Ch.2 The Old Me

The best mistake
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I wake up in strong arms. Someone is carrying me bridal style. I open my eyes and see Yuri .Once he realizes I'm awake he glares at me. What did I do to deserve his hatred? He roughly puts me down on the ground, letting me walk by myself. I glare at him and wince a little from the bruise that is still on my stomach. I notice Tiffany, Sooyoung and who I'm guessing is Yoona walking in front of us. I walk quickly, catching up to them. "She's awake!" Yoona yells, pointing his finger at me. "Yes I am. I came up here because that idiot back there doesn't seem to be very fond of me," I explain to all of them. "Ya well, it's not that he's not fond of you. It's just he's not fond of the idea of you, a girl, hanging around with us," Sooyoung informs me. "Where are we going?" I ask, changing the subject. "We're here," Tiffany says in a bored tone. What happened to his nice, happy self in the car? I new I shouldn't of gone to sleep! I guess disappointment was clear on my face as I looked at Tiffany because Yoona placed his big hand on my shoulder,"He's not usally nice like he was when you talked to him in the car. Actually, I'm not sure why he was acting like that now that I think about it. Anyway, don't get used to him being nice." I nod in response and finally look at the huge House in front of us. I placed a hand over my open mouth, shock clear on my face. How could teenage boys afford that! Well they are criminals so it wouldn't surprise me if they stool money to pay for the house.

"I've been told to show you to your room," Yuri says, pulling my arm roughly. I whimper, making all the boys look at me. I slowly pull the fabric off my arm, revealing the deep cut on my arm. Tears threaten to spill but I hold them back. I'm not crying in front of these boys! I don't cry much anyway. "What happened?!" Sooyoung yelled, running over to me. "Get me a first aid kit and I'll explain," I tell them, walking over to the couch. Yuri runs into the room and hands me the kit. I open it and soon begin fixing my arm. I clean the cut, making sure it isn't infected, then begin stitching it up. The boys watch me in aw. "My parents," I slowly begin talking. "They abused me and my brother. But mostly me. Anything I did, I would be punished for," I say, holding back my tears.

"My father came home drunk," I start again. "He was angry, like always. He busted the front door open and my brother, mom, and I all ran to the room, bad idea. He gives me a disgusted, all most evil look, before walking to the kitchen. I thought I was safe, until he came back with a steak knife. My mother smiled at him. She abused me to. But my brother jumped in front of me, trying to protect me." "You don't have to continue," trace tells me. "Yes I do. I need to let this all out. I've never told anyone about my parents before." I tell him. "Anyway, my father lunged at me and my brother. I quickly pushed him out of the way, causing this to happen," I explain to all of them. "I'm sorry," Sooyoung says, pulling me into a hug. I hug him back, it's exactly what I needed. I pull away and catch Tiffany shooting daggers at Sooyoung. Whats his problem?

"I'm hungry, do you have any food?" I question, realizing I haven't ate in a while. My parents never feed me much. Occasionally when I went to school one of my 'friends' would give me some of there food. I never really had a real friend. I could never go out and do anything. My parents would punish me. "Right this way, beautiful!" Yoona for some unknown reason screams, pulling me into the kitchen. Finally we arrive at a beautiful kitchen.

I gasp I'n aw. I wish I had a kitchen that looked like this. Well I guess this is my kitchen now. Well, our kitchen. I grab a can of coke out of the fridge and make myself a PB&J sandwich. "Allow me to show you to your room," Yoona says, grabbing my free hand. After waking up the stairs and down a hall way we stop at an old wooden door. Yoona slowly opens it revealing the most beautiful room I've ever seen.

"Oh my gosh, Yoona It's beautiful!" I scream, pulling him into a giant hug. it's weird though because I don't hug much. Yoona pulls away leaving his face just inches from mine. I start getting nervous. I don't know this boy. Or what he's Capable of! "No need to get nervous now. Your not my type," Yoona says plopping down on the my bed. "What do you mean I'm not your 'type'?" I question him, placing my hands on my hips. "Are you a boy?" He asks me, like that's a normal question. I'm not a boy! Is he really that stupid? Then it hits me, "Your gay!" I scream very loudly. "Yup," he says, getting up off my bed. "Well, I'll let you settle

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wang_juan #1
Chapter 7: :))) i love jelly taeng but prefer jelly fany more.
My fangirl mode is on everytime fany jelly with taengsic.
Chapter 6: Boss Fany hwaiting save your girl!!! Looks like many of them stealing Taegoo(⌒o⌒)
Coincidence I'm reading with listening One Direction - Steal My Girl LoL
Hwaiting for author-ssi too.O(≧▽≦)O
T3N305 #3
Chapter 6: Oh what the hell is going on...?! :O I hope no one gets hurt but that seems unlikely.. Jessica likes Taeyeon but I don't think he should just barge in like that in between people's relationship. Btw, I've been waiting for some action in your story but I just hope no one gets hurt badly haha. Thanks for updating twice! <3
T3N305 #4
Chapter 5: Tiffany's so caring.. <3 that naeun is bothering me ._. She better not hurt Taeyeon again or she would face Tiffany's wrath lol. And Jessica likes Taeyeon or something..? Why did she glare at them like that... Thanks for updating! I love Tiffany & Taeyeon's relationship here <3 can't wait for more~
wang_juan #5
Chapter 4: It's really hard to find a fic with manfany so I'm very exciting to see the continuing of this special one :F
1132 streak #6
Chapter 4: Lol Rose(Tae) luvs to shake her at tiffany
tipco09 #7
Chapter 4: Woohoo! Can't wAit for things to get hotter.
T3N305 #8
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhh I like this already! It's kinda hard to find taeny genderbender fic with Tiffany as the man so I'm so glad I've found your story! <3 taeny are so cute teasing each other kekekekeke ;)) Taeyeon's life before she met the boys is so sad, poor her.. But at least she's happy now with Tiffany and the boys. Thanks for the great update, can't wait for more~ fighting~
tipco09 #9
Chapter 1: Kindhearted killers? I hope Taeyeon doesn't regret joining them.
So, Taeyeon is a girl in this story meanwhile Tiffany is a boy. Am I right?
Quite confusing, actually.
But nice story~