Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt
Jungkook wakes up feeling like it’s a good day. Why? He just turned 19!
But before he can even celebrate, Jimin comes barging through his bedroom door and easily drags him out into the dorm living room. 
“Wha- Jimin! Hey! Stop dragging me!” 
Despite not being addressed as ‘hyung’, Jimin ignores the maknae’s struggles and plops the boy onto the couch. Jimin fishes a piece of paper out of his pocket and hands it to Jungkook, waving it in front of the confused boy. 
“Alrighty Jungkookie! Time for your birthday mission!” Jimin sing-songs in a chirpy voice, clearly ignoring the judging stares he’s receiving by the younger. Jungkook hesitantly takes the paper from Jimin, who practically shoves it in the maknae’s face. Afterwards, Jimin once again drags Jungkook and pushes him out the front door. 
However, before the short member can shut the door, Jin rushes to hand Jungkook a bag and shouts, “for breakfast!” Then the door is slammed shut in front of Jungkook’s bewildered face. 
Sighing deeply, Jungkook takes a look at the paper he was given. 
Jungkook scoffed, punished? Yeah, right. 
Jungkook frowns and continues reading with a scowl on his face. 
  1. A pair of white headphones. 
  2. A bouquet of roses. 
  3. A princess tiara. 
  4. A box of rainbow nerds. 
  5. A black snapback. 
  6. A selfie with a fan. 
  7. Voice recording of Bang PD-nim saying “Happy birthday!”
Jungkook groaned as he looked at the list, not only did his hyungs just push him out of the dorm WITHOUT GIVING HIM A DISGUISE, he also has to buy these things with his own money?! Wait a minute, he doesn’t even have his wallet with him. Disgruntled, he stares angrily at the list until something hits his head. 
“Here’s your wallet, Kookie! Have fun!” What the- was that Taehyung? Jungkook looks at the now shut window where a head of orange ran away. 
Groaning again, Jungkook just decided to start moving. He cursed his hyungs in his head because why oh why did he have to spend his birthday like this when he could be relaxing. It was his birthday too!
He made his way to the nearest convenience store, planning on starting with the box of rainbow nerds. After buying the boxes of candies - yes, he bought more than one - the cashier handed him a small orange envelope. He eyed the cashier suspiciously and took the envelope after deciding that it WAS meant for him as the man ignored him like it wasn’t a mistake. 
Once out the door, Jungkook curiously fiddles with the envelope and opened it cautiously. Inside was a letter. 
Dear Kookie, 
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are now 19!!! :D
Kookie, you are my bestest friend ever in the entire world! 
So I shall be your favorite hyung!
You are our golden maknae! 
Great at singing, dancing, and rap!
I love you!
Jungkook laughed, knowing exactly who had written the letter. Who else would have put exclamation marks after every sentence?
He sits down on a bench at the park, opening the paper bag that Jin had given him. Inside was breakfast sandwich that Jungkook ate deliciously. Afterwards, he playfully decided to eat one of the boxes of nerd while walking to the mall. He decided to go to the mall before the flower shop, deeming it weird to carry around a bouquet of roses everywhere. He made a quick beeline for the shop that Suga would describe as the “swag shop”, in other words, the hat shop. Looking around, he spotted just the hat perfect for the list. It was a black and white snapback. 
Carrying the hat to the counter, the female worker asked, “Want anything painted on the front? Words, a logo, or something?”
Jungkook thought for a solid moment before answering her question. Once it was painted and paid for, the worker handed him a small blue envelope. Not as cautious, Jungkook took the envelope and the hat before walking out of the store grinning. As he put the hat on, he could almost hear Namjoon praising him and Jimin yelling at him. 
Because the simple hat was adorned with the words “You got no jams.” Jimin was lucky Jungkook didn’t put his name at the end.
Jungkook chuckled and opened the envelope.
Jeon Jungkook, 
Happy birthday! 
Aish, you are getting old now. Stop growing.
You know hyung loves you the most right?
I hope you have an amazing birthday!
Let’s go be number 1 for ARMYS!!
P.S. you want a birthday kiss, don’t you?
Jungkook cringed at the message at the bottom and distracted himself by taking a look at the scavenger hunt list. Picking the next item, Jungkook continued to weave his way around the mall. The only place he knew that might even remotely sell a tiara would be the dollar store. (It’d be cheap too! He thought happily)
Shrugging his shoulders, Jungkook walked in and started searching through the kids section. It took him awhile as he got distracted by all of the cheap yet cool toys. Like the toy guns and slingshots, how awesome would it be to shoot Jimin with one of those??
Giggling, he turned around and spotted a white and gold tiara. Jungkook quickly snatched one up and brought it over to the counter to pay for it. Ignoring the cashier’s judging stares, he walked out of the store with the tiara and a pink envelope. He sat down at the nearest bench to open the envelope. 
Dear Jungkookie,
My baby boy is all grown up now, huh?
Hyung will always love you! Never lose your smile.
Don’t let the negative comments get you down,
We are Bangtan! We are bulletproof!
Hope all of your wishes come true~
Let this be your year, have a great day!
Happy birthday!
Jungkook smiled at the heartfelt letter and noted to thank his hyungs later. Mentally crossing off another item off the list, Jungkook decided to go look for the headphones. He walked around the mall, slowly reaching his destination of the electronics store. He entered and was greeted cheerfully by the employees. Politely waving them off, he walked through the headphones and earbuds aisle. 
Despite knowing that he had to get a white pair, Jungkook took awhile choosing which brand he wanted. After a few minutes, Jungkook was out of the store with a pair of nice Apple earbuds and a small purple envelope. Before he could even get to opening the purple envelope, flashes appeared in his eyes. He looked around to see some of his fans snapping pictures with their phones. 
