
Seventeenth Heaven


          Lee Seokmin wasn’t anyone special. Sure, he had a nice smile, he was tall, and his family always said he had the brightest personality out of the whole caravan, but that wasn’t much in his opinion. He was a human, quite a boring one at that, and couldn’t compare to the many people who passed in and out of his life. You see, Seokmin’s family was part of a large, travelling caravan. They were mostly crafters, specializing in different trades, and travelled from city to village, showing off their wares and occasionally stocking up on their supplies. Seokmin’s mother specialized in blacksmithing – something quite unusual for a female but, then again, Seokmin’s parents were anything from normal – while his father was a bard and poet. While travelling, Seokmin’s mother would go around, repairing and crafting things for anyone and anything that came her way while her husband attracted customers by singing and wrote poems for those that asked.

          Ever since Seokmin could walk, he helped out with his parents’ businesses. Whether it was going to fetch more fuel for his mother’s fire, grabbing more ink for his father, or just sitting outside of their cart and attracting customers by acting cute, Seokmin had a part of his parent’s work ever since he could remember. And honestly, he didn’t want it any other way. He was content, as boring as it was sometimes, to sit and watch the people that visited their caravan when it stopped outside of cities. Most of the time, the caravan only travelled to small villages and towns, but the rare times the caravan leader decided to go into a city was hands down Seokmin’s favourite.

          Things were always interesting when they went into town. Seokmin revelled at the wide diversity of creatures and objects. His wide eyes would stare in amazement as glittering faeries, elegant vampires, rowdy werewolves, dainty nymphs, and other creatures that his mortal brain couldn’t comprehend twirled in and out between the different carts, occasionally dropping by to ask how his mother made a certain trinket or to hear one of his father’s latest poems. It was amazing, and Seokmin was not the type of person to let such an opportunity pass him by. He was a bright child, filled with curiosity. And so, armed with a million questions, he’d sit next to whoever was waiting for their appointment and strike up a conversation. He’d asked nymphs how they breathed underwater (they had gills and lungs, an old female nymph had been kind enough to show him), how werewolves felt under moonlight (“like how you feel when your father sings, Seokminnie”), how dragons breathed fire, how vampires survived in sunlight, and other questions that randomly popped up into the inquisitive boy’s mind.

          By now, Seokmin probably had a wide range of knowledge about almost every kind of creature there was on the planet. He kept a small dairy, filled to the brim with information on every race he had ever encountered, and it was nearly finished. He had been planning on asking his mother to buy him a new book for his eighteenth birthday but had never found the chance, and never would.

          It had been a regular day of travelling; the caravan had just recently left one of the big city ports and after talking all day to mermaids and sea nymphs, Seokmin had been sleeping inside of cart while his father and mother drove behind the wagon in front of them. It had been a successful week, the caravan leader allowed them to stay at the city for longer than they usually did and, as such, word had gotten around. The caravan got a lot more business because of it, so everyone was in high spirits. Which, now that Seokmin thinks about it, was probably their downfall. They were happy; they thought nothing could go wrong, so no one was paying attention.

          No one noticed the weird symbols marking the trees, the odd smell permeating from the floor, the shattered pieces of wood scattered around the ground. No one could have recognized these signs, even if they were paying attention, because Seokmin was the only one who knew what lived in this part of the forest, and Seokmin was sleeping. Maybe, Seokmin always regrets, maybe if they were paying attention, someone could have woke him up. Maybe if Seokmin didn’t decide to be lazy, he would’ve stayed up with his father and saw the signs himself. But fate doesn’t work that way.

          It was the screams that woke Seokmin up. His eyes snapped open at the first blood curdling shriek, and then the crunch of bones and wood afterwards made him shoot up. He immediately ran towards the door, only to find it blocked by something. Eyes widening, he slammed on the door, pushing his body weight against it, but to no avail. Something was out there; keeping him in, keeping him from figuring out what was going on, keeping him, most importantly, from his parents.

          Biting his lip, Seokmin’s eyes scanned the room, trying to find something that could help him. Their cart was small, with only two rooms. One, the room he was in right now, was for sleeping and rest, and was just big enough for the three of them to sleep (although Seokmin took up more room now that he was getting taller). The other room was filled with supplies. When they stopped at towns, they’d bring the supplies out and build a small shop in front of their cart. Because of that, Seokmin immediately ran to the back of the room, where a small door connected the two rooms together, they kept a variety of carpentry tools in the supply room. Grabbing a screwdriver and a small dagger, Seokmin rushed back to the door and got to work.

