

Jaejoong’s third can of beer clinked and hissed. He had settled himself down on the carpeted floors of his room along with a stash of beer right after Yunho left.

The said man had driven him to his apartment, and even walked him up to his door like he was some skirt-wearing, heavily made-up, giggly woman. Yunho invited himself in, saying that he needed to make sure there wasn’t any ‘vulnerability’ in the student’s abode. Jaejoong feared that he would say something else, like being ‘instructed to keep a close guard so we’ll live together’ bullcrap, but thankfully, that’s something his poor excuse of a father had not thought of.

Jaejoong the last drop of beer and pulled another from the stack. He needed the alcohol to woo sleep, because if he didn’t, he’d lay under his bedsheets with his father’s and Yunho’s haunting faces plastered in the back of his eyelids. Before he could take a sip from his drink, his phone rang. He dug it out of his pocket and checked the message.

An unknown number.

This is Jung Yunho. Save and set my number on speed dial. Call in case of an emergency.

Wow. This guy talks and texts like an automated answering machine.

Jaejoong’s not even gonna ask how he got his number.

Rolling his eyes, he threw his phone back to his bed and rested his head on the soft mattress.  His lips puckered as he stared at the ceiling.

Just how much about his personal life does this bodyguard know? Jaejoong hoped that it’s not much, or at least, not enough for him to step on somewhere he shouldn’t. He doesn’t want some puppet of his father knowing too much about his personal undertakings,  especially about him.

Jaejoong groaned.

Whatever. He’ll be crying to his mama within a week.  

He’ll make sure of it.

A few more cans were emptied before he succumbed to sleep.




Yunho’s already intense brows furrowed.

He woke up extra early that morning: jogged, worked out and scouted the building Jaejoong resided in. He was even able to check the logs of the current residents and employees while making sure to pick up his client on time, only to find a half-asleep flower boy (finally) answering to his ten minute serenade with the doorbell. The hazy man was still in his low rising top and ripped jeans from last night, and was reeking in alcohol.

Adding to Yunho’s displeasure was the fact that the shorter man had mindlessly opened his door; Jaejoong’s squinting eyes were proof that he just realized who was standing on his doorstep. What if it was a burglar? Or some stoned maniac? Or some crazy girl who’d him just to get a piece of his genes?

The camera feed isn’t mounted on his door to fetch guest’s coats.

“You’re going to be late.”

“And you’re just in time.” Jaejoong clapped his hands, gracing the man with an obviously fake smile. “Come, make me some coffee.”

The fondness on his face instantly vanished the moment he turned around.

“Hurry up. You only have ten minutes to prepare.” Yunho followed him in, halting in the middle of the spacious living room. He eyed Jaejoong’s back as he walked to his room. Yunho could see the man’s unkempt chamber from where he stood.

 “I get it, I get it.” Jaejoong lazily waved his hand before turning and tilting his head towards Yunho. “So coffee, please?”

Yunho eyed him for a moment, cynical about his sudden change in attitude. He wondered what this guy was playing on but guessed that it was better dealing with a demanding little princess than a crazed screeching wife in the morning. Even better if they weren’t late.

Because Jung Yunho is never late.

“Understood.” The tall man obliged.

Jaejoong threw a sweet smile but it went past Yunho as he had already left for the kitchen. He headed to the bathroom and dipped himself in the hot water after it was prepared. Resting his head back on the edge of the tub, he closed his eyes and let out a satisfied groan.

“Ten minutes my .”  

Yunho can preach all day long about his commandments on punctuality, but there’s no way he’d skimp on this divine bubble bath.

He relished the gentle scent of vanilla that filled the room and let time slip by. A good thirty minutes had passed before he realized that he had drifted off. His eyes fluttered open and glanced at the clock across the room. He smirked.

Mr. Perfect’s probably going ape by now.

He stepped out of the water, his lips humming a melody. The bath had washed away all the negative vibes in him and he felt like he could even delight his guard dog with some tasty beef-flavored treats. He looked for a towel, but before he could grab the soft material, the bathroom door swung open.

“What the-“

Jaejoong jumped, quickly grabbing the towel and covering his bare, dripping body with whatever it could.

“What the ?!”

Yunho stood in the doorway, his face unreadable.

