Chapter 9: Becoming Friends Before Christmas

How He Healed Her Heart

Laura’s pov

Jonghyun said that he wouldn’t be home for a few hours, so I had plenty of time to get things set up, but the only problem was that there wasn’t really much to work with. Three long lines of colorful lights, a couple of wreaths, a few small red bows with bells on them, and a mistletoe on a string.

I knew I would hang the mistletoe and the belled bows up inside, and one of the wreaths would look perfect on the front door, but the lights would take away from the tree that Jjongie and I were going to put up later, so I didn’t want to put them up inside.

Jjong told me to just use what was in this box, and that the decorations for the tree were in another one. He promised me that we would put the tree up together when he got home, so I wanted to get this done before he got back.

I started my task of decorating inside, and would do the outside once I was done with the interior. First to put up was the mistletoe, now hanging from the ceiling over the entrance to the living room. Next were the bells, simple yet cute. Luckily for me there’s a fire place in our house, although we’ve never used it before. So I decided to hang one on each end of it. That look’s nice, and I think Jjongie will like it!

I then moved outside, box in hand, and placed a wreath laced with golden ribbon and pine cones on the front door. I laid the box down next to the door, wondering what to do with the lights. It’s as I said before, I don’t want the lights to take away from the beautiful tree that will be up later, so I thought I might hang the outside somehow, but I don’t think we have a ladder, so that’s a problem.

I know I can’t put the lights up without one, but I never saw a ladder around the house, and I don’t want Jjongie to know what I’m plaining until he comes home to see it. So, asking him is out of the question.

I saw one of our neighbors out on their porch looking at me with a strange look on their face. All I could do was give them an awkward smile and a small bow. They then waved me over, and so I did. I know that our neighbors are nice, but I don’t know them all that well yet, so I’m still a bit uneasy when I talk with them

“What are you doing?” The elder lady asked me. She was always kind to Jonghyun and I, and I’m not really surprised she was curious about my actions, I mean, I was just standing there pondering what to do about the lights and ladder situation I was in.

“I was going to put up lights around the house while Jonghyun was out, but I just realized we don’t have a ladder.” I replied with a quiet giggle.

“Is that so?” She said, I could tell it was more of a statement than a question. I only nodded in response. “Well,” She began again, “I do believe we have one. Would you like to us it?” She asked me with a sweet smile.

“Oh no, I really shouldn’t.” Was my reply. I have to admit, I would have loved to use it so I could get the lights up before Jjong came back, but I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone else in doing so, so I simple refused to take it.

“It’s no problem at all.” Her smile stayed as strong as before. “I get my grandson to grab it for.” She stated before turning towards the door and starting to yell in through the door way. Calling out a name I didn’t quite catch and telling them to get the ladder from the shed out back.

I heard a faint voice call back to the elder lady, then she turned back to face me. “He’ll have it for you in just a moment.”

I smiled at her. “Thank you for your kindness.” I said with a bow.

“You’re welcome sweetie.” A kind and warming smile still pulled at her lips.

After a short moment of chatting with the woman, a guy who looked around Taemin’s age came out from behind the building carrying a ladder.

I looked at him and he smiled at me. Somehow he looked familiar to me, but I didn’t know why, until it hit me. He was one of Yifan’s friends. I had only seen him a few times when I was at Yifan’s place, but he was definitely one of his “buddies”.

“Well well, Laura noona!  Long time no see!” He said with a big smile on his face as he came near me.

“You are one of Yifan’s friends, right?” I already knew the answer, but I had to ask, just to confirm my thoughts.

“Indeed I am.” He said while laying the ladder down on the ground. “My name’s Kim Jongin, but my friends call me Kai.” He exclaimed with a bow and a smile.

I gave him a small smile and a slight bow in return. “It’s nice to properly meet you.” I said to him.

“Jongin,” the lady called from the porch, “Do you know this young lady?” She asked him.

“Yeah, she’s Yifan’s girlfriend.” He paused for a short moment before he looked back at me. “Are you still Hyung’s girl, or not?” He asked with a confused look on his face.

“No I’m not.” I stated, my tone a little more serious now. “I broke up with him a while ago, and I’m currently dating someone else now.” I explained to the younger boy.

“Really?” He asked. “Who are you dating now?”

“Kim Jonghyun.” I answered.

His eyes widen at my answer. “You’re dating…Jonghyun?” I nodded to him in response. “The short dino-puppy Jonghyun who’s good friends with Taemin?” He asked.

“You know Taemin?” I asked him.

“The two of us are best friends. We’ve known each other since we were kids.” He explained.


After that, the two of us talked a little bit about Taemin and the others. It turns out that he’s a really nice guy. Not at all what I would expect a friend of Yifan’s to be like. Awhile into our conversation I had realized I had gotten side tracked.

“I’m sorry Jongin, but I have to get back to my decorating now.” I said with a smile. “It was nice talking with you, and thank you for getting the ladder for me.” I bowed.

“No prob.” He replied. “If you’d like, I could help you getting the things up.” He offered to me.


Jonghyun’s pov

It’s been a few hours since I left the house to meet up with Jinki, and I hope Laura didn’t get too bored staying home by herself on her day off.

I had brought up the idea to her of putting up some decorations while I went out, and she seemed to have liked that idea. I just hope she doesn’t go overbroad with it. I like it when things are simple. So that’s what I’m hoping to come home to.

