'Going Out' With Seokjin?

That One Overdramatic YoonJin Fic

"You're a horrible first date." Yoongi rolled his eyes at Jungkook.

"Shut up."

"No, seriously. What were you even thinking? Were you thinking at all?"

"Yes. No. Wait-"

"Oh my God. What do I even do with you?"

"What- you're not even legal yet, what do you mean what you're going to 'do with me'? I'm the one raising you."

"And look how that turned out. I'm gay. Nice."



"Shut up. Go away."          

Yoongi was ready to kill his brother. Really he was. Honestly, Yoongi was in a conundrum.

He’s fairly sure his hyung is the most oblivious person in the world. He knew for a fact that he wasn’t being very subtle. It wasn’t that he wanted the other to notice. Jesus Christ, if he had the choice, Seokjin would never know about his feelings. Subtlety was usually Yoongi’s thing; being indifferent and lethargic and all, it was never hard to hide his attraction for someone. But God, Seokjin did things to him that made him turn into a highschool girl when he was around.

Or even mentioned.

Or if Yoongi smelled the familiar vanilla.

Or if he saw something pink around.


Jungkook sighed as he watched his brother roll around on their floor. An adult. Yeah. Right.

"Just tell him, the worst he can do is say no, in which case he's too nice to just stop all contact with you." he said, and his brother whipped around to glare at him.

"Has it crossed your mind that I don't want him to say no?" the other growled, eyes narrowing in annoyance, and Jungkook was surprised. His brother had never thought about actual feelings before; it had only been lust. Lust, lust, arousal, lust and...lust.

More often than not when he was drunk.


It isn’t his fault, really. Or at least, it shouldn’t be. Seokjin was at fault here, and he’s sticking with that. Who said it was alright for him to go about looking like he did? And who the told him it was okay to own black leather pants?


Yoongi sighed, then shook his head and stood.

“I’ve got a stage in about an hour at the club. See you.” he muttered, sounding clearly agitated, then left. Jungkook took the moment to smirk at his brother’s predicament. Obviously he had feelings for the other man, and Jungkook was sure that, if his theory was right, Seokjin was in the same position.

He was right.

Seokjin bit his lip, giggling fondly at the thought of him and Yoongi going out yesterday.

“Ooh, someone got laid.” Himchan grinned, and Seokjin whirled around with wide eyes, shaking his head.

“No! I mean… no.” he shouted, flushing as he mumbled the last part. Himchan was not convinced.

“Lies. Okay, spill. Who was it, was he hot, and can does he have friends?” Seokjin scowled at his coworker, smiling from his spot behind the counter to a little girl looking at him with scared eyes in front of him in the waiting room.

“…Yoongi. Min Yoongi. He’s…he’s really good looking, and he’s a nice person, and-” Himchan cut him off by holding up a finger. Seokjin looked to see his friend was just watching him with blank eyes.


“Min Yoongi. Suga. Right.” he said, then Seokjin smiled, remembering that he was a rather famous rapper, and he nodded, bouncing on the balls of his feet with a stupid grin.

“You know him? He’s really good, right? I haven’t really heard him rap before, but Namjoon and Kookie tell me he’s awesome!” Really, Seokjin could have rambled on about the other for days. He was, however, stopped by Himchan’s finger again.

“Jinnie,” he began, and Seokjin frowned slightly. This didn’t sound too good. “Suga isn’t into guys.” he said, and Seokjin froze.

“I…I never said-”

“You didn’t have to, you were practically exuding lovey dovey-ness. I just… I just wanna warn you, okay? Don’t let him lead you on.” Himchan said, looking at his friend in concern. Seokjin nodded slowly, and looked away.

“Should… should I ask him?” He wondered, and Himchan almost laughed. Instead, he smiled, shaking his head in amusement.

“Oh my God, Jinnie, you don’t just ask people if they’re gay.” he said, and Seokjin laughed as well.

“No movie referencing, I wanna know!” he pouted, and Himchan sighed.

“Well… if he knows you as well as you seem to know him; to have hung out together like that, then… I guess he knows how weird you are. So yeah. Whatever. Just don’t tell him that I said it was okay to ask him if he was gay.”

Himchan tried to persuade him against it. He really did. But the look on Seokjin’s face made the words he was thinking somehow different when they came out of his mouth. So he ended up saying it was okay.

Himchan watched in anxious horror as Seokjin pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contact list. When he got to Yoongi, he smiled faintly then called.

‘Hyung?’ Yoongi asked, sounding kind of confused. He said he’d had a stage today; why was Seokjin calling?

“Ah, Yoongi-ah!” Seokjin giggled, earning a disgusted look form Himchan.

‘Hey, what’s up?’

“Sorry? Where are you, I can’t hear a thing!” Seokjin frowned, and Yoongi looked around, looking for somewhere quiet, away from the crowd.

