Part 2

Meet you back where you came from

    I didn't touch American soil for another 3 months after I read the note Jeonghan had left for me. I looked to see if there were any more, but there wasn't. He had only left a single note. It was 6 months after he had left at this point, and I hoped that he was thinking of me. Had he forgotten me? Has he found someone else? These thoughts kept playing in my mind as I was on the plane.
    As with Chuseok the break was a week long. I spent the first day with my family, happy to be around them, but I wanted to see Jeonghan again. I explained to my parents that I wanted to go visit an old friend, and although my dad was clueless my mum knew what I was on about; "Oh, you mean that boy who used to be in the same group as you? I've seen him around here occasionally and we always talk." Colour drained out of my face as I thought that my mum might have heard from him that he was gay and had a crush on me. If she was mad, then she wouldn't let me go. "Yeah, he gave me his address. Can I go visit him?" "Of course you can, I'll drop you off where his address is tomorrow.'
    The journey there was nerve wrecking. The thoughts I had on the plane returned in massive quantities and I began to feel sick from the nervousness. When we arrived my mum said that she'd come and pick me up when I was done. His apartment was 2 floors up and I waited outside the door for a second before knocking. I could hear a voice say "Coming!" but I couldn't recognise it. When the door opened, time froze. Jeonghan, who had opened the door looked at me in shock. "Holy mother of God Jisoo! You came!" he hugged me, obviously missing me during the six months, he brought me inside and we caught up. He had known that we had to reshuffle stuff within Seventeen after he left and we laughed about Seungcheol being added into the new unit (seriously, why?) and then we started to get serious.
    "Jeonghan, I have to ask... are you still in love with me?" I enquired. Even though he had not explicitly said so in his note, I knew him well enough to figure it out. I must have sounded quite disturbed as he turned pale within an instant. "...yes, Jisoo." He said. "Please don't hate me!"
I looked at him with pity as I told him my feelings. "I love you too, Jeonghan. I wish you'd never left." we decided that we'd start talking on Skype and building up our relationship.
    This lasted about 2 months from after I had left, but I was beginning to feel lonely. I spoke to him everyday, but where was the hugs? The kisses? On the Skype call I told him what I felt and he only had one solution. "Why don't you come join me? Get out the same way I did and come live with me in LA." I decided to do so.
    Almost 1 year after Jeonghan left Seventeen, I followed in his footsteps. He ended the last long distance call we'd ever have to make with the same words he ended his note; "I'll meet you back where you came from."

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fip2ms #1
Chapter 2: I hope jihan or someone else from Seventeen wouldn't leave Seventeen till they last stage for pledis
keaves1019 #2
Chapter 2: You have written out my worst nightmare: Seventeen members leaving. Thanks. Just... thanks.