Chapter 10: Christmas Day Fun And Reunit With Old Friends

How He Healed Her Heart

Laura’s pov

Spending Christmas with Jonghyun was amazing. In the morning I woak up to see a stocking by me on my bed with a note attached to it saying ‘Merry Christmas’. I knew it had to have been Jonghyun oppa who put it there, so I smiled and grabed the over-stuffed stocking and headed downstairs.

The moment I entered the living room I was greated with hug from a smiling dino-puppy – I remembered that Jongin called Jonghyun that yesterday, and now I can’t stop thinking about how he really does look like a dino-puppy.

I chearfully returned his hug with one of my own. “Merry Christmas to you too oppa!” I chirpped.

We then sat down and started to open up our present. I was able to aford to buy a golden wrist watch for him – I’ve been saving up what money I had that wasn’t either being given to the others to help out with their dorm’s rent or being given to help pay the bills for our house. And I somehow managed to save enough money for it.

I bought him it for two reasons, the first being that I know he loves have a watch aroound his wrist when he goes out just about anywhere, and the second being that he “lost” the only one he had. So I got him this one to replace the old one.

When he opened it I saw the cutest eye smile he’s ever given. “Thank you so much Laura-ah!” He said before hugging me once more.

“You’re welcome oppa.” I smiled and hugged back. He then handed me the gift he got me. I opened it to find a small box. When I opened it I was shocked to see a beautiful heart shaped silver locket on a gold chain.

“Open the locket.” I heard Jjong’s voice say from my side’ and so I did. A picture of the two of us that we took on my birthday a little over a month ago was inside of it. “In a sense, that was our first date. Do you remember? I took you out to spend your birthday with me and to have some fun, and we took this at the picture booth in the mall right before I got you the kitty.” A sweet smile pulled perfectly at his lips.

I smiled and nodded. I remembered that day like it had only just happened. I had such a great time that day, and I was so glad to have shared those memories with him. That was also the day that I confessed to him about liking him. “Thank you Jjongie, this really means a lot to me.”

After that we opened the presents my parents gave us, then the ones from our friends – Jinki, Kibum, Minho, Taemin, my friends from work, and the friends that Jjongie’s made from his job.

The whole day we had off, so we spent it with Taemin and Kibum. We went to see a movie’ and to my dismay it was a horror film. I’ve never been the type who could handle scary things, so for most of the movie I was clinging to Jonghyun with my face pressed agenst his side and his are around me. It ws conferting to have him there, but I still couldn’t watch the movie.

Taemin and Kibum were jumping a lot too, and t ione point in the movie, you know; when he demon pops up and scares the pants off you, well, Kibum screamed right before it came out, making everyone else in the theater scream as well, and then the demon popped up. I got to admit, it was pretty funny when I think about it now.

After that the four of us went to a burger place that the boys love to got to, and the burgers there were really tasty. We had sat down to eat when I heard someone call my name.

“Laura noona!” A voice sounded from the other end of the resteront.

I turned my head in the direction of the voice and saw Jongin and a couple others waving at me. The other two looked like they were close with Jongin, one looked a bit younger than him, and the other looked a few years older than him

I smiled and waved the my overly happy dongsang – I found out that he’s actually a few months younger than Taemin, so that makes him younger than me too.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Taemin jump up and hug into Jongin. “Kai!” He yelled as he clung to the other boy, and Kai gave what looked like a bear hug to Taemin, a big checky smile present on him face. I couldn’t help but giggle at their cuteness.

“I had no idea you guys would be here today, you should have texted me Tae hyung.” Kai said as the two boys let go of each other.

Taemin gave a small chuckel before speaking. “Yeah, sorry about that. I thought you would be spend the day with the others,” he looks over to the two guys that came in with Jongin, “but I guess you three didn’t want to spend the day with the rest of them, huh hyung?.”

Wait, hyungs? You mean that cute young looking guy is older than Taemin? I did not expect that.

“Not really. Sure it’s nice to hang with them every now and then, but Kris can get a little annoying sometimes.” The taller and older looking guy spoke.

I stifened at the mention of Yifan. I was hoping to avoid him altogether today, which included talking about him.

Jonghyun noticed me state and put one of his hands on mine. “Are you alright?” He asked me in a consirened voice. I could only manage to give him a reasuring smile – though it more than likely looked forced – and a small nodd of my head.

Jongin must have heard Jonghyun ask me his question because he had turned in my direction and had an apologenic expretion. “I’m sorry noona.” He said in a soft voice.

The younger looking guy look confused as he spoke. “Why are you apologising to her Kai?” He asked Jongin.

“Laura noona is Kris hyung’s ex-girl.” Jongin explained to the other two.

“Oh, so you’re Kris’ ex-girl.” The tall on stated.

I nodded in response. There wasn’t really much that I could say at the current moment. I could tell they were friends with Yifan, and I didn’t want to say anything to harm their friendship, so I kept quiet.

The cute one smiled at me and bowed. “My name’s Luhan, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I smiled and bowed back to him - as much as I could while sitting down. “And this is Sehun.” He said pointing at the much taller guy next to him as the other bowed. Once again, I bowed the best I could.

“Is it true?” Sehun asked. “About Kris hurting you?”

My eyes widen at his question. I had no idea Yifan’s friends knew about that. My eyes lowered to my hands as I slowly nodded to answer the question.

“Why the hell would he harm a girl and actually get off on it.” Sehun said. “It sickens me to think that some guys really do like that to pretty girls like you.”

“How did you know that Yifan was hurting me?” I asked him.

“He told me about the ed up he would do to his girls. It’s just wrong, and you shouldn’t have gone through that.” Sehun had a look of simpathy on his face as he said the last part of his sentence.