‘Hold on, I’ll call you back.’ he said, then ended the call as he made his way upstairs and out onto the balcony. Seokjin stared at his phone.

“Where was he? I heard the noise from here.” Himchan asked, and Seokjin shrugged.

“He said he’d call me back.” he replied, just as his phone rang. He ignored the look he got when his ringtone- the bubbly song from Sailor Moon rang through the hospital. He picked up immediately.

“Suga?” he asked, and the one on the other end smiled at the use of his stage name.

‘Hey, hyung.’ he greeted, and Seokjin bit his lip. There was still some static; where really was he?

“Uh… I’m not bothering you, am I?” He asked nervously, putting the other on speakerphone to hear better.

‘No! Uh. No, of course not. What’s up?’ Yoongi asked, and Himchan closed his eyes as he knew Seokjin would ask.

“Just… I’ve been wondering… and…”

‘Uh huh?’

“It’s not a problem, really, just something that I’m curious about, and…”

‘Hyung, I’m onstage in like three minutes, is this important?’ Seokjin’s eyes widened.

“What? Oh my God, I forgot! I’m so sorry! Omo, what do I do? It’s not that important, forget about it.” he said, and Himchan facepalmed.

‘It’s important if you called, hyung. What is it?’ came the patient reply, but Seokjin shook his head even though he knew the other couldn’t see.

“Nothing! Just nothing. Where are you, though?” he asked, and Yoongi shrugged.

‘Some underground tournament Namjoon dragged me to. I’m the opening and closing performance.’ he replied, and Seokjin sighed.

“Gimme an address, Suga?” he asked, gathering his stuff with one hand. He smirked mischievously at Himchan, who knew what the other was implying, and shook his head. Seokjin ignored him in favour of signaling to two of the other doctors that they were leaving.

‘Uh… it’s about five minutes away from your apartment, if you’re walking.’

“And if I’m running?”

‘We all know your highness doesn’t run. If he’s taking a car, however, it’d be about a minute.’ Suga drawled with a smirk. Himchan snorted as Seokjin threw a pen at his face.

“Left, right, up, down?”

‘Left at the traffic light then go straight until you hear the music.’ Yoongi replied, confused as to where this was going. Seokjin was at the hospital, surely he wouldn’t think of coming?

“Okay, see you soon, Yoongi.” Seokjin said, then hung up. Himchan watched as the two doctors came over, wondering how he got into this situation.

“Hey, I’m really sorry, but we’ve gotta go now.” he said, sounding genuinely apologetic. They shook their heads, smiling.

“It’s okay, Yixing and I can handle it; there aren’t many people here anyway.” Junmyeon said, the sleepy-looking doctor next to him nodding.

Seokjin smiled gratefully at them both before dragging Himchan by the hand out of the hospital. Seokjin shoved Himchan towards his car with a smile.

“Come on, driver, make it quick!” he called from the other side of the car, getting in the passenger side. Wait, when did he steal the keys? Himchan shrugged it off and got in the driver seat, taking the key from the other and starting the car. They drove the straight road to Seokjin’s apartment, then took a left at the traffic light. Thankfully there was no traffic. He knew it was a good idea to move away from major roads. Though, everyone’s moving to this area to get away from the traffic as well, so it’ll soon become clustered. Sigh, urbanization.

They drove straight, until they heard the sound of bass drums getting closer and closer. Seokjin got out before Himchan could park the car in someone’s drive way properly, and went looking for the right building. He found it. A nightclub. What kind of nightclub was open at 2 in the afternoon?

“Yah!” Himchan called. Seokjin beckoned him towards the building, then went in. Himchan grumbled to himself before following the other doctor. The club was blazing lights in neon colours and loud music. Very loud music. Peeking at his watch, Seokjin grinned. It had been exactly two minutes since his phone call with Yoongi. He had a minute to find the other before he was up onstage. Grabbing Himchan’s hand, he went round to the back of the stage. Someone stopped him, though.

“Fans aren’t allowed back here.” he said, and Seokjin bowed politely.

“Ah, hello. Sorry, can we see Yoongi? Oh. Uhm.. can we see Suga? It’ll only take a moment, and he said his stage was in like thirty seconds, so it’ll be extra super extremely fast.” Seokjin said. The man raised an eyebrow at him before looking to Himchan, who sighed.

“He’s always this hyper, you get used to it. Can we see him though?” he asked, and the man shook his head. Seokjin pouted and stomped childishly. Luckily he caught the eye of someone backstage.

“Jin-hyung!” he called, and Seokjin looked up to see Hoseok.

“Seokkie!” he smiled, and the other grinned at the name.

“Hey, Kangin, it’s fine, he can come in.” Hoseok said, and the guy nodded, stepping aside.