          Using the screwdriver to unscrew the nails of the door and keeping the dagger in his pocket, Seokmin quickly loosened the door. Pushing it lightly to test it, Seokmin found that the weight on the other side had oddly disappeared. He opened it slowly and looked outside silently. What he saw made his mouth drop. Half of the caravan was destroyed; it was crushed and barely recognizable, while the other half was starting to catch fire. There was blood pooling on the forest floor but, weirdly, no bodies. Confused and slightly scared, Seokmin dropped to his knees and crawled out of the room, remembering to grab his bag (filled with his book and a few rations he always kept with him).

          Landing on the ground in front of his cart, Seokmin circled the wooden wagon to check for any signs of life. His parents were nowhere to be seen and the old horse that was usually tied to the front of the cart was gone. Suppressing the panic inside of him, Seokmin tried to think rationally. Something had happened here, there must be some clue as to what. Looking around at his surroundings, Seokmin felt his blood run cold as he saw a marking on the tree. Quickly pulling out his book, he flipped to the second half of the book (which was marked in red) and compared the symbol to the crudely drawn figures in his book.

          “,” Seokmin swore, stuffing his book back into his bag. He knew exactly what had happened here and, with a heavy heart, knew that his parents and the people he had grown up with were gone. No one could have escaped, especially not if they weren’t suspecting the danger. Seokmin’s survival was merely a of luck, a flaw in fate. After all, his caravan had been unlucky enough to wander into ogre territory.

          Ogres were extremely territorial, anyone that stepped into their grounds had to pay an unreasonably expensive toll, and if they refused or were unable to repay them, Seokmin closed his eyes as he felt tears begin to spill from his eyes, they were taken. Kidnapped, and probably killed. Ogres could live off of animal, but their favoured food was human meat. That’s why there had been no bodies, everyone single person in the caravan, from the old to the sick to the young to the healthy had been taken. Including Seokmin’s parents. Including the small girl that always liked to sit on Seokmin’s lap and read from his book while they were travelling. Including the nice grandfather that told Seokmin stories of his wife before she passed away because Seokmin reminded him of his younger self. Including the newlywed couple who had asked Seokmin’s father to sing for their wedding and had been planning to finally move away from the caravan. All of them were gone, herded like sheep and eaten. Gritting his teeth, Seokmin was startled to hear a crashing in the trees.

          Eyes widening immediately, Seokmin could barely register the dark shape in front of him before a large first collided with his side. Flying through the air, Seokmin groaned in pain before he was stopped by a tree. Sliding down to the ground with his bag clutched to his chest, Seokmin struggled to look up. Standing in front of him was an ogre; a young one by ogre standings, probably a teenager. Seokmin groaned louder. This ogre would be arrogant. He wouldn’t kill Seokmin quickly no, he’d play around as he wished before bringing Seokmin back to their camp.

          Closing his eyes, Seokmin retreated back into himself. What did it matter anymore? Seokmin’s family was gone, no one he cared about still lived (or would survive past the next week) so why couldn’t he join them? The ogre laughed an ugly cackle and swung his leg into Seokmin’s frail body again and again inflicting enough damage to cause pain but not death.

          Seokmin thought about his parents. His mother had his smile, although hers was usually smudged with coal and grit from the fires. She was a kind woman underneath the calluses on her fingers and was never one to allow unfairness in any form. His father was more passive, content with letting his wife run the business while he spent hours writing. But when he performed he changed completely. His voice was strong, loud, and magical. Seokmin had fallen asleep listening to his father hum under his breath millions of times and now, as he felt his life’s fire slowly fading, Seokmin could only recall the short tune his father had sang for him.

          “This is a song I wrote for you Seokminnie,” his father said as a five year old Seokmin tugged at his shirt. “I wrote it while your mom was pregnant.”

          “What does pregnant mean?” Seokmin asked, tongue struggling with the new term.

          “When you were still being made,” Seokmin’s father laughed, tapping Seokmin’s nose lightly.

          “Made? Like how mommy makes bracelets and swords? And how you make poems and songs?” Seokmin his head in confusion.

          “Kind of,” his father grinned. “But more special. Want to hear it?”

          “Yeah!” Seokmin laughed bubbly, smiling his infamous smile and crawling into his father’s laugh. “I want to sing too!”

          “Okay,” his father patted his head softly, bringing the musical score in front of the boy. “You’ll have a great voice when you’re older, and then we can sing together. Look, this note is ‘C’, it sounds like this.” Eyes widening as Seokmin’s father let out a short note, the boy immediately mimicked the sound. “Perfect,” Seokmin giggled at the praise. “And this one is ‘A’.”

          Jolting back into the future, Seokmin coughed up blood, eyes fluttering as he sees the ogre laughing once again. His bones were broken, and what wasn’t broken was bruised. His organs were bleeding internally, brain was probably suffering from major damage, and he couldn’t feel anything anymore. Lowering his eyes, Seokmin looked at the ground and spotted his bag, the book he had worked on for all of his life spilling from it and felt tears prick at his eyes.

