Senior College Year

Without a Fight

 “Oh common Jesse, you promised you’d help me,” his best friend exclaimed.



“Tiffany, I have home works to do. And besides~”



“Please please please, I’ll be your slave for a week,” Tiffany pouted in front of Jesse.



Jesse had his hand on his chin, thinking.



“Go on. Im listening.”



Tiffany’s eyes twinkled, “and do your laundry and cleaning too. If your tips work and Taeyeon goes out with me, I’ll even be your slave for a month.”



“Deal. But you got to keep your promise this time and I won’t let you get away with your eye smiles and puppy pouts!”




Tiffany squealed while happy dancing.



She always gets her way.


She was too spoiled by his best friend.



Maybe because Jesse was such a good friend.



Or maybe because of something else.







Jesse rolled his eyes, “Why the hell am I here again?”


He was hiding his face in  a menu from across the table while carefully watching her best friend and her date.



His heart was aching seeing her best friend’s smile.



No, maybe because she was smiling for someone else.



Jesse talked in his little microphone giving instructions to the earpiece Tiffany was wearing in her left ear.



“Tiffany, don’t smile too much. You look like a clown smiling from ear to ear! You’re going to creep him out!”



Tiffany didn’t hear that or maybe ignored for she was already in cloud nine seeing her dream guy eating pasta in front of her.



“Shut up, I’m just happy!” she said in a low tone suddenly but it caught Taeyeon’s attention.



“What was that?” he looked at her.



“No I wasn’t talking to you, no-no I mean I was talking to you.” Tiffany face palmed herself mentally.



She grinned to cover her little mistake, “I was just mumbling that Im happy to be here with you.”



Taeyeon smiled and reached for her hand on the table.



“Im glad I am here too.” His words was assuring, “Well honestly, at first I was kind of hesitating to go out with you.”




Tiffany’s smile faded away. Jesse didn’t miss how the sparkle in her eyes slowly died.



“What do you mean?” Tiffany said weakly.



“Well I thought you were a goody goody. You know those people who hangs out with such losers like Jesse Jung. No offense but you two seemed really close. But hey! You look really hot tonight.”



Taeyeon smile at her and she smiled sadly back at him.



Many things ran through her mind.  Tiffany was confused.



If it wasn’t for her best friend’s tips on how to look good and a tiny bit of flirting advice, she wouldn’t even have a shot with the hot Kim Taeyeon.



 She loves Jesse Jung, her childhood best friend but she also likes to have new cool friends to sit with at lunch and the attention of being popular. Let’s admit it, she could never have that by hanging around a cute nerd like Jesse.



It hurts coming from a cool jock like Kim Taeyeon but facing two different worlds that were so different and suddenly you want to have the best of both worlds which you knew you couldn’t.  There was only one choice to make. Only one.



Taeyeon noticed Tiffany wasn’t saying anything so he spoke again, “ Hey Tiffany, look. You could hang out with me from now on. I know you feel bad for him but forget about him. You have me now.”



Tiffany was worried for Jesse because she knew he could hear all what Taeyeon said through  the built in mic in the earpiece. She nervously nodded.



“Im really sorry Jesse,” she thought.



“Taeyeon, please excuse me for a second. I’ll use the toilet.”


Cold sweats formed on her head. Before she could even think about looking perfect for Taeyeon tonight, she worried for Jesse.



Upon reaching a cubicle. She called out for Jesse but there was no reply. She repeated his name.



She desperately called but nothing came for response. She pressed the earpiece harder on her ear but the sheer silence was killing her. She hoped to hear even a breathing sound but that was too much to expect.



She had a hard time taking out the earpiece for her hand was shaking.



“Taeyeon, I really enjoyed this evening but can you please send me home.”



She didn’t bother siting again. Taeyeon paid and they left the restaurant.



In front of Tiffany’s house.



“Tiffany, I really meant it when I said those. I mean look at you, you are so beautiful and believe me you could be so much more. You don’t have to be a loner and shuned out from the status quo.”



So much flattering words coming from her dream guy that she forgot why she was feeling unwell earlier.



A cute chuckle slipped out from .



Taeyeon smiled back and leaned in for a kiss on a cheek.



