood by the door, in his grey-sleeved baseball tee and faded jeans. It was a casual attire of a university student, completely different from his real occupation. He quietly watched the two, running over information about the man he just met.

Park Yoochun.

Aged 28. Birthdate is June 4. A singer song-writer and owner of Soul Studio.

Even though there was a seven-year , Yoochun seemed to be the closest companion Jaejoong has. He even went to visit Jaejoong for a couple of times when he was still in America. Out of all the background checks that Yunho made, Yoochun was the one who he concluded the ‘least threatening’.

Yoochun glanced over his shoulder. Jaejoong’s bodyguard has been standing there ever since they arrived and declined whenever he was asked to take a seat. No one’s going to sue him for claiming one of the many sofas, but he insisted that he’s more comfortable standing.

“He sure takes his job seriously.” He turned back to Jaejoong. “Why do you have a bodyguard anyway? Some mafia after you?”

“Dunno.”Jaejoong shrugged, not taking his eyes off his work. “Jin Moo thinks I’ll get abducted by aliens or something.”

“So your real family’s finally come to pick you up huh. That’s sad. I’m gonna miss you.”

“Who says you’re not coming?”

A phone rang and they turned to look at where it came from.

They saw Yunho fishing his phone from his pocket.

“Please, excuse me.” He gave a slight bow and walked out of the room when Jaejoong unconsciously nodded.

“How long has he been with you?” Yoochun snatched the paper from under Jaejoong’s hands and started scanning what the other has written.

“Almost a week. I’ve been trying to make him quit ever since but he just won’t budge.” Jaejoong rested his chin on his palms. “I’m running out of ideas. You think if I send some guys to tie him u-“

“That’s not cute, Jaejoong.” Yoochun’s reply was a bit too serious for Jaejoong.

“Who’s trying to be cute?” The younger man’s brows knotted as he lifted his head. “He’s violating my privacy. He knows so much without asking me anything. He even knows that I’m-“ Jaejoong’s round lips halted. “That I’m-“

“Doesn’t take a genius to know you’re gay, Jaejoong.”

“–While the only two things I know about him is that he’s borderline neurotic and homophobic!” Jaejoong ignored Yoochun’s remark.




“Other than usual stalkers and envious mates, nothing else seems to be on Kim Jaejoong.”

“How about the parents?” Yunho stood at the end of the hallway outside of the studio.

“There were death threats and failed attempts on their lives, but these were resolved and most of the suspects are in jail. The motives were usually business related. That’s all I got for now.” Yunho could hear the sound of keyboard keys tapping.

“I see.” He placed his free hand inside the pocket of his faded blue jeans.

“Why are you doing all of these behind your client’s back. Weren’t they supposed to tell you these things beforehand?”

“They did.” He recalls the interview he had with the Kims before he was introduced to their son. “I just wanted to make sure that they didn’t…forget to mention anything.”

“And another thing, can you look up-”

“Don’t let this be about some homo cave again, please. I’d like to stay away from the gay side of things, hyung. Thanks.” Crumpling and crunching noises echoed from the other side of the line. The kid’s probably stuffing his face with potato chips again.

“No, it’s about a person. Named Jung Yong-hwa.” It was the name he caught on Jaejoong’s phone, the one that he had been desperately trying to call earlier.

“Jung? You sure it’s not your long lost brother or something?”

“Just call me if you find anything.”





“Just let him do his job, Jaejoong. It doesn’t really sound that bad.” Yoochun crossed out a few words and wrote a few lines.  

“You’re talking like my dad.”

Yoochun smiled. He wasn’t that old, was he?

“What I’m saying is, you can’t force him to leave a job that’s feeding his family.” Yoochun looked at his dongsaeng in the eyes as he slid the paper back to him.

Jaejoong’s pressed his lips thin. Now that made him sound like a bad guy.

But he’s not a villain, no. He was simply fighting for his basic human rights, right?

“And you could use a bodyguard. Didn’t you say a stalker had been bugging you lately?”

Jaejoong bit his lips, tearing his gaze from Yoochun.

“It’s really not the serious.” He grabbed his pen and pretended to write.

Yoochun eyed him, easily sensing the other’s lie. Jaejoong tried to ignore the skeptical stare being sent his way and it took a moment before the heavy stare left.

“Anyways, I understand that you`re not head over heels with the idea, since someone will be keeping an eye on from now on. But I don’t think that he’s the tattle-tale you’re worrying about. Because if he was, your parents would have sent you to church by now and forced anything bent to straighten.”

Silence enveloped the room as Jaejoong contemplated on Yoochun`s words. He mindlessly doodled over the lyrics they were writing.

“Still, as long as he’s on my tail, I won`t be able to see him.” He whispered to himself, but Yoochun caught it.  

The older man exhaled, shifting in his seat and crossing his legs. “Isn’t that much better?”

Jaejoong’s lips pouted. He should’ve known better than to mention him in front of Yoochun.

“Are you gonna start again, ahjussi?”

“Not unless you’re gonna stop.” Yoochun wasn’t in for any play anymore.

“Yah. Stop it, chunnie. Don’t go all father with me now.” Jaejoong playfully punched Yoochun in the shoulder but Yoochun kept still.

“You should stop, Jaejoong. It’s not right– not safe. You can just walk away. But instead you’re blindly dancing to his-“

The door creaked open, freezing Yoochun’s words. Yunho has returned and positioned himself to where he was before. The two sat rigidly, keeping their gazes locked.

