
Stay [Drabble]

The minute he woke up he knew it.

He was gone. All of Kai’s clothes and other necessary items were gone, that means the other left while he was sleeping. Shaking his head he scoffed as he remembered their conversation last night, just before he fell asleep and had assumed the other had as well.

“Please Taemin please just listen to me.” He sighed before turning to face Kai.

“For what? So you can tell me dancing is more important than me?!” Avoiding his gaze Kai mumbled dejectedly.

“You were the one that taught me how to dance.”

Taemin stayed silent before he scoffed and glared at him. “Yes I did…and look at what I get in return.”

Kai shook his head and walked to Taemin, cupping his cheeks in his hands he looked right into his eyes. “I love you Taemin.”

Taking a deep breath he nodded. “I love you too Kai.”

It had just now dawned on him that Kai never told him that he would stay.

Walking on the stage Taemin stretched out his partly sore limbs, from having performed three nights in a row, but he didn’t complain. He loved dancing, now he was going up with the rest of his dance crew.

They had won all three rounds, and this was it, this was the final stage.  

“He’s on a streak!” “I can’t believe it!” “Wait show me that book again!!”

Was what Key heard when he headed to the room that Taemin was currently rehearsing in, clearing his throat and putting a hand on his hip he stared down at the rookies who looked up at him, expecting a scolding.

“And what do you think you’re doing?” They all gulped simultaneously as one hesitantly handed over a worn out little book.

Looking inside Key found it was full of Taemin’s performances, they all had one thing in common, Taemin won all of them.


A week later the same rookies appeared, usually he didn’t mind but he had noticed that they would always carry around a small book. When he asked Key about it the older man just rolled his eyes and mumbled something about them being idiotic.

But today he was more curious, his curiosity being spiked when he had overheard a girl ask the others if he knew about his own streak. A boy had immediately shushed her, saying he didn’t want Taemin hyung to be jinxed.

Clearing his throat he pointed to the book. “What’s that?” They all looked up, and the boy who had made the comment about him being jinxed instantly whined, telling the others not to tell him. But the girl also curious asked.

“Did you know you have a streak?” 

Confused Taemin shook his head. “A streak? F-For what?”

“You haven’t lost a performance since July.” Biting his lip he immediately walked out.

He saw Key by the doorframe who followed him. “Don’t listen to them they’re just-“

“It’s not that.” Key tilted his head in confusion. “Then what is it?”

“July….July is when Kai left.”

It had been five months since Kai had left, he had kept trying to call Taemin but he refused to answer, now looking at his phone he bit his lip wondering if he should call. They would always talk on holidays, and one was quickly approaching but he couldn’t bring it in himself to answer or call back.

He didn’t want to listen to all of the reason Kai would give him, about how great this was for his career. Taemin could live without Kai, he knew that now.

It was in the middle of the night that Taemin was awoken by a loud pounding at the door, groggily he made his way out of bed and answered the door shocked when he saw Kai.

They were sat in silence when Taemin finally sighed and looked at him. “Why did you come back?”

“You don’t want me to be here?”

He scoffed. “Are you really asking me that? You made me love you. T-Then….you just left!”

“I had to.” Taemin chuckled bitterly and looked away. “Well then why did you leave? I don’t remember pushing you out the door….although I might now.”

Kai shook his head scooted closer to him. “I love you Taemin and I shouldn’t’ have left. I missed you the whole time, you were always on my mind, and I couldn’t do anything without remembering something about you.”

Taemin looked at him then looked away again and Kai continued.

"I thought dancing was everything. And I was wrong" He smiled softly and placed a hand on his cheek to look him in the eyes.

"'re everything. I love you and I'm not gonna stop loving you. Taemin I can't live without you, I don't want to live without you, and I'm going to do everything in my power to prove it."

Taemin stayed silent, not saying a word as his eyes searched the others face and found nothing but sincerity. He sighed before looking Kai in the eyes. 

"I can live without you.....” Kai’s face immediately dropped. 

“But I don't want to. I don't ever want to." With that said Taemin leaned in and kissed Kai showing him how much love he held for him.


Just because we can live without something, doesn't mean we have to.  

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Shihaam1 #1
Chapter 1: I Enjoyed Reading That I'm Love That Kai Is Back With Taemin It's Meant Be That Way That's Love I'm Saying:D
woosansweetkins #2
Chapter 1: OMG... I LOVE IT... Im glad Kai back .. He need taemin Love more than everything ♡♡