“Your coffee’s cold.” The tall man said simply, his eyes squared on Jaejoong’s panic-stricken face.

“A-Are you ing crazy?!“

Yunho’s brows knotted as he feigned concern.

“You were taking too long, sir. I thought something bad happened. Should I help you dry your-“

“No!” Jaejoong quickly shoved his right hand in front, stopping the man from taking another step forward. His left hand gripped the towel against his body, the white cotton material barely serving its purpose since it hung just enough to cover Jaejoong’s crotch, leaving the side of his hips and white thighs exposed.

“J-just get out. Get out!” 

 “Are you sure? I can give you a han-“

Don’t–“ Jaejoong stepped back when Yunho lifted a heel, his hand still out telling the obtrusive man to stay where he is “-come any closer. Just–just go. I’ll get ready as fast as I can. So go!” Jaejoong couldn’t look up at Yunho, as if he was the one with an outrageous sight in front of him.

Yunho’s lips stretched into a small one-sided smile. Victory.

“Very well then.”

He gave a slight nod before walking off, leaving a slack-jawed and semi- Jaejoong stupidly clutching his towel for comfort. Is the man neurotic? Or is he asking for a one way ticket to hell? He clicked his tongue in aggravation and swung his towel over his shoulders as he went to close the door.

“Should I reheat your coffee, si-“

The door slammed on Yunho’s face, a four centimeter distance miraculously saving his beautiful sharp nose from total annihilation.




The drive to Jaejoong’s university was surprisingly quiet.

Yunho stole a few glances at the man sitting on the passenger’s seat; flower boy looked pissed, but hadn’t said a single profanity.

Was what he’d done too much? It’s not like he had bad intentions. He sincerely thought the man had tragically drowned himself in the bath tub. He was simply worried because he cared.

Well, that and his low tolerance for unpunctuality.

And it’s not his fault that Jaejoong left the bathroom door unlocked.


It mystified him, though. It is undeniable that Kim Jin Moo and Kim Youngae are exquisite beauties, and that it was obviously inherited by their son, still, how could a man have such delicate looking waist and silky white thighs–

“You’re a ert.”

A slight cough escaped from Yunho. Did he say anything out loud?

“I was only concerned, sir.” Yunho replied firmly.

“Concerned? At what? Some molester breaking in while I’m - in the shower? Ironic, aren’t we?”

“You were taking too long. I thought you were having severe diarrhea or you passed out.” Yunho kept stern. “I even offered to hel-“

“Thanks, Yunho. Thanks for being a ert with a big heart.” Jaejoong crossed his arms with a sneer.

“Just doing my job, sir.”

Jaejoong rolled his eyes. Other than the occasional honorifics he adds every now and then, everything else that this man says irked him.

“Job, huh? Must be fun snooping around and invading people’s privacy.” Jaejoong stared hard ahead. It took a moment before the accused man replied.

“Nothing personal, sir, just what’s essential.”

“How much do you know, anyway? You seem to know a lot without even asking me a single thing.” He shifted in his seat to face Yunho, his seatbelt constraining his movement.

“Information needed to ensure your safety, sir.”

“What kind of information?” Jaejoong prodded, his tone a little less agitated and a bit curious. He stared at Yunho, waiting for an answer. Yunho met Jaejoong’s glare and saw that the smaller man wasn’t going to let this go. Yunho turned back to the road. He might as well know.

“Personal information, like occupation, schedule, usual destinations. Contact Information. Background checks of people you are acquainted with, like friends and their families, lovers and ex-lovers–“ Jaejoong’s brow twitched.

“–or people you might have bad terms with. And criminal records, if any.”

Jaejoong bit the inside of his lip and tore his glare from Yunho.

He didn’t know whether to be mad or amazed. Because either this guy has been snooping around or Jaejoong must’ve found Professor X’s son.

“So you know a lot huh.” Jaejoong looked out the window, his fingers brushing his plump lips.

“Only what’s necessary.”

“But you even know about my affairs. Are those really necessary?” Yunho glanced at Jaejoong, expecting an irritated face. But instead there was a small smirk playing on Jaejoong’s lips, as if he found this amusing. Jaejoong spoke before he could answer.

“I take it you already know about my…preferences.”

Now, Yunho did not expect the conversation to turn this way.