But that innocent gesture looked different from another angle. An angle from someone far and hidden in the shadows of the trees.





Three days had passed and Tiffany never heard a call from Jesse.


He was also ignoring her on classes  and even transferred seats so he’d be far from her.


Tiffany had been sitting with Taeyeon and his cool friends at lunch and Tiffany doesn’t walk home with Jesse anymore. Instead, Taeyeon drives her home.



“Taeyeon, can you drop me off here.”



She made a cute request and the latter couldn’t even refuse even though he knew Tiffany’s house was still two blocks away.



She got off, “Thanks Taeng. See you tomorrow.”



Taeyeon waved and drove off.



When his car was nowhere in sight, she made her way on the door step and got a spare key under a mat.



Being childhood friends with Jesse gave her the advantage of knowing little secrets like this one.



She made her way inside his house. It was familiar to her like her own home.



She tried to look for him in the garden first since he loves reading there at late afternoons when the sun was just beginning to set.



She missed the times with him all of the sudden.



She finally made her way to his room, she knocked twice.



She tried opening his door, it was open. Jesse always locks his door, she wondered why.



She gently pushed the door open and popping her head first to see if he was in there.



“Hmmm, where could he be?”



She dialed a number.






“Hi Krystal, Tiffany here. I was just wondering where you are?”




“Uh unnie, I’m staying at Sulli’s house. Why did you ask? Arent you supposed to be calling my brother--- ohh he’s not home is he?”



Krystal realized that upon asking.            



“Well kind of. Do you know where he might be?”



“Hahaha have you tried the library? You know my brother. Other than you, the library is the only thing he has closest to a friend.”



“Krystal, I’m afraid I have searched the entire university looking for him. He even cut the last class we have and he just vanished.”



“Unni, did something happen? Did you fight?”



“Oh no. it was just a misunderstanding.”



“I see. Well unni, I got to go. Good luck finding my brother.”



Tiffany sighed, “Good luck to me indeed.”



Tiffany decided to wait in Jesse’s house. It had been a couple of hours already.



All the wait was making her hungry, she went to the kitchen.



Tiffany found a post it on the fridge.




“Jesse and Krystal, we’ll be gone for a week for a business trip. Take care of each other kids. We love you. – Dad & Mom.”



She poured a milk on her glass but it spilled.


There must be way too many things in her head.


She remembered the good old days she had with Jesse while staring at the kitchen table.





“Hey Tiffany- help me over here.”  A 7 year old boy told his friend.



“Ugh why are cookies so hard to make?!” she whined, “you can do it Jesse.”



Jesse’s mom came in and stumbled upon two little kids that messed up her neat kitchen.



“Kids, you shouldn’t be here without an adult’s supervision.”



“But mom, Tiffany got hungry and Im trying to bake cookies for her.”



“That’s so sweet Jesse dear, but you can’t even reach the oven plug.”



“Well that is pretty high that’s why you came in just in time.” The young boy with flour dust on his hair told his mom while beaming widely.



“Okay let mommy do it, you two play upstairs.”



And with that, two happy kids chased each other, “Race you first!”



*End of flashback*



Tiffany smiled sadly at the memories she missed the most.



They had been friends since grade schools or maybe even earlier like when they were in diapers.



Who knows but the only thing she knew well was the longing in her heart.



The door swung open. Tiffany gasped and she quickly made her way to the door.



“Jesse is that you?”



A man entered with his shoulders slumped, head hung low and his walking wobbled and slow.



He wasn’t even aware that there was someone else.



“Are you drunk?” she raised her voice on him like an angry wife.



He looked up and smiled. His eyes were half closed, “Am I in the *hicc* wrong house? *hicc*”



“N-no. I came here to talk to you!”



She eyed him worriedly.



Jesse threw himself on the couch. His alcohol tolerance was so low that one cocktail made his world spin. But he knew that it was his heart that was really drunk. Love drunk was more accurate term.




The sunlight beams through the curtains.



Jesse stirred from the couch. He wiped his groggy eyes and something moist was on his forehead.



He sat down and the moist towel fell on the tiles.



He found a post-it note on the table near the couch.



“Hey sleepy head! But drunkman is more accurate. Wake up wake up! Jesse I need to talk to you. Please?”