          No one would ever know what happened to them, Seokmin realized; their story would be a mystery forever. The newlywed couple’s families would never be able to see their son or daughter in law. The little girl would never be able to see the meadows and waterfalls she always dreamed of. None of the caravan’s dreams would be filled out, because that’s what all of them were. Dreamers, people with an adventurous desire, and this was their end. To be eaten. It almost seemed too unfair.

          Is it unfair? Eyes opening, Seokmin spotted a soft light glowing near his book. Do you want another chance at life? The light floated closer to Seokmin until it was in front of his face. The ogre didn’t seem to register it at all but it danced in front of Seokmin’s vision. I can give you that. The light hovered directly above Seokmin’s nose. I will give you life, power, and magic in order to finish your quest. But afterwards, the light flickered, you will die.

          Does it matter?  Seokmin thought, and the light fluttered as if it could hear him. I’m going to die now anyways, any later won’t matter. But I want to live more, I want to finish my book, and, Seokmin closed his eyes, thinking about the smiles and laughs of the people he had lived with, I want to complete their stories. Give them closure. Tell their families what happened and let their spirits become free.

          Then it’s agreed, the light darkened and grew again. This time, the ogre stumbled back, as if suddenly aware of it. I will make a deal with you, child, the light brightened again, and in its place was a flaming humanoid body. I am Dokyeom, the spirit introduced itself, I have power over fire and I will gift you with this magic. We are now bound by contract. I will live inside of you and help you, advise you on your quest of knowledge and closure. But be reminded, once you finish your quest, I will take your life and then we can both finally ascend to the afterlife.

          Then you are stuck here as well? Seokmin asked, as the ogre roared in confusion.

          I am stuck here yes, Dokyeom answered. I did something wrong in my previous life, and so when I died I was forced to wander the world until I could make up for my wrong doings. We are helping each other if that’s what you are implying; I need you just as much as you need me.

          Then fine, Seokmin felt his body begin to mend itself. I agree to your contract.

          From now on we are one, Dokyeom nodded, before emitting a bright light and rushing into Seokmin. Gasping loudly, Seokmin felt Dokyeom meld into his mind and core, the spirit’s memories roared through his brain just as Seokmin was sure his own life played for Dokyeom. Within moments Seokmin was healed and stronger than before. Getting up, Seokmin glanced down at his hands and saw a new book. You wanted to complete your book, Dokyeom reminded from inside of Seokmin’s mind. So here, you may start again. Flip to the second half. Obeying the spirit, Seokmin turned to the last part of the book. These pages were filled, the background black with white writing on it. Widening his eyes, Seokmin almost dropped the book as he read the words.

          Kim Sora, age 7, seemingly abandoned at birth and picked up by the caravan. In reality, she was kidnapped from her parents at birth. They still mourn her death every year. Seokmin read. Then these are?

          The stories of those in your caravan, Dokyeom explained. It will make it easier for you to lay their spirits to rest. But that’s not all I have given you, raise your hand. Obeying the spirit once again, Seokmin lifted his hand and felt Dokyeom guide it to aim at the ogre. Suddenly, a burst of energy shot through Seokmin’s soul and a large fireball launched itself from Seokmin’s hand. It smashed into the ogre, causing the creature to stumble back. I was a wizard, gifted with fire when I was still alive. Now you have control over this element as well. However, your body will need time to adjust to this new power, so for now, I really think you should run.

          Wow thanks, Seokmin replied before bolting. The ogre roared behind him and set off on a chase. Although Seokmin couldn’t see a thing, Dokyeom could. The spirit guided his body more often than Seokmin did, and before he knew it, Seokmin collided with another body. “, sorry!” Seokmin apologized. He tried to get up, before realizing that his leg was bleeding. He had probably run into a branch on the forest floor in his attempt to get away.

          Sorry, Dokyeom apologized. I’m not used to controlling your body yet. Seokmin nodded mentally, before looking at the person he had ran over. Eyes widening, Seokmin’s eyes widened as he examined the other man’s white wings. A flugel.

          “Calm down,” the other boy said with an air of authority, causing Seokmin to stop moving immediately. The male waved his hand, causing a soft glow to shine before leaning forward and healing both Seokmin’s and his own wounds. “There, now where are you going in such a rush?”

          “A monster,” Seokmin replied, pointing behind him when the ogre crashed through the trees. Immediately pushing Seokmin behind him, the flugel opened his wings.

          “Stay behind me,” the flugel said, “I’ll keep you safe.” Nodding dumbly, Seokmin watched as the flugel and ogre engaged in a fight. Within a couple minutes, the ogre was sent scampering through the woods and the flugel returned with a smirk on his face.

          “Do you have anywhere else to stay?” the flugel asked after Seokmin had explained his scenario. Shaking his head, Seokmin shivered at the cold air. Producing a blanket from his bag, the flugel draped it over Seokmin’s shoulders. “Then stay with me until we reach the next town, it isn’t safe to travel alone.”

