Chapter 10: Getting Everything Back Together (Tiffany Point Of View)

How Do You Choose One?
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*Tiffany Point Of View*

I woke up to my alarm clock and regretted it, I didn’t want to face Up10tion today and I especially didn’t want to act awkward with them. I wasn’t angry with them, and I especially didn’t hate them, I just needed to think about what I was going to do next. I wanted to avoid them for today or until things aren’t as tricky, I knew I couldn’t hide from them for long so I decided I’ll just pretend to be late for an appointment. I got ready to run around the house getting my things ready and half eating my breakfast. ‘Ready, Set, GO!!!’ I started to race to the bathroom and I prepared my face, hair and teeth, straight after I brushed my teeth I ran to the dining room and got a piece of bread from the bread loaf/plate. I swallowed that piece of bread down like my life depended on it and I closed the door to my room to get changed. I got dressed into a a pair of denim shorts, grey t-shirt and a black and white flannel to go over the top ( I half walked, half ran to the door yelling out, “Sorry guys, in a rush, I’m late for an appointment!!!” As soon as I got out of the dorm I breathed a quick breathe and slowly made my way to the elevator, as I got into the elevator I pressed the button ‘G’ and waited for the lift to arrive at the ground floor.

I got out of the lift and made my way to my favourite coffee shop around the corner. As I entered the shop I was greeted by none other then the Aunt that owns the shop, I said hello and sat down near the counter. “What can I get for you darling?” Aunt Lee asked. “Can I get the double choc-chip  mocha and a choc-chip muffin please?” “Sure darling, seems like you need a lot of chocolate for today, any problems lately?” Aunt Lee questioned. I sighed and answered back by saying, “I have some love problems aunt, what do I do?” “Ahhhh~~~ young love these days, what seems to be the problem dear?” “Well I have these guys and they all have a ‘crush’ on me, and to make things worse I have to see them everyday, what do I do, how do I choose?” Aunt Lee replied, “Don’t worry they will probably give you a lot of time, and they won’t rush you into giving them an opinion if they truly love you.” I was shocked, “Wait Aunt Lee I never said that they loved me!!” Aunt Lee chuckled and said, “Oh~ Whoops~ Did I say love, I meant admire~~.” 

I finished drinking coffee and left the store after I helped Aunt Lee with some of her customers, I entered the company doors and went straight to on of the vocal/composing rooms. I had a little bit of free time on my hands so I decided to continue to work on my song called “Shining Star”. I needed to ma

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Nvrendkuhnsoli #1
Chapter 37: many chapter heol~ :v but great story.. i was thinking tiffany got amnesia after accident but just coma and i hope she not end up badly. hwaiting author :)
Chapter 37: I'm so happy you got to update :) and take your time and study hard! HWAITING!!! :D
twice10tion #3
Chapter 36: I will wait! ^.^
Chapter 36: I shall wait! *waits patiently in corner*
Chapter 34: continue...please...continue!...I don't find many good UP10TION stories :(
Chapter 34: :( i would love it if you continue this
Chapter 33: kill me with cliff hangers.....
rml_mel #8
Chapter 31: Another 'he'...
Chapter 31: Which is "He"????? DX
Chapter 30: GAHHHHHH......damn you glad you are my bias -.-