
Let's Not Fall In Love


It was foreign around her, wrapped in darkness and the hysterical chatters of fans, trapped in the new place where she didn't belong. The yellow blinking dot on her phone indicated a notification.

'You lucky, lucky, bloody thing,' her friend's whatsapp read. 'have fun! Too bad I couldn't make it today. Rotten luck.'

She sighed. Her friend had not the slightest idea how reluctant she had been to attend the event. But because of her friend's raging fangirl hormones, and simply becaude it was her best friend, she had agreed.

The concert commenced soon and she switched off her phone, glancing anxiously at the suddenly silent audience. The first flash of stagelight made its way down the audience. Golden, beaming, casting its glow right at her.






He felt energetic after the group chant. he was ready. The manager gave him a nod as he approached the stage, counting down. the first beam of light shot down and the curtains were drawn. He stepped onto the stage, confident, his smile evident on his face. He spoke into his mic, 'good evening everybody!' The responding cheers of the crowd were the best sounds ever, he had decided, it was what kept him going. He raised his mic, indicating the audience to answer. His name was everywhere, amongst the cheers of the audience, on the flashy signboards, the parting of their lips, in the reflection of their eyes. He held pride in himself - young, handsome, successful in the eyes of many. After so many years of harship, training, he had finally made it up to the peak  of his career. The familiar excitement stirred in his heart again. He felt that he had spread his wings on the stage, ready to fly once again, never ceasing to amaze his fans nor failing their expectations. He enjoyed this feeling of freedom, doing what he wanted, living his life, being in the spotlight, being the very centre of attention, being him. Tonight he was Lee Seungri, and for a split second he forgot everything that had scarred him.

s came out one by one, followed by louder, crazier screams and shrieks. The atmosphere was great. He his lips as his eyes swept across the crowd, all the way to the very end where the first streak of light, that marked the openning of the concert, had struck. His smile was smug; the night was just about to begin.

And then he saw her.


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Moron2 #1
Chapter 5: You write so beautifully everytime I finish your stories I am left stunned by the power of language! You are a very talented writer who has experience and is able to bring out the contrast between the light and dark of reality! Unlike other common fanfictions, you are able to express yourself clearly, with correct grammar and precise wordings, and do not allow your characters to develop into some illogical, exaggerated mushy love after one or two poorly described chapters. Well done! I really hope to meet you someday in real life!
Madhatter_pey #2
Chapter 4: I'm new to Big bang too! I had heard of them before but I just noticed them. Loving this story please update soon.
Moron2 #3
well written! A beautiful piece! I hope everyone reads this! this piece deserves way more than 5 subscribers