He debated whether he should deny it or not, just to steer the talk elsewhere. The memories of how he got around on this subject and the places where he was pointed to in order to get information came rushing back.  

The glittery faces, fake lashes, net stockings and unshaved legs.

His hands tensed on the steering wheel as he tried to hide his uneasiness.

But Jaejoong could taste his discomfort, and he knew that it was his cue.

“Ah… I feel a little better now, actually.” Jaejoong relaxed further into his seat.

“To be honest, I was against this whole thing because I don’t want someone meddling with my…” Jaejoong side-glanced at the driver.”…peculiar voyages, and spill the beans to my parents. But you–” Jaejoong faced Yunho, who tried to remain impassive only to look stiff.

“You knew from the start, yet my parents hadn’t disowned me yet.” Jaejoong’s eyes narrowed, smiling like he was proud to be with such a chivalrous man.

”I’m not in the position to intrude with such familial issues, sir.” Yunho locked his eyes on the road, trying to ignore the devil grinning beside him.

“Are you homophobic?”

He could sense it. Trouble. He can see it merrily skipping towards him. And it emanated from glinting deep dark orbs staring right at him.

“No, I’m not.” He replied, professionally manning his face.

“Oh.” He heard the other resign to his seat. He felt relieved,  thinking that they’re finally over with the subject, until he heard the sound of a seatbelt unfastening.

“What are you–“

Jaejoong had unbuckled himself from his seat and lunged over Yunho, reaching for the man’s unguarded crotch.

Yes. Yunho’s crotch, which the taller man had quickly defended, causing him to lose control of the car and sent it swiveling in and out of lane. A few angry honks went their way as other cars evaded them.

“Are you out of your mind?!”

Jaejoong was laughing hysterically while Yunho steered the car properly back in lane.

Yunho gritted his teeth behind tight lips. He could have reacted more…professionally. Were his years of experience all for nothing?

“We could have crashed, sir. Don’t do that again.” His face betrayed his voice as he tried to talk calmly. Blaring would only make him feel less as he already did.

Jaejoong was yet to get over his merriment.

“I’m sorry.” Jaejoong brushed a tear from his lashes, trails of laughter still lingered in his lips. He quieted for a moment, only to burst in laughter once again.

The look on his face was priceless.

Seriously, what did the bodyguard think he was gonna do? It's not like he's gonna do him then and there.

So much for not being homophobic.

Jaejoong chuckled, his arms resting on the car’s door with a finger brushing his soft, amused lips.

Yunho didn’t bother replying, he just wanted to focus on the road and reach the university as fast as possible. Who knows what this eccentric man would do next.

Not that he was scared.

That would be ridiculous.

“I knew it.”

“What?” Yunho answered too quickly, failing to hide the annoyance in his voice.

“We have matching belts.”


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meechan35 #1
Chapter 5: Plz continue this amazing story.
EvaKim2804 #2
Chapter 5: OMG!! Junsu?? Susu???!!

Hahahaha Yunho super scared but well he liked it
kazuikazami #3
Chapter 5: For someone who almost being , Jaejoong is pretty relaxed isnt he?
claire_yj #4
I happened to come across this story.. and I love it!! It has been a while since I find a real good read. Your writing style is really great and I love the occasional injection of humor.

Thank you and hope to see more update from you. :-)
Chapter 5: hahaha..... 'she' turn out to be junsu.. I don't know what to think after he check out and describe hoe beautiful she is... =D
jugt_endless #6
Chapter 5: Omg! I thought that the woman is Jaejoong but then he popped up and she actually is he and is Junsu. LOL!
(How nonsense I am, Jaejoong went together with Yunho. He had no time in changing - and I think he doesn't want to do so. ha ha ha ha XD)
Their moment lived so short. Just dump Yongwa already Jaejoong! He's not worth your time.
Chapter 4: Author-nim....still waiting for update...I love this fic and check for it almost everyday T__T

I hope your writing muse come crashing like a tidal wave ....hwaiting!! ^^
jugt_endless #8
Chapter 4: Thank god Yunho came and save Jaejoong in time.
Is the woman that hired the culprits is the actress that Yonghwa is rumored with?
Chapter 1: for a new comer.. u r awesome!!!!.. i love ur writing techniques... good luck... ah.. update soooon plz^^