A long day

A long day

Jimin woke up to the sun brightly shining over his eyes through the slightly open curtains. He groaned, not anticipating the long day of work he had ahead of him. But he knew that a few days ago, Taehyung had finished the case he'd been working on, which meant he was going to see him today. 

And nothing, not even work was going to ruin his great day today. He stretched across his bed, picking up his phone that had just beeped. He smiled as he read the text message he'd just received.


 "My princess, good morning~ Happy Birthday, Baby -TAeTAe <3" 

Jimin blushed. He wouldn't admit it, but he absolutely loves it when his boyfriend calls him princess.

And a few seconds later.


"Have a good day at work today. I have a surprise for you later ;) -TAeTAe <3" 


The picture attached was a blurry close up of Taehyung's nose and mouth, him making an (actually quite adorable) kissy face.

His smile widened and he cheerfully replied to his boyfriend's message, skipping to the kitchen to eat. But looking at the clock, he realised he barely had time to eat if he wanted to shower. So quickly he had a short shower and got dressed for work, rushing out the door and nearly forgetting his shoes.

The day was sunny, a little too sunny for Jimin's liking, not that he really minded though because he could not keep his mind off Taehyung's surprise. He couldn't wait to get back to his apartment after work today.

However his happy mood was soon washed away because the moment he got into work and sat at his desk ready to start the day, one of the managers came barging into the room and stood over Jimin angrily.

"Where are the documents I told you to photo copy and put on my desk yesterday?!" 

Manager Kim Minseok. When he got angry, he got furious. Yet, even then he still looked like a cute Baozi. The rest of the office was forever teasing him about his adorable looks. Outside of the workplace he was like a squishy young boy, but he took his job very seriously and got angry with the offices' constant childish antics. He also hated being called cute, unless it was by Jongdae of course.

Jimin's eyes widened, remembering that the last thing he did last night was photocopy those files but he just could not remember ever going over to manager Kim's office and delivering them there. 

Quickly, he shot up out of his seat, bowed and apologised, telling him he'd get them right away. Minseok crossed his arms and slightly stepped back from the desk, impatiently tapping his foot while Jimin shuffled around, looking for the files. He went to reach the stapler on the other side of the desk when...


One of his co-workers, Jongdae called, as he did often. He was always so kind that he got everyone in their area coffee every second day. He would speed around and place one to-go cup on everyone's desk, giving Minseok a peck on the lips as he passed through, instantly switching his angry expression into a shy blush. As Jongdae passed Jimin's desk, he'd been reaching out for the stapler, forcefully knocking the cup over, spilling the coffee all over the desk. It hit his laptop, as well as half soaking the stack of paper he was just about to staple and hand over to Manager Kim.

Jimin looked up with a panicked expression. 

Jongdae didn't seem to notice though and just continued his route across the office, but Jimin was aware of how much trouble he was in when his ears were shocked by the shouting of Manager Kim.

"I don't have time for this! You'll be working an extra two hours today, Park Jimin!" 

He stormed off, his face red with a mixture of anger as well as the blush from the kiss he'd just received from his boyfriend. Jimin sunk into his office chair, embarrassed and ashamed. Great, just the birthday he needed.

The next few hours seemed to drag on forever, although everything ran sort of smoothly, Jimin wasn't having the best day ever. He hadn’t heard from Taehyung since the morning and although he didn’t expect the younger to keep texting him, it would sure lift his spirits if he did. Finally, it was lunch time. Not that it matters. With his position, Jimin only got 20 minutes for lunch, which was enough time to meet with Hoseok, go down to the cafeteria, wait in line, then sit for a few minutes and eat, and having to finish his food while making his way back up to the offices. 


But Hoseok wasn't even working today and Jimin didn't like eating alone. He considered skipping lunch but then he remembered in the rush this morning he didn't eat breakfast. He could always ask Baekhyun to eat with him, since his break was at the same time, but he was probably with Chanyeol and Jimin didn't want to interrupt because they're still at the lovey-dovey stage of their relationship. 


Jimin sighed and stood up anyway, just wanting to get away from the desk, when Yejin approached. 

"Good news, Jimin!" 