As I got in my car and started the drive back home, I got a cal. I put in my Bluetooth in and hit the talk bottom. “Hello?”

“Hey hyung.” Kai’s voice sounded through the other end.

“Hey Kai, what’s up?” I asked him.

“Not much.” Was his reply. “I was just wondering something. Are you and Laura noona really dating?” He asked me.

“Yeah, we are,” I said, “but how do you know Laura?”

“I meet her once at Kris’ place. Plus, my grandmother lives next door to you guys, and I was talking with just then.” He exclaimed.

“Really? So, did she tell you what she’s doing?” I was quite curious on how the decorations turned out, so I had to ask him if he knew anything about it.

“Putting up some décor. Why?” He questioned.

“Do you know what she put up?” I continued to ask.

“Yes I do.” He said.

“Can you tell me?” I proceeded further.

“Not saying hyung, sorry. Laura noona told me not to tell you.” He said with a snicker.

I only sighed at his answer. “Well, can’t blame a man for trying.” I said.

“I got to go ow hyung, ok.” He quickly said before we said our goodbyes.

Not long after I pulled into my drive way. Lights were hung along the front of the house and a golden wreath was on the door. I was definitely simple, and I like it.

Stepping out of my car and walking to the door, I heard some music being played from inside the house. No trouble to tell she was in the Christmas spirit due to the holiday songs she was playing.

After I had stepped inside and took my coat ad shoes off, I walked into the living room and stood in the door way. A smile pulled at my mouth when I saw how simple the decorations were. A few bowed bells hanging from the fire place, and a couple scattered around the room.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs so I turned around to see a short smiling girl. She hopped over to me and gave me a kiss on my check. I smiled and raised an eyebrow at her. “What was that about?” I asked. She pointed up and so my eyes followed in the direction, only to be met with mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. I just smirked and shock my head at the overly happy girl in front of me.

Annyeong! Okay guy! I got this chapter up before Christmas day, like what I wanted! I hope you aren't too mad at me for not having this up sooner, but I had a bit of writers block, and as most of you should already know, I don't plain out my chapters before hand, I just write on the spot.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and it is a few hundred words longer than what I normally do, so I hope you guys also like that fact.

I wish all of you a very merry Christmas, and I hope you all get what you want for Christmas this year.

I love you guys so much, and as always thank you so so much for all of the support that you've been giving me. It really means a lot to me to know you guys are reading and enjoying my stories, so please leave a comment below tell me your thoughts on this chapter.

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

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ParkJimins_TinyWifey #1
Chapter 13: NO MY JJONGIE!!!!! I....just....can't....believe this....LOL WAE?!?!?!? Hehe XD o.o AHHHHHHHH!!!
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #2
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #3
Chapter 7: O.o oh gosh I can't believe I confessed to Jonghyun on my birthday!!! EEEEEK!!! I'm totally fangirling! LOL. I am very happy with his answer it warmed my heart, keke. I am anticipating and excited for the next update!! Oh, and HI DOLPHINWORLD IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU CHINGU!!!
2026 streak #4
Chapter 5: The story is slowly developing. Nice... can't wait to find out what happens next ^^
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #5
Hi Chingu~~~ I have been waiting for this update for so long! *squeals* I am very shocked that Yifan pushed me down, and I am happy my appa kicked him out of the house and came home in time to see what happened! :O I wish I could have stopped the fight better, though...and I sure hope Taemin will eventually believe Jonghyun about what went on! and omo ONEW SAID I WAS PRETTY?! *blushes* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! That totally made me smile and all giggly! I really hope I can help Onew & Jonghyun with the rent money!!! Will I get a new job to help them??? :) hehehe! I kind of thought of another idea for that now dongsaeng ehehehehehe but IM EXCITED FOR MORE!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON LOVE!! <333
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #6
Haha sorry I meant to say I'm shocked that jonghyun wasn't scared because kris was so much taller than HIM lol sorry for the typo XD keke
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #7
I loved the new update friend, it's awesome! I was really eager to see how jonghyun and my ex would react and this makes me love jonghyun even more, he's so protective of me and and and I love it when guys are like that haha!!! I'm shocked jonghyun wasn't scared because kris was so much taller than me and I'm so excited for the next Chapter, eeek!!! I wonder what my first night at Jonghyuns will be like do u have anymore ideas for that? THANK U IM SO HAPPY!!!! :D
2026 streak #8
Hey there ^_^ read your story and found quite interesting. Hope to read your next chapter soon.
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #9
Chapter 3: Bwahh! I loved the new Chapter. My favourite is when Jonghyun kept brushing my hair lol and made me pancakes! He's such a good hostess and I love the interactions between Minho & Key oppa! lol poor Key didn't get any sleep!!! Minho should know better! XD LOL thanks again soo much I enjoy this story soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much I cant even!!! AGGH! I wonder what Jonghyun & my ex will be like together? :O I am very excited to read that scene!!! HEHE! this episode made me blush a lot, too! <333 THANKS AGAIN FRIEND!!! :D
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #10
Chapter 2: Hehehehe dongsaeng I loved chapter two!! Jonghyun is soo sweet letting me stay at his house!! I got so giggly when he said he would always be there for me, it's making my heart flutter!!! YAY!!! Thank you!!! I am really enjoying my story!!! Hehehe!! :D