The Eyes of an Alpha

I Got My Eyes on You

Jongin could not always help but feel that someone was watching his every move, eyes boring into the back of his neck each time he faced his locker, struggling to stop his countless piles of books from falling out and making a fool out of himself.

Maybe it was simply just his wolf senses acting up, Jongin didn't know, but as the days went by, so did the stares.

But slowly, he grew accustomed to it, his nose twitching every now and then, trying to get a whiff of the scent of the mysterious person-watcher, giving up because it was pointless.

It was after second period when the stares started, when Jongin rushed into school late, his hand gripping a late slip, the other his pair of headphones, and his hair a mess.

Tall in nature and built to dance, blessed with somehow good looks yet cursed with an awkward stature, Jongin tried to stuff his headphones in his locker, trying to grab his books for the day with one hand, the other trying to stop the pile of books from falling.

It was hard work, considering Jongin was a loser when it came to tidying up, and third period was with a nasty teacher called Miss Jung, who had probably lost her cat and her lover both on the same day, and secretly had a receding hairline. Whether it was true or not, he didn't know, but it was best to avoid her bad side.

Students rushed to their respected classrooms, knocking onto Jongin, resulting into him muttering incoherent curse words, and him feeling a strong gaze pierce through his skull, causing the hairs at the back of his neck to rise. It was hot, and made Jongin's knees wobble a little.

his lips, he turned around, only to see a wall covered in posters, students blocking his view. That was the first time Jongin knew someone was there, watching him.


Do Kyungsoo, who was two years Jongin's senior, was always shrouded with rumors. Rumors of him picking a fight with a rivaling school's gang, ing a school , selling drugs, doing drugs even, and whatnot always flitted around.

All that Jongin knew about him was that he had a small yet strong built, had red hair styled perfectly almost all the time, and was an alpha, in contrast to Jongin himself.

Whenever Kyungsoo came into the cafeteria, eyes were always glued on him, and today, he donned a pair of round glasses, eyes glazed, body swallowed in a slightly oversized hoodie an wore a pair of old boots. He looked good, as usual.

Jongin was the same as the crowd. Kyungsoo fascinated him. A lot. And has him feeling all sorts of tingly inside, his lower abdomen acting up whenever he catches a whiff of the alpha's strong distinct scent.

His eyes immediately looked down to his suddenly interesting sandwich as Kyungsoo sauntered passed him, their proximity closer than ever, and Jongin felt his hair stand, and goose bumps appear, together with all the heat of his body suddenly going south.

The table opposite him was open, and Kyungsoo had decided to, of all places, place himself there, right where Jongin could see him, and admire the way his mouth moves as he chews his lunch, and swallows it - the best seat in the house.

Jongin increased the volume of music blaring into his ears, trying hard to distract himself from the unusually strong scent emitting from the alpha, and the dirty images of how the alpha would eat him out.

He could feel the piercing gazes directed at him again, and unconsciously let out a small whimper, a sign of submission and recognition. 

Leaving the sandwich half uneaten, Jongin hesitantly raised his eyes, his stomach churning, and felt his breath get knocked out of him, as he met the gaze of the one and only Do Kyungsoo, who had an amused smile etched on his face, and his eyes were fixed solely on Jongin, as if scrutinizing him.

Jongin swallowed nervously, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down, and suddenly Kyungsoo's eyes were fixated on it, filled with an unrecognizable look of longing and lust.

It was Jongin's cue to leave, and he rose immediately, as if wanting to break the bubble surrounding him and the intimidating alpha, shutting everyone else out. Jongin desperately just wanted to leave the damn place, to leave all the raging pheromones that everyone would have already smelt, to leave his body that was slowly melting in want and embarrassment.

And not to mention the need to jerk it all off.


Well, at least he found out who the mysterious starer was.


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i don't think anyone actually understands my flow of thought WELL


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Are you ever going to update this?? Sorry, if I sound rude but please I've been waiting for years now. And now I can't wait anymore!
Mrskim29 #2
I hope you will update this soon. I already love this fic... Still checking when will you come back???
Please please update this!!! I've been waiting for years now~~
Angelhunhan #4
Chapter 4: Wow i hate myself i went in knowing this wasnt finished but hav already fallen in love cfifjdjsmsj i hope u update this.....
pinglis1 #5
Chapter 4: this is really cute
DannyDanei #6
Chapter 4: me sweating when i see comments from 2015 and realizing I've made a dreadful mistake; mercy please, god.
leemeemarie #7
Chapter 4: This is so good! Gonna go subscribe now, so i hope you update soon!
Chapter 4: Broooo I've been waiting for this to update for agessss!! Pleaseeee update, it's really really a nice storyyyy!! ^^^
Chapter 4: Aaaaah pleaseeeee updateeee this! I can't wait anymore!
Mrskim29 #10
Are you gonna abandon this fic? I hope not, its been so long since you updated. Hope you find time to finish this..