Episode 2

I Love You, My Boss

"So apparently our friend’s boss here is so observant and alert that he remembers your favourite sandwich." Another one of your close friend Jackson approached your usual lunch spot.

Even though he is a Senior Manager, he never actually acts like one.

You still remember the first day you report to work. When the HR Senior Manager Mr. Park Jinyoung brought you around the company for introduction, he had warned you about him. “Mr. Wang is our Marketing Senior Manager. Do be careful around him though. He tends to be a little too friendly.” Mr. Park whispered when both of you were approaching his room.

“Jackson, this is Y/N, our new addition. She’s assigned to Jaebum as his assistant.”

“Please just call me Jackson. Welcome to the family Y/N!” You expected him to give you a handshake when he walked over but instead he gives you a hug.

“Jackson Wang! What are you doing?? What did I say about ual harassment??” Mr. Park scolded him before asking about your condition.

“It’s okay Mr. Park. I’m fine.” You replied once you composed yourself from being stunned. From that day onwards Mr. Wang, or Jackson as he insisted on everyone calling him by his first name, became your close friend to ‘help you fit in the company’.


"Oh my god. Why are we still talking about this??" You rolled your eyes for the umpteenth time. The sandwich incident has become the topic of the day amongst your circle of friends. You've been receiving messages on Skype for the whole morning.

"Because why the hell not! We need to unravel this!" Jackson flails his arms around exaggeratedly.

"There's nothing to unravel. He bought me a sandwich for breakfast. That's all. End of story."

"Not when you have a huge crush on him." Youngjae joins in.

"See! Even Youngjae knows! It's no longer a secret if Youngjae knows."

Youngjae looked at Jackson with a confused look and puffed up cheeks as he was stuffing his mouth with a kimbap when he heard the mention of his name.

Yes. You have a crush. A huge crush.

And that person is your boss. Mr. Im Jaebum himself.

You know you shouldn't because it's unethical (and because you were briefed about "not getting involved with other staffs in the office" talk from the HR Senior Manager) but you can't help it when he's so good looking in his suits. Even though he's still young, his analytical skills were on par with the seniors. He exudes charisma that earns him respect from not only the company, but in the industry too.

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Chapter 4: Awww.. This is so sweet~