Chapter 4

Shawty Imma Party Till The Sun Down (Online, that is.)

Chapter 4

Things Jongin should be doing on a Saturday morning:

  1.     Sleeping in
  2.     Sleeping
  3.     Being asleep
  4.     Not being awake

Things Jongin is actually doing on a Saturday morning:

  1.     Making breakfast for Taohun’s Saturdate

Yes. Kim Jongin was making breakfast for Oh Sehun and his boyfriend Huang Zitao on a Saturday morning. It would have been okay, if he knew how to make some weird random French breakfast the Taohun couple requested. Even after watching Youtube videos on how to make it, the thing seemed impossible. He was a dance major. He didn’t need to know how to make fancy French breakfasts.

Instead, Jongin made bacon, eggs, and ‘french’ toast to make it look like he actually knew what he was doing. He’s a dancer, not a chef. The Taohun breakfast bell rung and Jongin was rushing up the stairs. He hoped that the ‘french’ toast was convincing enough.

He entered the room to see Tao and Sehun cuddling under the sheets. He would’ve found it cute….if he wasn’t their slave. Yes. Kim Jongin was their slave.

It’s a long story that can only be described as the basic plot of Hayate the Combat Butler. Boy is in debt, rich kid finds him and offers to make him a butler to pay for said debt, and boy is treated as a pseudo-slave. But you remove the part where Hayate and Nagi are in love and replace it with Nagi being in a relationship with a Chinese cosplayer.

“Here’s your breakfast.” He smiled. Sehun looked up at him and his signature frown appeared. “What the is this Jongin?”

Jongin gulped. “Breakfast…”

Sehun’s frown grew deeper and Jongin thought that he kind of looked like Grumpy Cat. That made Jongin’s fear go down slightly. “This isn’t ing French. Oh my god Jongin! You ruined my ing day. I can’t even!”

Tao immediately shot up to hug and comfort Sehun who might go on a huge fit. He nodded at Jongin, signaling him just to leave the food and leave the room. He was glad that Tao was a nice person. He wouldn’t survive if he was just Sehun’s slave.

It’s not like Jongin hated Sehun. They had been friends since High School. But since Jongin voluntarily made himself Sehun and Tao’s slave, Sehun became a bit too….controlling.

“P R E double T Y! PRETTY BOY!” Jongin sighed at his obnoxiously amazing ring tone. He took his phone out of his pocket and answered it.

“Yes Taemin?”

“Meet me at A.Mi.Go in 30 minutes. I have something important to tell you.” Taemin hung up, leaving an overly tired and confused Jongin to just stare at the wall for 5 seconds.


“What’s the big news Taem?” Jongin asked as he took a bite out of his chicken. Taemin twirls his hair and smiles. “I’m finally getting a haircut.”

“Oh my god! Who’s the guy?” Taemin was the kind of guy to grow his hair out after a breakup and cut it once he found someone new. It had been 7 months since he broke up with his ex, Timoteo, and his hair was so long now that people have mistaken him for a female.

Taemin’s smile grew bigger and his face flushed up just a bit. “His name is Kim Jonghyun. Music major. And he is amazing! He’s much older than me. He can compose and sing. He can dance a bit. He’s so handsome. He’s even a bad boy. And his abs are no joke.”

Jongin smiled and put down his chicken. He could feel Taemin’s thirst and it was not funny at all. It’s weirdly contagious. Now he was getting the urge to make a starter with D.O. His sweet, innocent, lovely D.O. Damn, he would like to-

“Jongin! Are you fantasizing about your cyber boy’s D? I swear to god Jongin, that’s so indecent.” Taemin rolled his eyes as he took a bite of his chicken.

“You are the prime example of the pot calling the kettle back.” Taemin immediately frowned at that comment and angrily took a bite out of his chicken.

“I resent that Jongin.”

‘We go cola cola cola col-‘

“Hello. Oh hey Jjong. Oh okay. Cool. I’ll meet you now.” Taemin put his phone back in his pocket and stood up. “Sorry Jongin. Gotta go. I’ll get my haircut later so you can see it. Jonghyun wants me to sing a song with him. Can you believe it? I’m not even a good singer.”