He could imagine how  Tiffany would pout while writing this. He smiled.



He didn’t want to lose his best friend but what could he possibly do when she was already stolen?





That day Tiffany was really worried how Jesse would show up for school. He was just drunk that night but to her surprise she saw him walking with a new style. Everything changed from head to toe. He even dyed his hair from brown to blonde.



Jesse was wearing very stylish clothes and got rid of the glasses.



Tiffany stood up from her seat to approach him but the professor came in before she could even make a move.



After the classes Jesse didn’t bother to look at her, not even once. And Tiffany knew because she was stealing glances from him every minute.



Jesse got out of the room, it was lunch time. And Tiffany was hoping he would glance at her just once. But no, he didn’t.



She picked up her things and followed him out. She wanted to talk to him so bad but Jesse new lunch buddies shocked her the more.



She gulped. “Jesse is hanging out with Kwon Yuri, Park Gyuri and Kim Hyoyeon,” she mouthed.



They weren’t exactly what you call good company because they have a record. And those records are not so good either.



She mustered her courage to confront him but when she was in front of their table she was good as a statue.



Jesse noticed her presence. He stopped talking to his new friends and looked at Tiffany. He stood up with a questioning expression on his face.



Tiffany was about to talk when somebody grabbed her arm, “Fany, what are you doing here?”



They both looked at Taeyeon, “You’re with us now Tiffany. Don’t hang out with him anymore,” he continued.



Jesse blood was boiling at the sight of Taeyeon.



Taeyeon started to lead Tiffany to their table but Jesse grabbed the girl’s other free hand.



“Why not Kim Taeyeon? Because we aren’t as cool as you?” Jesse asked with an irksome tone.



Tiffany glanced to Jesse and Taeyeon, she definitely felt that the atmosphere was tensed.



“Guys, don’t fight. Taeyeon, Jesse, let’s just get along okay?” she wanted to soothe the moment thought it was really no help.



Jesse started to loosen his grip on Tiffany’s hand while Taeyeon held her firmly.



Taeyeon smirked. He knew he won her. Tiffany looked at her bestfriend before turning her back. She was hell worried for him now.



“Tiffany, if you walk away from me right now we’re not friends anymore.” Jesse threatened.



Tiffany stopped on her track with eyes wide in shock. Jesse anticipated her to look at him and when she did. He made an unforgettable history.



All the kids in the cafeteria stopped on whatever they were doing and cooed at the Jesse and Tiffany.



Even Taeyeon had his mouth open. Some choked on their food and others spat out their drinks. Jesse new buddies clapped and teased.



After the ’10 seconds’ kiss which seemed like forever Jesse took a step back and smirked. Tiffany looked at him, she seemed broken and so vulnerable. The triumphant smile on his face faded as tears made their way to  Tiffany’s cheeks.



She ran as fast as she could. Away from Jesse. Away from Taeyeon. Away from everybody else.



“What have you done?” Taeyeon gave him a disgusted look before walking away in the direction where Tiffany headed.



Jesse didn’t expect she could hurt the most important person in his life. His hands trembled as he sat back on their table.



“Come on Jesse, relax!” Yuri said.




“She’s just shocked, don’t you worry!” Gyuri seconded the idea.




“She obviously wanted more,” Kim Hyoyeon teased and everybody laughed.



Jesse laughed along with them, “Maybe they’re right.” He thought.




“Attention class, for the upcoming Children’s Day Celebration our school decided to help an orphanage and to make things more interesting it would be a project in pairs to adopt a child for a day.”



Some students were excited and some were dismayed.



At Jesse’s house.



“Great now I’m stuck with you!” Jesse rolled his eyes.



Tiffany had agape. She was taken aback, “How could you even say that to me!”



“Have you forgotten how you humiliated me in front of everybody else?!” she continued.



But all she heard was a chuckle from Jesse which made her blood boil.



“Uhmm are you fighting?” a shy little girl was fidgeting her dress and was hiding half of her body behind a door.



The two was surprised. They looked at each other, “No-no Seohyun, we weren’t fighting.” Tiffany said.



“Of course not. Don’t worry Seohyun.” Jesse assured her while he lifted and carried her to another room.



