(Un)wanted Attention

I Got My Eyes on You

It was hard really, to be a low-key fan but your actions speak otherwise.


For the next few weeks, which was slowly becoming almost a month, Jongin has been trying hard to stay as far away from Kyungsoo as much as possible, especially since his heat could just drop out of nowhere. He just started getting his heat that year, a few days after his birthday and his body hasn't actually made a fixed schedule. It would be a nightmare if Kyungsoo finds Jongin in his most vulnerable state, thirsty for some in his .

“You’re so whipped!” Taemin’s annoying voice echoed in his head. As much as Jongin hated to admit it, he was so gay for the alpha it wasn't even funny anymore. He sighed, slumping into his chair. There had been some progress though, for example Kyungsoo would give him a gentle smile in the corridors and on rare occasions, a slight wave of his hand, which Jongin would return weakly return after realizing that he was the one Kyungsoo wad waving to. And afterwards, Jongin would rush into a nearby toilet, wheezing.

Jongin absolutely despised the smirk Taemin would have on his face after witnessing one of Jongin’s wheezing episodes, and daily screeching of “holy--he-ing-SMILED-at-me-can-you-believe-it”. As much as Jongin hated it, Taemin was the only one he had during these moments, since his friends were all the way at the other side of the campus, and screaming is best when you’re feeling it. And Jongin appreciated it a lot, since Sehun would just give a grunt in response, as if reminding Jongin that he wasn’t dead after hours and hours of Jongin talking enthusiastically non-stop, and Baekhyun would just ignore him and vent on and on about that huge oaf who looked like Yoda in Calculus class.


He really had to get his Math homework done, thus being the reason why he was in the library instead of his room, where Taemin would probably be bringing priceless moments of Jongin when he was in highschool, but the fact that Kyungsoo was in the library too made Jongin a little bit too distracted. His eyes strayed around at the small study group two tables away, and from the smell of it, other than Kyungsoo, there was one more alpha, one beta and two omegas. Jongin huffed, a sour taste lingering in his mouth. One of those omegas there could have been him. Unbeknownst to him, the other alpha, Minseok, nudged Kyungsoo and pointed his chin to Jongin’s direction, the said latter brooding alone in the corner of the library.

“Hey,” a soft voice said, jolting Jongin out of his reverie. He couldn't believe he just got jealous over a person who he barely knew, though kept up with all the news about Kyungsoo, like for example the course Kyungsoo takes, which dorm he’s in, the usual. Jongin cursed out inwardly, getting a little fidgety, as he tried to let out a smile without looking stupid. “May I?” The alpha asked, his hand laying on the chair opposite Jongin’s. “Uh, y-yeah, sure,” he stuttered, gathering his papers, his bangs falling down his forehead. Just a few weeks before, Kyungsoo was gazing at him like he wanted to eat him out, or maybe he secretly hated him Jongin didn’t know, but now he was being nice and sweet, or maybe it was just him.

Eyes still looking down, he heard the chair squeak as Kyungsoo moved it back, and creak as he sat down, laying out his books on the table. “How about your friends?” He asked with a whisper, obviously flustered. “Do they mind?” Jongin looked up, his eyes meeting Kyungsoo’s, as his lips stretched into a small smile. “No, they don't,” he replied in the same soft voice, warm and reassuring. Jongin felt a his ears go red, his eyes immediately looking down at his notes, regretting for being daring, yet feeling grateful that he was being blessed by such a beautiful being.


The two studied together, with Jongin trying to get short glimpses of the elder, ignoring the small throbbing headache. Maybe it was from the lack of sleep. He felt his ears get red again as he thought of the situation right now. Who would have known that he would be able to get to study with Kyungsoo? It was cute, with Jongin mumbling to Kyungsoo on questions on how to do Math, Jongin’s weakest subject, with Kyungsoo giving his trademark smile in reply, as he taught jittery omega.

All of a sudden, Jongin felt a wave of nausea hit him, a throbbing headache developing beneath his temples. A concerned Kyungsoo noticed the sudden change in him, with Jongin wincing, as he shrugged it off. “It was probably because I haven't been getting enough sleep. It’s hard, with finals coming up and my dance showcase happening soon.” He smiled, attempting to reassure the alpha, knowing that alphas get highly affected by omegas, and if Jongin was going to have his heat soon, it was definitely uncalled for.

As if on cue, heat pooled in his stomach, and Jongin silently hoped that it wasn't going to go where he think he was. Cold sweat started rolling down his back, and soon enough, his pheromones were oozing out. Feeling giddy, he finally realized that it was that undesirable time of the month. Jongin heard Kyungsoo take a sharp intake of breath and heard him mutter something inaudible, and swore that everyone in the library had their eyes on him. And he immediately stood up, ignoring the wet patch forming in between his legs, only thinking of how to get back to his dorm in one piece.


There he was, his leaking, knees going wobbly, pheromones going crazy with lust, need, screaming for someone to just him, right in front of the one Jongin wanted to go down on.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, as he caught Kyungsoo's gaze.

Well .


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i don't think anyone actually understands my flow of thought WELL


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Are you ever going to update this?? Sorry, if I sound rude but please I've been waiting for years now. And now I can't wait anymore!
Mrskim29 #2
I hope you will update this soon. I already love this fic... Still checking when will you come back???
Please please update this!!! I've been waiting for years now~~
Angelhunhan #4
Chapter 4: Wow i hate myself i went in knowing this wasnt finished but hav already fallen in love cfifjdjsmsj i hope u update this.....
pinglis1 #5
Chapter 4: this is really cute
DannyDanei #6
Chapter 4: me sweating when i see comments from 2015 and realizing I've made a dreadful mistake; mercy please, god.
leemeemarie #7
Chapter 4: This is so good! Gonna go subscribe now, so i hope you update soon!
Chapter 4: Broooo I've been waiting for this to update for agessss!! Pleaseeee update, it's really really a nice storyyyy!! ^^^
Chapter 4: Aaaaah pleaseeeee updateeee this! I can't wait anymore!
Mrskim29 #10
Are you gonna abandon this fic? I hope not, its been so long since you updated. Hope you find time to finish this..