He looked at her doubtfully, thinking that nothing could make his day better but Taehyung, and with that thought in his head, his ears metaphorically perked when he heard what she said next. 

"I forgot to tell you before but your boyfriend called earlier this morning and said he wanted to see you and since it's your birthday I was able to get you an hour and a bit for lunch. He said to meet him at 'that place' I hope you know what he's talking about. I already told him what time" 

Jimin’s expression immediately changed and his eyes lit up. He knew exactly what place Taehyung was talking about. That place a few buildings down from where he worked. That place where he saw Taehyung the first time, when his now boyfriend was working there and continued to go every day just so he could stare at him again. That was over a year ago now. Apparently he had noticed Jimin too because eventually he nervously asked him out and they'd been together since. 

Jimin sped walked out of the room, cheerfully calling a thank you to Yejin. He considered going to the bathroom first to make sure he looked okay but he knew Taehyung wouldn't even care, he hadn't seen him in over a week and really couldn't wait until after work. 


‘That place’ was a small cafe that was getting increasingly popular; thank goodness it wasn't that busy today. He walked in and looked around the familiar place. It was decorated in pink and brown, it smelt like hot coffee and chocolate and was very cosy, one of Jimin’s favourite places to go and relax.

"Nice to see you again, Jimin" 

He heard. It was Seokjin, the owner of this wonderful place. Jimin knew most of the staff since he was a regular customer. Kyungsoo waved from behind the counter, smiling. He greeted them both then went to sit on a comfortable red seat at the table that him and Taehyung usually ate at. He ordered coffee and food for him and his boyfriend while waiting for him to arrive. The exhausted boy knew the smile on his favourite person in the world’s face would just make his day and motivate him to get through the next 4 hours of work, plus the extra 2 hours that his disorganisation had caused him to earn. 

The food came to the table not long after and Jimin started to get worried that Taehyung would arrive too late and that he wouldn't get to spend much time with him. He knew his job kept him pretty busy but he had always saved time for Jimin. Besides, he had some time off since having recently finished a major case. He was the sweetest man, always putting Jimin first and fulfilling his duties as a boyfriend. Sometimes Jimin thought he was being spoilt too much but Taehyung insisted he take care of his fair princess.

Half an hour later and Jimin sat at the table, biting his nails, looking up from the coffee he hadn’t touched that was probably cold now, staring at the door thinking that Taehyung would walk through it any second. 

"Jimin, you should probably eat now. You'll have to go back to work soon. I'm sure Taehyung has a reasonable explanation, don't be too worried, okay?" 

Seokjin put his hand on his shoulder and reassured him. But that didn't stop Jimin from being worried. What if something had happened to him? He wouldn't forget. He never forgets things like this. He decided to text him asking where he was. 

Another 10 minutes past and no reply. He’d gotten all excited for nothing and now he'd have to go back to work for hours that would seem to drag on for years, with the annoying newbie, Jungkook that he was currently training (well at least trying to) constantly bugging him and asking dumb questions. This day really wasn't going well at all. 




He sat at his desk, elbow on the table and chin in his hand. Today could not get any worse. He decided to turn on his phone to see if his boyfriend had replied, he really was worried. When he opened it, he spotted the little "1" next to the message had disappeared, signalling that Tae had seen the text. Rather than being upset, Jimin was angry. This whole day had been and the exhausted red head was counting on the one person that could to make it better and now he wasn't even replying to the damn messages. Jimin rest his head on his arms, eventually falling asleep, completely forgetting where he was.

He woke to a ding 20 minutes later, so thankful that nobody had caught him sleeping on the job. He just wasn’t really motivated to work at all today. But he completely woke up after seeing the newly received text was from Taehyung.

"Baby, I'm so sorry!! I hope your day is still going well. I'll make it up to you, I promise. I'll be at your apartment when you get there after work, okay?

- TAeTAe<3" 


He then added 


"Please eat something! – TAeTAe<3" 


As much as Jimin wanted to stay angry at the younger, he couldn't. Taehyung always tried his best for him and he was even worried, he knew the Jimin wouldn’t have eaten if he didn’t show up.