“Wanna play with your daddy-for-a-day?” he continued.


The child nodded.



Tiffany followed them, “What would you like to do?” she asked.




“I would like to read books,” Seohyun answered.




Jesse had a smile plastered on his face. Tiffany wondered why.



Jesse and Seohyun were bonding like real father and daughter.



They kept giggling and Jesse was whispering in Seohyun’s ears from time to time and it would result to more giggles from the both of them.



She was dead curious what they were talking about but that moment when Jesse would smile, she didn’t dare interrupt that moment. How she missed seeing him like that. She smiled along with them.






“Tiffany, would mind coming here in the garden?”



Seohyun suddenly popped from behind her, pushing her toward the garden.



Upon reaching the place she gasped and held a hand in .



There were rose petals along the pathway and candle lights.  It was romantic.



Jesse set up a dinner date for the three of them. But of course Seohyun knew it too.



They were eating and telling stories to Seohyun just like a real happy family.



Jesse noticed that it was getting late and Seohyun needed to sleep already.



He excused himself and Seohyun. He went up and tucked the child in bed, “Thank you Seobaby. You’ve been a really good girl today.”



The child smiled warmly at him, “You make a good daddy Jesse appa.”



She giggled from calling him appa and hid her face in the mattress.



Jesse smiled. This moment was indeed heartwarming. Seohyun popped her head out again and kissed Jesse on the cheek.



“I wish you were my real appa. I wish you and Tiffany umma would be really happy. Good luck for tonight appa.”



Jesse felt his eyes tears up. “This kid is really something,” he thought.



With that he kissed Seohyun on the forehead and left a night light for her.




He gently closed the door behind him and made his way back to the garden.




Tiffany was still there, lost in a trance of deep thoughts as she stared in the flame of the candle.




“Tiffany,” he called out softly.



She looked up at him and a slight blush crept to her cheeks.



“Jesse, I’ve been meaning to talk to you for quite a while now. Can we talk?”




“Tiffany, I wanted to apologize first. I didn’t mean to act like a jerk to you but I was just so angry because I I—“ he suddenly cannot continue so he looked down.



“Jesse, I understand you don’t have to apologize. I already forgave you, y’know,” she smiled at him.



With the dim light that the candle emitted, she looked even more alluring and captivating at the same time gentle and he just wanted to protect her forever. The image in front of him was simply breath taking and he wanted to spend more quality time like this with her for the rest of his life.



This moment needed courage to continue in reality.



This was a onetime opportunity for him now.



“Tiffany, I still feel I needed to explain my actions. You see I was jealous of you and Taeyeon.”



Jesse stared deeply into her eyes and they were sparkling. It never made the following words easy to say.


“I’ve realized that I have feelings for you Tiff. More than just a friend.” He reached out for her hand but Tiffany avoided his touch.



He was hurt with the gesture.  



Tiffany gulped and stared down at where Jesse reached for her hand, “Jesse, T-Taeyeon and I are together now—“ she trailed off slowly.



Jesse furrowed his eyebrows and smiled bitterly. After a moment he chuckled which surprised Tiffany. She looked at him worriedly.



He stood from the chair and went inside the house. Tiffany felt she needed to apologize but she couldn’t move her body to follow him. She remained seated. To her surprise Jesse came back with a champagne bottle and two champagne flute.



“That news calls for a celebration huh Tiff?”



He poured the champagne for the two of them and handed one to Tiffany.



“Jesse, don’t be like this?”



“Hey if I can’t celebrate my love for you then let’s celebrate your love for Taeyeon then. At least I can be a good friend still.” He smiled and gulp the whole content in one go.



“Jesse!” she exclaimed, “You have low alcohol tolerance! We have classes tomorrow.”



“Oh come on! Don’t be a goody goody Tiff. You know you want to celebrate.”



“NO! And to see you like this. What are you thinking Jesse?”



Jesse sighed and reached for the bottle again. But Tiffany was quick and took it away before he could reach it.



“Okay okay you win. But just so you know Tiffany, I’m not a loser like what Taeyeon thinks!” he assured her, “I won’t back down without a fight.”



It sounded like a threat but Tiffany had her heart flutter at what she heard. Tiffany thought that this day was too good to be true and why that project has to last only for a day, she thought.




