Chapter 7: Who is this?? (Kuhn Point Of View)

How Do You Choose One?
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*Kuhn Point Of View*

I stretched out my arms and legs to try and wake me up more, I wanted to wake up early today because I heard that Myungho was going to come over to tell us something, very important. I had to pull Jinhoo out of bed before he actually realised the sun was out, his hair looked like a birds nest, it was so funny. I got a phone call from Myungho saying that he would arrive in a few minutes so I gathered all the members in the living room and waited for his arrival. I wondered where Tiffany was, maybe she went out, Tiffany was usually the first one to wake up but today I can't see her anywhere, well maybe that's because I haven't tried looking, but I'm to lazy to. A knock on the door took everyone's attention when we noticed that someone was there, it was Myungho, he was finally here. I was a bit worried of what he was going to tell us but I didn't think it was going to be that urgent.

Myungho walked into the room, and a few minutes later so did Tiffany. She seemed shocked by who was here, I thought maybe she didn't expect a visitor, but that wasn't it. "OMG Tiffany is that you?? How have you been? Why are you even here?" Myungho said, Tiffany replied by saying "Hey Minghao oppa! Why are you here? I haven't seen you in more then a year? Where have you been?", I was very shocked by the turn of events, how could Tiffany know Myungho and what relationship do they have? Jinhoo hyung, being the leader asked "How do you two know each other?"  "Oh we used to date each other, until out company said it was too distracting so we broke up." Myungho said with complete ease. My eyebrows shot up into the Kim Woobin pose and I had my mouth open, I never thought that Tiffany would date Myungho, and wait up did he say that their company told them to stop, what does that mean??

"So what brings Myungho here anyways?" Bitto broke the silence. Minghao replied by saying, "The members were wondering if you guys wanted to go to the swimming pool with them, Seokmin hyung somehow managed to book out an entire swimming pool for a day so we were wondering if you guys wanted to come, including Tiffany if you want, I know you love the pool," I was a bit confused at how much Myungho knows about Tiffany, how close are they? He better not be thinking of winning her back, because he's gonna have a VERY hard time dealing with the ten of us. Tiffany had a different look in her eyes as soon as Myungho ment

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Nvrendkuhnsoli #1
Chapter 37: many chapter heol~ :v but great story.. i was thinking tiffany got amnesia after accident but just coma and i hope she not end up badly. hwaiting author :)
Chapter 37: I'm so happy you got to update :) and take your time and study hard! HWAITING!!! :D
twice10tion #3
Chapter 36: I will wait! ^.^
Chapter 36: I shall wait! *waits patiently in corner*
Chapter 34: continue...please...continue!...I don't find many good UP10TION stories :(
Chapter 34: :( i would love it if you continue this
Chapter 33: kill me with cliff hangers.....
rml_mel #8
Chapter 31: Another 'he'...
Chapter 31: Which is "He"????? DX
Chapter 30: GAHHHHHH......damn you glad you are my bias -.-