“It’s alright,” I said, “I’m no longer with him, so he can’t hurt me anymore.” I tried to give a confident and reasuring smile.

“Damn straight he wont.” Jonghyun began. “If he even dares to get close to you he’ll have hell to pay.”

“Not only will Jonghyun hyung be on him, but Minho gun will be too.” Kibum added to Jonghyun’s statement.

“To be honest,” Kai started, “after meeting you, I think I would also stand against Kris hyung. You’re a really nice person, and you shouldn’t be involved with people like him.” He finished.

“What about you then? You’re involved with Yifan.” I said to not just Jongin but to Luhan and Sehun too.

“We’ve known him since we were in junior high, before he became a total .” Luhan replied to me.

“When did you meet him Laura-ah?” Kibum turned to me and asked.

“I’ve known him for about two years now. I was at one of my friends place when we met.” I explained to him.

“Who’s your friend?” Jongin asked courisly.

“Her name’s Llama. I’ve known her since we were little, and we’ve been best friends for years, even though we live on opposite ends of the city.” I told them with a smile. Llama and I were really close, and she’s one of my best friends, so I love to talk about.

“Llama, as in Amber?” Kibum chirpped out his question. He seemed to be exiceted to hear the new information.

“Is someone talking about me?” A new voice was added into the conversation, and all eyes turned in its dricetion. There stod Llama, my friend whom I love so much.

“Llama!” I cheered as I jumped up and hugged into her. “I’ve missed you so much!”

She chuckled at my enthoiasm and hugged back. “I’ve missed you too Laru.” She said with a big smile.

“Amber!” Kibum called and he too hugged into her. “It’s been so long. How have you been? And Lara?” He turned his head to me while saying the his last question.

“I’ve been good Key, no need to worry about me,” Llama stated as she hugged him. “and ‘Lara’ is my nickname for Laura.”

“But only she can call me that!” I chirpped. She gave me that nickname when we were kids, and she’s always been the only one to call me it.

Annyeong! Hey guys. So Christmas has pass already, but this chapter is dated on Christmas Day, so I apologise if you find that fact a bit annoying. I wanted to get this up as soon as I could, but right now – when I’m writing this – I’m at my grandparents, and they don’t have any internet, so I’m writing this now, and when I post this I’ll be back at my own house.

Also guys, I'm having it that llama is Amber's nickname - that almost everyone knows of in this story. I don't know her real name, and when I was writing this I couldn't get that short song that Amber and Minho sing together out of my head, so I just went with Llama. My apologises if any of you don't like that.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I know I said that I was busy with my studying - and I still am - but I figured that since I’m here with no internet, and I now got my own tablet – with a case that has the built-in keyboard – I would start on a new chapter and would post it later.

Thank you so much for reading my stories, and I hope you like this one. I’m hoping to get some more writing done now that I have my own tablet to use, so hopfully I will be posting/writing more often now.

Thank you.


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ParkJimins_TinyWifey #1
Chapter 13: NO MY JJONGIE!!!!! I....just....can't....believe this....LOL WAE?!?!?!? Hehe XD o.o AHHHHHHHH!!!
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #2
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #3
Chapter 7: O.o oh gosh I can't believe I confessed to Jonghyun on my birthday!!! EEEEEK!!! I'm totally fangirling! LOL. I am very happy with his answer it warmed my heart, keke. I am anticipating and excited for the next update!! Oh, and HI DOLPHINWORLD IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU CHINGU!!!
2037 streak #4
Chapter 5: The story is slowly developing. Nice... can't wait to find out what happens next ^^
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #5
Hi Chingu~~~ I have been waiting for this update for so long! *squeals* I am very shocked that Yifan pushed me down, and I am happy my appa kicked him out of the house and came home in time to see what happened! :O I wish I could have stopped the fight better, though...and I sure hope Taemin will eventually believe Jonghyun about what went on! and omo ONEW SAID I WAS PRETTY?! *blushes* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! That totally made me smile and all giggly! I really hope I can help Onew & Jonghyun with the rent money!!! Will I get a new job to help them??? :) hehehe! I kind of thought of another idea for that now dongsaeng ehehehehehe but IM EXCITED FOR MORE!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON LOVE!! <333
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #6
Haha sorry I meant to say I'm shocked that jonghyun wasn't scared because kris was so much taller than HIM lol sorry for the typo XD keke
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #7
I loved the new update friend, it's awesome! I was really eager to see how jonghyun and my ex would react and this makes me love jonghyun even more, he's so protective of me and and and I love it when guys are like that haha!!! I'm shocked jonghyun wasn't scared because kris was so much taller than me and I'm so excited for the next Chapter, eeek!!! I wonder what my first night at Jonghyuns will be like do u have anymore ideas for that? THANK U IM SO HAPPY!!!! :D
2037 streak #8
Hey there ^_^ read your story and found quite interesting. Hope to read your next chapter soon.
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #9
Chapter 3: Bwahh! I loved the new Chapter. My favourite is when Jonghyun kept brushing my hair lol and made me pancakes! He's such a good hostess and I love the interactions between Minho & Key oppa! lol poor Key didn't get any sleep!!! Minho should know better! XD LOL thanks again soo much I enjoy this story soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much I cant even!!! AGGH! I wonder what Jonghyun & my ex will be like together? :O I am very excited to read that scene!!! HEHE! this episode made me blush a lot, too! <333 THANKS AGAIN FRIEND!!! :D
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #10
Chapter 2: Hehehehe dongsaeng I loved chapter two!! Jonghyun is soo sweet letting me stay at his house!! I got so giggly when he said he would always be there for me, it's making my heart flutter!!! YAY!!! Thank you!!! I am really enjoying my story!!! Hehehe!! :D