Panic and Delight

Without a Fight

oh gosh I even forgot i have this story. 

everything got a bit busy lately. 

im sorry to those who hoped for fast updates 

i got news for my readers though. 

im in a relationship now ^_^ and i've thought of writing more strories about me and her in the future =)) 

so lets get to the update now, right now! 




"Sooyoung!!!! ahhhhrrrg why did you turn off my phone! i missed my alarms!!! why?" Tiffany running around their terribly small apartment like crazy as if everythings on fire. 

"It was ringing like crazy in the middle of the night! what do you want? I need to sleep to grow!!!" she exclaimed.

"Are you kidding? youre done growing how much taller do you want to be? wanna be in the National Basketball Assoc? HUH?" 

"Shut up you!!!!" Soo young throws her pillow in Tiffanys direction and covered herself with her blanket, only to notice that her friend really did shut up. She waited for some seconds and listened for her friend's comeback. So unlike her to back down. even if its the end of the world Tiffany isnt the one to shut up actually, unless its about Jesse----- ohhh crap! Something just clicked in her head. She uncovered her head and looked at Tiffany with wide eyes. 


Tiffany stares at her phone with teary eyes. 


"Hello earth to Fany!! Fany'ah... im sorry.. hey." Soo young keeps on trying to take Tiffanys attention but she knew she should run and hide under the smallest rock possible and make herself invisible.

after Tiffany just hit some sense and things sinked in.... her eyes changed from looking vulnerable into someting filled with rage that laser beams are forming. 



"DID YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!!!!???? SOO YOUNG YOU BETTER RUN RUN RUN!! " Tiffany forgot that she was late even. And decide to ran outside the door after grabbing a jacket. "I'll deal with you later SOO!" 


Sooyoung even locked herself in the bathroom,she peeks to check if Fany did leave. "Phew!!" she dials a number, "Krystal, hey thanks for opening Tiffanys shop. Its really important for her."


"No problem unnie! its the least i can do for my future sister in law. Anyway, where is she now?" 


"I dont know. As long as shes far from me and im still alive, i dont care where she is!" 


"Okay what did you do?? "


"Long story- short. I maybe in trouble for turning off her alarms. I thought they were alarms!"


"Alright unnie, talk to you later. Customers are flooding in." 





Sooyoung was reasonable awake early. She didnt had a good sleep anyway for all the noise Tiffany's phone does.  


The doorbell rangs, "Good morning!!!!" the cheery sound of this girls voice made SOoyung cringe so early in the morning. 


"I thought you Jungs are never awake in daytime?" 


Krystal scoffs, "Youre mean unnie, only my Oppa is a sleepy head. I am very responsible being you know specially now that im running my own busniess." 

She offeres a boquet of flowers, "This is for Tiffany unnie, for her cafe opening but i noticed it was still close. i for got to ask what time it opens?" 

Sooyoung spits out her coffee back into the mug *gross, i know but i do that sometimes too* 

"Shooooot!! i forgot to turn on her phone back on! i closed it last night it was too noisy damn i thought i'll just turn it on after i wake up. "


"Uhhhh theres something called a mute button on smartphones now adays unnie," Krystal sarcastically commented. 


"Please do me a favor and save my . here here its the key to the cafe please help open it for a bit and i'll just get dressed quicky and follow!!! shoo shooo...quicky" 

"LOL okay you owe me one." then she hurriedly left. 

**End of flashback* 




Soo young was frantically trying to clean up her mess by making things more complicated. She just finished dressing up and decided not to let her coffee turn cold and go to waste so she drank it, too bad this giant is also a clutz and spilled it on her shirt. "Damn arrrhhg why is the world conspiring to make me have a bad day!!!" she took it off when she suddenly hear Tiffany screams. SOOyoung feared for her life, she knew how important it is for her friend to start up a cafe right in front of Jesse's Cafe. In her panic she grabbed her old pajama and hid under her covers. 

Until Tiffany tried confronting her.


"Man, i need to move out this apartment if things dont go well today. sigh....OH SNAP KRYSTAL NEEDS HELP. DAMN..." 





Tiffany was so torn between opening her cafe at the very 1st day or going to meet Jesse who apparently left her messages and missed calls. Lots of them. 

*now we know why Sooyoung was annoyed, but theres a muted button like Krys suggested! maybe Soo needs to explore her phone more than eating too much. lol im kidding. dont hate me sooyoung lovers!! i love her too!!*

She decided to follow her heart anyway and ran as fast as she can to her car to meet up where Jesse said hes gonna be at.  on the way there, she saw her cafe is having a major line and people are indeed flodding in! as the "responsible" owner (thanks to sooyoung) she cant help but stop by and see what the heck happened. she checked her purse and her store key wasnt even there. "what the, did i get robbed???" 


"Krystal?? wha, how.. what---" 


"Unnie!!! what took you so long! im getting crazy here, seriously, your staff isnt even trained yet? they dont know what theyre doing!!!" 


"Hoooow whaat,, why??" 


Krystal just rolled her eyes and shoo Tiffany, "Dont worry unnie your little sister will handle this shop. Im alread a pro anyway. You just follow your heart and meet my Oppa. P.S. He looks really handsome when he left *winks* 


Tiffany understands and grins widely. 


the younger girl smiled back, "you two should be happy now unnie," 

Tiffany nods and hurriedly left. "I owe you krystal!! thank youuuuu" as she ran out.


*Seriously how many people owes me today, theres my brother, soo unni and fany unni... (smirks evilly)* 


Tiffany in her car, "Wait for me my love.." 




how did you like it? im sorry im kinda lazy to put Uppercases on where they should be, like the start of senteces or names etc. 

hope you wont mind it too much XD 

btw i was wondering if we could make  a group chat maybe in social apps to meet new people and friends? with same interest and ships.. 

what do you think? 

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Chapter 4: All of the are cute... LOL
Jeti48 #2
I love it...
Chapter 4: Hahaha.. Baby Jung and Soo are so cute when the realized it. Hahaha

At least JeTi are together and so happy now
hanipunchririnru #4
updated for chap 3
Chapter 2: Where's the update?
Chapter 2: wow!! Jesse is so crazy. hhahahahahah I like it!!
taesull #7
Chapter 2: Update updateee
Chapter 2: Woah!!! Yes!
beatle87 #9
Chapter 1: sequel please..hehehe
hanipunchririnru #10
hi guys, i already made a short update. ^^ hope you like the sequel