Remembering one of the items on the list, Jungkook decides to do it now. “Anyone want to take a selfie together?” All he could hear in response were screams. 
He lightly tapped the shoulder of one of the female fans next to him and pulled out his phone. He pulled her closer to him and shrugged his arm around her shoulders before holding up his phone to take a picture. “Cheese~” He sing-songed lightly before snapping the picture. 
There were even more screams and the girl he took a selfie with quickly brought out her phone. Jungkook posed once again to let her take a picture with her phone. It had taken almost half an hour for Jungkook to be free of any more selfies. After the first fan, the other ten immediately rushed at him to take photos too. He did so willingly, as it would be a little unfair for just one fan to get the selfie. 
Surprisingly, after the whole ordeal was over, a little girl came bouncing up to him and handed him a small red envelope before skipping away. Smiling at the cute girl who had run away, he took out both the purple and the red envelopes to read the letters inside. 
Jeon Jungkookie, 
You’re old now. Happy 19th birthday!
I feel like I’ve raised you because you are so tall now.
Stop getting taller, you make hyung feel short.
But don’t rush in maturing, enjoy your youth.
Bangtan is always here for you!
Jungkook laughed at message and mentally thanked his hyung. He quickly opened the red envelope and took the letter out.
Dear Jungkook,
How does it feel to be 19 now? You’re legal! Haha
Even so, you will always be Bangtan’s precious maknae.
Never lose your passion and confidence, 
it cheers us all up to see you working hard.
Let’s go destroy the music world with our music!
Love, your hyung.
Stashing away the letters with the others, Jungkook decided to go to the flower shop on the way towards the company building. Jungkook walked along the streets, enjoying the bright sunny day of his birthday. Despite being previously in a grumpy mood, the little scavenger hunt had eased and cheered him up. Especially the heartwarming letters that his hyungs had personally written for him. 
He continued walking before reaching the small florist shop decorated in pink. The bell above the door jingled as he walked in, and the only worker there greeted him cheerfully. Greeting back, Jungkook breathed in the lovely scents of the flowers before asking for a bouquet of red roses. 
The worker immediately went to help him choose a perfect bouquet before wrapping it up for the customer. As expected, the person behind the counter handed him a small envelope after he paid. Jungkook left the flower shop with the bouquet of flowers in his right hand and the other items in his left hand. Having trouble juggling the stuff in his hands, he finally managed to open up the yellow envelope and read the letter inside. 
Hi Jungkookie!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You’re so old now, kekekekeke. 
That’s okay, hyung is old now too.
You were so cute, now you are growing mature!
You always practice and work very hard.
Never think that you are lacking, 
because to us, you are more than enough!
Hyung loves you maknae!
Jungkook laughed at the letter and carefully put it away with the others. It was time for the last thing on his scavenger hunt list before finishing. A voice message of Bang PD-nim saying happy birthday. That wouldn’t be too hard, would it?
He made his way over to the Big Hit building and easily made it inside. He asks the receptionist if their CEO was in today, who nods back and replies that Bang PD-nim should be in his office. Jungkook thanks the woman and doesn’t miss the glances towards the bouquet of flowers he’s holding. Jungkook pinks, embarrassed and quickly heads over to the elevators. He fiddles with his phone, opening the voice recording app to get ready to catch the message. 
Once on the right floor, he knocks on his CEO’s door. Jungkook hears a “come in” and with that, he nervously presses record and enters. Bang PD is sitting at his desk when he looks up to see Jungkook. 
“Oh! Jungkook-ah, happy birthday!” 
Well, that was easy…
“Are you here for your scavenger hunt?” The CEO asks, gesturing the idol to sit down in the chair. Jungkook politely nods and sits down, sneakily turning ending the recording. 
“Ah, well then, here.” Jungkook watches as the man in front of him opens his desk drawer and brings out a green envelope before handing it to him. “Your members asked me to give this to you.” 
“Oh, thank you Bang PD-nim!” Jungkook takes the envelope graciously, bowing his head slightly. 
“You should probably go now, the letter will tell you.” Bang PD says, waving Bangtan’s maknae off. 
Jungkook bows a full 90 degrees before taking his leave. In the elevator, he opens the green envelope to see a short message.
Have you got all the items??
Come to our practice room!
It was such a short message, but it quickly made Jungkook rush out of the elevator and over to their practice room. He was curious about what they had planned, and he wanted to thank his hyungs for the special handwritten letters. 
Jungkook opened the door slightly, only to see darkness. As he opened the door wider, letting in the hallway light, he saw little tuffs of fire?
Then suddenly, his ears were blasted with the members singing the happy birthday song. The lights were and the members were crowding him. Jin was holding a birthday cake where the candles were lit and the middle of the cake was iced with “Happy birthday Jungkook!”
Jungkook unconsciously smiled and sang along, before the members urged him to make a wish and blow out the candles. Following their orders, he close his eyes and made a wish. Then he opened them to see all of s grinning at him and blew out all of the candles. 
The members cheered, specifically J-Hope, V, and Jimin, as Jin put the cake down. 
“Thanks hyungs, I really liked the letters and the scavenger hunt!” Jungkook exclaimed, moving to hug each of them. They laughed as they hugged their maknae back, personally saying happy birthday to him. 
Jungkook declared that he loved his birthdays spent with s, with Bangtan.
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TalkativeChibiko #1
Chapter 2: Nice fluffy fic. I love how they made him buy his own gifts !
fangrlxbecky19 #2
Chapter 1: Aw, so cute~! The letters were absolutely adorable XD and the ending was pretty nice too!
ioanadsc27 #3
Chapter 1: Haha that's so nice! But I expected that all those things on the list have a meaning...