          “R-really?” Seokmin exclaimed, looking at the flugel in wonderment and slight caution.

          This guy is good, Dokyeom spoke up. I trust him. He’s not emitting any kind of evil intent.

          Can you sense that? Seokmin asked.

          “Sure, what’s your name?” the flugel asked.

          Of course I can, I’m a spirit, I’m pretty much an aura so it makes sense for me to be able to see other people’s auras. Dokyeom responded.

          “Lee Seokmin,” Seokmin answered.

          “Nice to meet you Seokmin, I’m Kwon Soonyoung,” the flugel said, “let’s get going shall we?”


I feel like... I rushed at the ending. I apologize. But my brother was kinda shouting at me about League of Legends so I couldn’t really concentrate. *shrugs* Also Seokmin has a pretty sad backstory I realize but its okay, his quest is kinda cute actually. Basically he’s going to find all of the families of the people who lived in the caravan and learn about them and tell them about what happened in order to lay the caravan’s spirits to rest (and fill his book with information about races – see what I did there? Soonyoung is a flugel who values information. Seokmin is seeking information. Of course they’ll go together hehehe are you SoonSeok af? I’m SoonSeok af.)

Also thanks for 200 subs!! >/////< I love you all!!

Once again, thanks for reading and I do not own anything in this story other than the idea and plot, any similarities to other works of fiction are purely coincidental or have been used as sources of inspiration. Please do not repost this anywhere without my permission; plagiarism isn’t nice!

Hope you’re smiling!

~ alateni

PS: Thanks to enyo_kpop_seventeen, chobyeol, and trish16 for upvoting!!

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Got my laptop back! I'll get writing as soon as I can!


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Chapter 12: i like your fanfics~~ every character is beautiful!!! I hope you will update despite haven't updated since March~~
Chapter 12: this is so amazing omg I am completely in love with this!!! I hope you update it soon I need more!!! (ps this is angeljimin from ao3)
BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING. I LOVE FANTASY!AUS AND SEVENTEEN SO MUCH AND TO THROW THEM BOTH INTO ONE FIC IS ASFGDHSKA. Each of their story is so detailed and emotion-filled and just- i love it especially bc they are all connected one way or the other. But if i have to pick a favorite i guess it would be Minghao's idk if it's bc im mostly haohao biased but his story just seemed outshine the others FOR ME. hot damn, i wasn't expecting yifan to be his brother tho. i've read the character list but by the time i got to minghao's story, i've completely forgotten about him so i was like wait what? wu yifan? a faerie? and wow i imagined him with gold fairy dusts much like tinkerbell's lol.

Also, there was one part of the story that i can't help but to love. It was the paragraph after wonwoo telepathically said stay strong to seulgi. I completely forgot about seulgi being listed as deceased so i was in for a surprise when it was hinted that she died. Like, the paragraph didn't start off blunt, but rather solemn but not too much to hint that she did die. It was through implications and things like the black dress and finally the word deceased that conveyed the message that she was dead. ohglob am i making sense or perhaps being shallow? idek man, i just really loved how you made that paragraph, i don't know how to explain it lol.

But i do have a question about Seokmin's background, at Fire, he had mentioned that he was kicked out of his parent's house and had been travelling with the caravan since he was 16. But in Caravan, he was travelling with the caravan together with his parents? Also, at Fire, he didn't know that Soonyoung was a Flugel but in Caravan, he knew right away. Was that intentional or something? Or did i miss some vital info?
anyhow, thank you for sharing this masterpiece! I haven't read something this amazing like in a while so im really happy i stumbled upon this! I really love it and i'm sorry if my comment's too long ><
limelime14 #4
Chapter 7: Your fics are written so beautifully i can't stop reading it ;;-;; so far my favorites are soonseok and wonwoo's... But the others are also really good, it's just.. Beautiful
Babybaozi909 #5
fabynee #6
Chapter 12: i need verkwan hahahaha...or least the ponit of seungkwanie <3
bakayuni #7
Chapter 12: wait but the fact that after his quest is finished, he'd be dead.... nooooo give soonseok a chance of living a life without ambition and spend their old daya together!! ㅠㅠ
someonenameless #8
Chapter 12: Niiice now that i know seokmin story i felt like reading this from his book lol
Chapter 11: Woaaaa wooaaaaa this is so good! you are so good at describing those race and wow I love fantasy too! Looking forward for the next chapter! ><
Chapter 11: When you said that his other dream was of a tomb and another guy I wanted to say to Mingu that it isn't a bad dream and he would be happy, lol. Wah, I miss this story and I love this chapter. I look forward to meanie. Wonu's so sassy. XD Oh, and good luck with your exams