Tiffany was having lunch with Taeyeon and her new friends when someone approached her from behind.



“Tiffany these are for you.” Jesse handed a pink bouquet of roses to Tiffany while beaming from ear to ear.


“Are you still drunk Jesse?” she stood up obviously surprised.



“Love drunk for you Tiff!”



Taeyeon could no longer hide the dismay he felt at Jesse bold move.




“What do you think you’re doing?” Taeyeon asked while looking at him weirdly.



“Taeyeon, do you think I would surrender Tiffany to you without a fight? Im not a loser like what you think.”



Tiffany felt that the conversation was heating up and people were starting to stare at them out of weird curiosity.




“You guys stop it. Jesse why are you doing this?” she asked although she was already holding the bouquet Jesse gave her.



“I’ve told you Tiff, I love you and I will fight for you back.”



“What in the world? Tiffany and I are together now. You should know your boundaries Jung.” Taeyeon tried to keep his cool.




Jesse just smirked and shrugged his shoulders. He smiled to Tiffany one more time before returning to his new buddies.



Taeyeon looked at her, “Why did you accept that? Are you trying to humiliate me Tiffany?”



“The flowers are pink.” She said and sat back to her chair. Taeyeon’s friends were actually impressed with how Jesse stood up in front of Taeyeon.



“Oppa, why did you help Tiffany unni get a date with Taeyeon-ssi if you want unni for yourself?”



His little sister interrogated him while he reads a book in the garden. Jesse folded a page and closed the book.



“I just couldn’t say no to her Krys. She wanted to have a date with him so bad that I couldn’t do anything. I thought it was just a date and she’ll be okay after that. I didn’t know Taeyeon would actually y’know. *sighed* and now they’re together.”



“You’re regretting too much huh?” Little jung tried her best to empathize with him.



“Of course. After realizing I’ve lost Tiffany, I couldn’t take it. That smile she gives to him. It  kills me inside. She deserves to be happy but I deserve to be happy too. I just have to fight back and if I lose at least I fought for my feelings.”



Krystal almost cried with his little enlightenment and she was so proud of him.



“And you know what sparked my feelings even more? When Taeyeon called me a loser and Tiffany don’t deserved to hang out with people like me. I’ll show him!”



“Whoa oppa. Hold on a minute. Don’t bear grudge!”



“I know it’s selfish Krystal but sometimes you got to fight and maybe the reason why I lost Tiffany was because I couldn’t protect her. I couldn’t fight for her and stand up for her. Maybe she thought I just gave her without even trying.” Jesse bore his face against his palms.



“Jesse I-I don’t know what to say.”



Jesse was confused that voice was definitely not Krystal. He looked around. No one.



Then suddenly Krystal held up his phone. Tiffany was listening all this time from the other line.



Jesse shot the deadliest look to Krystal and she swore it scared the sh*t out of her but kept calm.

“Jesse?” Tiffany spoke on speaker phone.



But Jesse was too ashamed to answer. Embarrassment was evident through his tomato red face.




Two days have passed and Jesse was still scared. He was willing to fight but that revelation to Tiffany all of the sudden. He was scared of what she’ll say. He was scared to lose again.



Although it was irrational, he needed to think of how he could hide his embarrassment.




Before going back home he decided to follow Tiffany and  ask for a chance. While following her, he noticed a familiar face. He didn’t focus too much because he was busy trying to hide from Tiffany.

Something really bothered him and decided to see who that person he saw.




Jesse’s jaw dropped. Taeyeon was kissing another girl. Jesse shook his head. He could not believe what he just witnessed, “That bast***d,” he cursed.




A  week had passed and Jesse was thinking whether to tell Tiffany or not.



Jesse cant stand to see Tiffany’s sad face as much as he cant bear to see Tiffany with Taeyeon.


One day he muster his courage to tell her but she called him a liar instead.



Jesse’s world crumbled and broke into tiny unamendable pieces. He had no idea that being called a liar by his best friend was incomparably more painful to being called a loser by someone else.



Tiffany and Jesse never talked since then.



It was immature. It was just a small misunderstanding but it was painful and the emotion had taken over and nothing was rational anymore.



