Chapter Three (Jungkook)

Second Chance
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I'm telling you today about the day I actually saw her smile.

So I convinced the guys to go to her play which was not really hard. They were even more excited than me, looking at the tickets like it were tickets to see Michael Jackson live in heaven. Our manager called us saying the photoshoot would be in the next day, telling us to rest, but how? We all agreed on that question: how. It was a musical, I noticed as soon as we arrived to broadway. I always heard about it but never went there and it seemed amazing. Everybody seemed too excited and Mia was shining in the big screen showing off a photo of her with a man and the name of the play.

We have eight tickets. - Namjoon noticed looking at it.

Maybe she doesn't know how to count. Or our manager was supposed to come. - Taehyung suggested looking at it.

I'm sorry. - I heard a voice while feeling a poke on my shoulder. I didn't know english but I understood that. The same thing didn't happen in the next thing he said.

Yeah. - Namjoon answered and the guy talked again. - Okay.

Yeah. - Jimin smiled for the guy but he was clearly not understanding anything.

Shut up. - Namjoon told him turning to us. - Mia told him to look for the Korean guys and I guess that's us. Let's follow him.

We did and I was a little scared about it but he guided us to a empty door and used a code to open it. Busy corridors with busy people going crazy, screaming numbers.

What are they screaming about? - Taehyung whispered to Namjoon looking everywhere.

What time it is. They even say the seconds, wow. - Namjoon seemed impressed with everything as well though I always saw him as the smartest one that saw the most in life.

Oh, hi! - Mia appeared out of nowhere with a smile. - You’re finally here. - I guess she looked at me but I didn’t even feel sure about that. - This is my assistant and he’s going to guide you to your places so you can get better ones.

Your Korean is so good. - Jimin smiled with that flirty smile of his.

Yeah. - Mia lost her smile. - Hope you like the play.

The assistant started walking and we all followed him. Namjoon walked next to him, talking about something I’d never understand and I just kept my head down.

Wait. - I heard a voice as my arm was held. I looked back to face Mia. - Korean kid.

I nodded trying to smile. There was definilly something wrong with me so she’d never fall in love with me, right? That really made me sad. Not because it was Mia but because something was wrong with me for people to fall in love with me. I looked to the guys getting away and looked to Mia again. - I’m going to lose them.

That’s okay. Do you put a lot of makeup on before concerts?

I nodded. - A little.

They are making mine now and they offer us awesome milk with strawberry flavor. Just come and taste it.

Can you stop making me drink milk? - I tried to giggle but it came faker than I expected.

Come on, just come with me.

I nodded again and got my arm rid of her hand to follow her to a room. It was really clean and organized. There was a woman next to the chair in front of the mirror and a boy sitting on another chair.

Mia! - He screamed before get up and talk some non-sense-language-to-my-head.

Mia hugged him and kissed his cheek before sit on the empty chair as the guy massaged her back and the woman started doing her makeup.

The guy said something looking at me and Mia smiled with her eyes closed. - Jungkook. From Korea.

Now you’re making Korean friends? I like that. - The guy smiled to me, talking in a perfect Korean accent. - Hi, you.

Hi. - I tried to smile as well. Was that her new boyfriend? He didn’t really look like the guy from the photos in her room.

Where are you from? - The guy asked me.

Busan. - I looked to the floor and then at Mia again.

I’m living in Busan! - He almost screamed. - I’m Josh. Nice to meet you.

Why don’t you get him that strawberry milk and leave him alone? - Mia suggested.

Josh smiled showing off his perfect teeth before leave the room leaving us to a uncomfortable silence with a little cough from Mia.

Here you go. - Josh got back handing me a little cup with some pink liquid.

If you like it, you may get something I’m sure you’d like. - Mia turned to us with her makeup done and a little smile.

I looked at it and counted to three. It couldn’t be that bad. I drank it all at once and it was just great. Sweet. But not too sweet. I wish Jin was there to taste it as well. Jimin would probably like it as well.

It’s good. - I smiled to her. - What am I getting?

Later, Korean kid. - Mia turned to the mirror again to check herself.

That’s so racist. - Josh giggled.

It’s a fact. - Mia whispered.

Okay, Korean girl.

Shut up. - Mia whispered again.

The room was again filled up with an awkward silence and I just wanted to leave and meet my friends. They were probably wondering where I was or having fun with dumb jokes. Sometimes it was hard to get other people that were not my bandmates.

Can I go? - I whispered.

Mia, you look ugly as hell! - Josh screamed on top of my voice making Mia look at him with a big smile and little giggles. Now that was her smile. Nothing compared with the other times I thought I saw her smile. Damn, her smile was pretty.

You’re ugly everyday. - She told him.

Her smile was still on his direction like his perfect teeth were pointing to her as well. I looked to them both feeling like I was in the middle of something, losing Hoseok’s random screams to see a hot girl with a man I was jealous of in love in front of my eyes.

Can I go, Mia? - I talked louder this time.

Is that chapstick in your lips? - Her eyes looked big focusing on my lips and I raised an eyebrow.


Mia, don’t. - Josh told her.

My lips are really dry, I’m sorry. - Mia started walking to me.

I think Taehyung has it. - I started but as soon as I ended her hands held my face and her lips were pressed against mine.

I don’t know what I did meanwhile. My hands were in the air but I ended up leaving them on her shoulders as her lips just kept being pressed against mine, almost hurting me. But yeah, I’d totally chose her lips over the cookies.

Much better. - She gave me a little smile as she got away. She just kissed me in front of her boyfriend. Were them those couples that play too hard with jealousy? That’s so weird and I could never understand it. - Are you okay?

I realized my hands were still on her shoulders and I was just staring at her lips for a while.

Hm. - I nodded

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