“Seokkie, where’s Yoongi?” Seokjin asked, and the other pouted.

“I thought you would be happy to see me, but you ask for Suga?” he looked away, feigning offence. Seokjin laughed before pouncing on him, hugging him tightly.

“I’m happy to see you, Hoseok.” he said, and the other laughed.

“So, where’s Suga?”

“Oh come on!”

“Uh… Himchan wanted to see him on stage! I thought it would be nice for them to meet.” Seokjin said suddenly, pointing to the other doctor. Anyone else would have just went along with it. Of course, Himchan was not anyone else. He had been Seokjin’s best friend for three years. No way was he taking this. He slapped Seokjin upside the head.

“Liar. This lovesick idiot just asked for directions to where he was and dragged me here.’ he said, folding his arms. Seokjin blushed a bright red at the name calling, to which Hoseok fist pumped.

“Jimin owes me five dollars.” he said, then gestured for them to follow him.

“C’mon, I’ll show you. There’s trouble with the mic, so stuff’s been set back for a few minutes. You guys still won’t have too long, though.” he said, leading them under giant speakers and around crowds of men fetching things.

“Suga! Jin-hyung and his boyfriend here to see you!” Hoseok said, earning an ‘ewww’ from both the men behind him. Yoongi stood and spun around in a flash and was in front of them with a sour expression.

“Hoseok, I swear to God, I’ll ing ki-” he stopped when he saw Seokjin and Himchan, feeling like something was caught in his throat. Seokjin rolled his eyes.

“Himchan isn’t my boyfriend, ew.” he said, and Yoongi calmed down when he saw an expression of similar disgust on the other’s face.

“Jin-hyung, what are you doing here?” he asked after nodding his greeting to the other guy.

“I came to see you perform! And I wanted Himchan to meet you.” he said, and Yoongi sighed. Seems like he’d have to actually say hi to the other guy after all.

“Hey, I’m Yoongi. Just call me Suga if it’s weird.” he said. He could tell that this guy listened to his music. It was from the uninterested way he held himself. Not uninterested in Yoongi or any of the other rappers, but uninterested in the club. It seemed familiar to him in a way that only frequenters to such places could achieve. Thus he knew that knowing someone as one thing and then calling them another would be weird. Himchan nodded, bowing respectfully to him. He politely smiled in response, then was tugged on the sleeve by Seokjin.

“I’ve never seen you perform before.” he said quietly, and Yoongi smirked, though he was getting nervous as well.

“Don’t be too amazed.” he said, and the other scoffed.

“Please. Should I go up there and show you what an actual performance should look like?” he teased. Himchan, always one to cause his best friend misery, nodded.

“Actually, that’d be pretty entertaining.” he said, and they laughed.

“God, no. I’d die halfway up the stairs.” he said, then smiled at Suga. “I’ll never understand how you can be okay with always being in the spotlight.” he said. Suga shrugged

“Comes with experience, I guess,” he said, “I was terrified my first time on stage too.” Seokjin couldn’t imagine Yoongi being scared of anything. Placing a hand casually over his shoulders, Yoongi smiled faintly.

“Not everyone needs to be onstage to be in the spotlight, though.” he said quietly, a look in his eyes that Seokjin couldn’t decipher.

“--Suga!” the announcer called. Seokjin started at the sound of sudden screams and applause, scowling at Yoongi as he chuckled at him.

“Shut up, it was really sudden.” he mumbled, then shoved him towards the stage.

“Good luck!” he said, and Suga turned an adorable shade of red before nodding his thanks. Before he went up, however, he went back and went really close to Seokjin. He could smell the vanilla he had grown to love, and Seokjin reveled in the now familiar mix of spices. Leaning in close, Yoongi whispered in his ear before running back onstage. Seokjin was a bright red, feeling himself getting hot and bothered from what he said.

“Watch me, Seokjin.





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catsKatty #1
Chapter 5: Oh my god!! OMG!! OMONA!! My yoojin!! XD they're so damn precious!! T^T this story is really good! Absolutely good!! They're so cute and fluffy with each other!! I just can't!! >.< anyway... I'm looking forward for the next update!! Hwaiting author-nim!!
Chapter 5: Aww Anna please update, atleast a quick ending to end our misery.
fairytailBTS678 #3
Chapter 5: love it.CONTINUE PLEASE
WhiteSpicedCoffee #4
Chapter 5: Please continue this fic cause I need to know the ending!
MysticalWeirdo #5
Please continue this.
MysticalWeirdo #6
Chapter 4: Huehuehuehueeeeee
AssassinWitzard #7
I am very upset you deleted it in Wattpad! :'(
MushroomLee #8
Chapter 5: Aaaaaa omg finally an update :((((( and it was amazingggg *drowing in cuteness*
KcuLL22 #9
Chapter 5: Watch me ///dies