They have separate lives now that they have graduated.



Tiffany was on her way to get her daily dose of caffeine in her favorite coffee shop near her work.

She decided to waste a few more minutes since it was raining and she wasn’t in a hurry.

She noticed someone familiar among the crowd. This man was wearing polished shoes, tailored suit and glasses. Although half of his face was slightly covered by the newspaper he was reading Tiffany knew it was him.  She smile sadly and approached him carefully.



Her heart wavered when she was close enough to see his face completely. Close enough for him to notice.


He looked up. Their eyes met. He took off his glasses  and smiled.


“Hi Tiffany, it’s been a while.”



“You look rather handsome Jesse.”



He chuckled, “So I’ve been told.”



She missed that chuckle.



“Where do you work Jesse?”



“Here.” Came a short reply.



“Oh really? I’ve got to say I go here often but this is the first time I’ve seen you here.”



“I just got back from New York and I’ll take over this business since my wife will travel to Paris to study fashion.”



Tiffany’s  legs weaken and she felt she needed to sit because her strength was suddenly drained. She covered her shock with a smile.



“So you’re ma-married n-now?” she cleared .



Why was she stuttering, wasn’t she supposed to be happy for him too?



He just smiled. He felt rather victorious. She could no longer understand what was happening. She needed to get out of there and quick.



She took her coffee and said goodbye. Jesse didn’t fail to miss the sadness in Tiffany’s eyes.



“Oppa,”Krystal called out from behind him.



“Oh hi Krys. Since when did you get here?”



“I own this coffee shop remember. So I opened the shop. Duh!”



“Oh heheheh”



“Oppa since when did I marry you?”



He was caught off guard, “Ahahahaha so you heard that huh?”



“Of course I was just getting back from the stock room when I saw you two talking. And I overheard from ‘I’ll take over this business since my wife will travel to Paris’” Krystal mocked his voice.



“Im sorry Krys.”



“Oppa aren’t you sorry to Tiffany unni? I’ve heard they broke up not long time ago. I heard that her boyfriend cheated on her a lot.”



“I know Krys. I know.”



“Okay and now what?”



“You know Krys, I never knew that it would hurt so much to know that your own best friend doesn’t trust your own words and how much more when you’ve loved that person.”



He thought bitterly.



“Oppa, I’m sure Tiffany unni learned her lesson and she needed a friend now.”



“Im sure she does. But I’ve stopped being a friend when I realized I had feelings for her.”

“I thought you weren’t a loser oppa? Maybe you’re right because you did fight for her a little bit but you didn’t push through and that makes you a quitter.”



“No Krystal, maybe I didn’t fight at all. I gave her up without a fight and that was the worst thing I ever did.”



“Exactly. So what are you doing sitting around here lying to her. You could still get her back and prove her that you have been loyal to here all these times and that she made a mistake for not choosing you.”



“How can I woe her when I couldn’t even bring to forgive myself. Krystal, I’ve made a big mistake and got hurt. And sometimes that mistake would be enough for you to learn that the risk was too great to take.”



“Are you saying that Tiffany unni is not worth that pain?”



Jesse looked at the folded newspaper on the table as if he was searching the news to find words to reply to Krystal. She was making a point but everything became pointless in his life when Tiffany walked away. Krystal was dejected to hear such words from her brother. She stood up and walked away.





Jesse was still lost in his thoughts, I surrendered you without a fight. I’m sorry Tiffany. I really am.






sorry guys, i felt like some might be disappointed. ;P

did you like it? maybe a sequal will do? what do you guys think?

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Chapter 4: All of the are cute... LOL
Jeti48 #2
I love it...
Chapter 4: Hahaha.. Baby Jung and Soo are so cute when the realized it. Hahaha

At least JeTi are together and so happy now
hanipunchririnru #4
updated for chap 3
Chapter 2: Where's the update?
Chapter 2: wow!! Jesse is so crazy. hhahahahahah I like it!!
taesull #7
Chapter 2: Update updateee
Chapter 2: Woah!!! Yes!
beatle87 #9
Chapter 1: sequel please..hehehe
hanipunchririnru #10
hi guys, i already made a short update. ^^ hope you like the sequel