It was 7pm. The end of work for today. Jimin, all too excitedly, grabbed his coat in a hurry and rushed out of the building, heading for the bus stop. His apartment was only a half an hour walk but screw exercise, Taehyung was there waiting for him, he needed to get home. Now.

Jimin cheerfully skipped inside his apartment, placing his coat and bag on the edge of the sofa.

"Tae~~" he called. 

No response. 


"Tae-Tae? You're here right?"  A nervous laugh escaped his lips.

Still no response. He looked back at the door. Taehyung’s shoes weren't there. He wasn't here. Jimin almost cried. After all the events that happened today he really needed his boyfriend right now to cuddle up to for comfort. It was also Jimin’s birthday and that only made things worse. Where the heck was he? 


A wave of worry suddenly washed over him.

What if he was kidnapped on his way here? He never breaks his promises and he said he would be here. What if he’s actually angry at me? Have I done something wrong? Did I forget something? Is he trying to get back at me? OMG HE WAS KIDNAPPED. What if I never see him again? Should I go look for him? No. I’m sure I’m wrong. Maybe he was eaten by wolves!! Okay, that’s unlikely. Where the heck is he?

The sadness left just as tears started slide down his cheeks and he angrily picked up the phone to dial Taehyung's phone number. 

"You said you'd be here…" he mumbled as the phone was connecting. It rang and rang until the tone to leave a message sounded because the other didn't answer the phone.


“Hey~ It’s Kim Taehyung here. Sorry, I can’t take your call right now because I’m probably too busy with my Chimchim”

Jimin sighed and wiped the tears threatening to fall again. He knew that he always overthinks things. Taehyung probably got caught up with something, no big deal. Instead of waiting around doing nothing, Jimin decided to make dinner, hoping his boyfriend would be back by the time it cooked, and his anger would have subsided. But it was after an hour, and still no sign of Taehyung.

The idea of Taehyung being eaten by wolves popped back into his clouded mind. Jimin didn’t know whether he was sad, worried, angry or lonely but he did know he was tired as heck and could barely think.

With nothing else to do, eventually he fell asleep on the sofa, the food being left untouched, still waiting for his prince to come. 

He woke after who knows how long to strong hands wrapping their way around his body and carrying him to presumably his bedroom.

"mmmm.... Tae?" He sleepily mumbled. 

"Hey baby" Taehyung kissed Jimin’s forehead as he lay him on the bed. “You should have had a blanket, it’s cold”

He continued to plant kisses on Jimin’s neck and collar bone, nipping and at his pale, sensitive skin. 


"I'm sorry" he said in between kisses. "I'm so sorry, Jimin. I had so much planned for your birthday. I'm a horrible boyfriend." Jimin was fully awake now and pulled up the other so their faces were aligned.

"Don't say that" he whispered, feeling a little guilty for being angry at him, running his hands though Taehyung’s silky hair.

Now that Taehyung was here, holding him, looking into his eyes lovingly, he knew that he could forget about the rest of the world for this moment, that no matter what happened today everything was fine now. Everything was perfect when he was with Taehyung.

"No. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve you. But please," Taehyung bit his lip. His eyes becoming darker and Jimin had almost forgotten how y he looked in bed. 

"Just let me make it up to you, baby, okay?" 

All he could do was nod. 

"It's all about you tonight. I'm going to make you feel good" 


Really poorly edited, sorry for any mistakes.

One day, I might create a sequel.... maybe.

If you read this far, thank you! Take my love!!

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Chapter 1: Uwaa... this is really nice!! I like this story!!
Chapter 1: What a cliffhanger, is there a sequel yet? XD
LionRose #3
Nice fic I like it ^_^
bambishim #5
Chapter 1: Writer- nim.. i really love ur story.. please write vmin's more.. im screaming right now >o<
Nichie #6
Chapter 1: There's ChanBaek and ChenMin! Omg ChanBaek is my ultimate and everlasting otp asdfghjkl and i like how taetae send a message to chim it's cute! He even call Jimin princess kkkk (sometimes i call Jimin princess too, dont be angry at me tae) but well, i think there's more vmin interaction but okay nice one hehe