For the first time, Jaejoong was grateful for Yunho’s intrusion.

Yoochun sighed. He wanted to say much more, even though Jaejoong had heard it many, many times from him before.  But having the bodyguard there, he thought that’s it`s not the right time to talk.

“You owe me.”

A slight relief seeped into Jaejoong. Whenever he comes into their conversation, the air around him and Yoochun would change. It was the one thing that they greatly disagreed about. Though he knows Yoochun was just being concerned and all, but not even Yoochun can talk him out of his decision.

“I know, I know.” Jaejoong chuckled as he gathered the papers. “Just say the words, Chunnie-ah.”




Yunho wondered if he missed anything.

He knows Jaejoong’s list of relationships, and Yoochun was surely not in them. But he sensed something else when he came back from his call. Like they were in the middle of an…intimate conversation.

It’s either that, or Yunho is getting some of the man’s crazy.  

Is there a vaccine for this type of disease?

“How old are you?”

He glanced at the man on the passenger’s seat. It was already nighttime when they left the studio and the streetlights they passed by would dance to and fro on Jaejoong’s porcelain skin.

“Twenty five.”

“Ah, so young.” Came Jaejoong’s bored response, his head on the headrest. His eyes were half-closed as he watched the empty road.

Was the eccentric man actually starting a proper conversation? No advances? No malicious intents? “I’m older than you, sir.”

“Why’d you choose to be a bodyguard?”

“God’s call.”

“Hallelujah.” Jaejoong deadpanned. “How much is your salary?”

“Nothing compared to your weekly allowance, sir.”

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow, he was too lazy to lift his head and look at Yunho. Somehow he was getting used to this all-knowing man.

“Come on, your pay couldn’t be that small.” Jaejoong shifted lower in his eat, feeling strangely relaxed with the simple conversation they were having. This was probably their first where he wasn’t blaring or teasing the man. “I mean, it should be more than enough to feed your family, right?”

Yunho’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. And Jaejoong didn’t miss the wave of tension that washed the driver’s eyes the moment he mentioned the word family. Did he step on a landmine?

“It doesn’t concern you.”

Jaejoong scoffed. He really has the guts to get mad for being asked a little about his personal life? Because the last time Jaejoong checked, he wasn’t the one sticking his nose where he shouldn’t.

“Oh, sorry for butting in your business, Private Jung.” He rolled his eyes.

No one spoke since then, and somehow the air in the car got colder. The silence was only broken when his phone rang. He took it out and checked the message. He bit his lips.

Let’s meet.




It was 2 in the morning, but a simple message saying when and where was enough to get him walking out of his cozy apartment and into the cold night. He stepped into his car, which he realized that he hadn’t driven for some time since Yunho stepped in.

Jung Yunho.

Good thing he wasn’t on the job 24/7 and is probably in the dreamland right now. The timing was perfect.

So he revved the machine and drove off. It was odd though, usually he would ask to meet in some expensive hotel, but this time it was at a parking lot of a neglected and vandalized grocery store.

Maybe he just wanted to talk, or maybe he’d drive him off somewhere from there…

He parked his white KIA and got off, looking around for any sign of his car. But there wasn’t, just a few cars whose owners were probably eating at the noodle shop across the street. He grabbed his phone and reread the message he received. He wondered if he was at the wrong place.

He made a call and his lips puffed clouds as he waited. To his surprise, the line connected.

“I’m here, where are yo-“

His breath hitched when a handkerchief was harshly pressed over his mouth. Strong arms gripped his arms and chest, keeping his body in place.

“Mfff!” His screams came muffled behind the perpetrator’s hands as he struggled to free himself from the man’s grip. But he only breathed in more of the solution as he squirmed and kicked.

Within seconds, he was out.


A/N: Thank you for the kind comments and subsriptions. I hope you keep on reading, I'll keep on trying my best!

*still in cloud nine with YunJae2015. KEKEKE.



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meechan35 #1
Chapter 5: Plz continue this amazing story.
EvaKim2804 #2
Chapter 5: OMG!! Junsu?? Susu???!!

Hahahaha Yunho super scared but well he liked it
kazuikazami #3
Chapter 5: For someone who almost being , Jaejoong is pretty relaxed isnt he?
claire_yj #4
I happened to come across this story.. and I love it!! It has been a while since I find a real good read. Your writing style is really great and I love the occasional injection of humor.

Thank you and hope to see more update from you. :-)
Chapter 5: hahaha..... 'she' turn out to be junsu.. I don't know what to think after he check out and describe hoe beautiful she is... =D
jugt_endless #6
Chapter 5: Omg! I thought that the woman is Jaejoong but then he popped up and she actually is he and is Junsu. LOL!
(How nonsense I am, Jaejoong went together with Yunho. He had no time in changing - and I think he doesn't want to do so. ha ha ha ha XD)
Their moment lived so short. Just dump Yongwa already Jaejoong! He's not worth your time.
Chapter 4: Author-nim....still waiting for update...I love this fic and check for it almost everyday T__T

I hope your writing muse come crashing like a tidal wave ....hwaiting!! ^^
jugt_endless #8
Chapter 4: Thank god Yunho came and save Jaejoong in time.
Is the woman that hired the culprits is the actress that Yonghwa is rumored with?
Chapter 1: for a new comer.. u r awesome!!!!.. i love ur writing techniques... good luck... ah.. update soooon plz^^