Jongin internally face palmed. Taemin was a good singer. Taemin was as good at singing as he was at dancing. Jongin wouldn’t have made his ring tone the song they recorded when they were in high school if Taemin was a horrible singer.

“Bye Taemin!”


After 40 minutes in the Library’s computer trying to think of a good starter for D.O, Jongin settled for a dumb ask. He really couldn’t find a way to plot anything with D.O. Since his laptop broke, he thought that his imagination broke with it. He hesitated to click the send button at least 5 times.


SilverMaximoff asked: “You didn’t see that one coming, did you Wanda?”


He quickly deleted the tab after sending it. Sighing, he got up and went straight to the exit. He had enough time to go to his dorm and get his bag before class started. As he neared the exit, he saw the cute librarian from last time. His big, round eyes and heart shaped lips were so….delicate. He really wanted to say something to that librarian.

But he knew he couldn’t. His mother taught him to be a good boy. His mother taught him to only love one other person that intimately. He didn’t want to break his mom’s heart by mentally cheating on D.O. His mom had already accepted the fact that he’s gay and just told him to be faithful to the guy he loves.

He saw the librarian, Kyungsoo, look up and he looked straight forward again, hoping that his cheeks didn’t turn red from that. “I’m a good boy. I’m a good boy.” He chanted before accidentally bumping into a really tall guy with huge ears.

“Oh sorry.”

The tall guy just smiled. “Nah, it’s fine. I should have been looking where I was going.” Jongin was about to go on his way before the tall guy called him back.

“Wait! Good boy! Is Kyungsoo still in the library? Oh wait! Good boy doesn’t even know Kyungsoo, why the fu-“

“Yeah. I know Kyungsoo. He’s still in the library.” Jongin pursed his lips. He couldn’t believe someone heard him chanting that. “Also, my name is Jongin.”

“Oh. Okay.” The tall guy scratched his nape and (still) smiled. “Chanyeol. Thanks bro.”

Jongin mentally face palmed at this day. He should have slept in. Sleep made everything better. Those missing hours of sleep were starting to get to him.


SilverMaximoff asked: “You didn’t see that one coming, did you Wanda?”

Scarlet-Maximoff: “No. I didn’t. But did you see this one?” She said as she charmed her brother to stand still. Wanda walked closer with a seductive grin on her face. She passionately kissed Pietro on the lips, slowly pushing her tongue into his mouth. She didn’t regret the type of relationship she and Pietro had.



Jongin was pooped. Dance practice couldn’t have gotten any harder. Even Taemin was struggling with the choreography. He plopped on his bed (or the fancy sofa bed) and took his phone out of his pocket. Having a broken laptop was one of the worst things that could happen to him as a roleplayer because now he was stuck with the ty Tumblr app.

He nearly fell asleep waiting for the app to load. Seriously though. Why didn’t the Tumblr Staff fix the actual problems like the app and the format? Why did the staff not properly address these problems?

Jongin hated the new update with the weird “Youtube Comment Section” reblogs. He had a whole chat complaining about it to D.O, who also hated the new update. This was the first time Jongin found out about something D.O hates. For him, D.O was a squishy little penguin (he had told Jongin that he liked penguins a lot) who could do nothing wrong.

He didn’t notice that the app had finally loaded. The first thing he saw was Yeollie and Kkaebsong’s thread. “Too .” He muttered under his breath. Even if he tried to keep a y and mysterious image online, he was really awkward to anything ‘dirty’. He couldn’t even relate to Taemin or Taohun when they talk about . In Sehun’s words, he was “a petty who needs to get laid.”

He scrolled through the really long thread and saw that D.O had answered his pathetic excuse of a starter. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t. D.O knew how to write these stuff. He had no idea how to answer at all.

‘P R E double T Y! PRETTY BOY!’

The Tumblr app was overtaken by the iPhone call screen. He clicked the answer button and decided whether he should thank Taemin for helping lower his internal awkwardness or get mad at him for ruining minutes of waiting for the app to load.

“Jongin! Haircut time! Now!” Before Jongin could answer, Taemin hung up the phone. He’s lucky Taohun aren’t home yet. Sehun must have been visiting his cousin or waiting for Tao’s classes to end. Jongin put his phone in his pocket again and ran to the campus’s hair salon.

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Actual Chapter 5 is up


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Keyyeopda #1
Chapter 6: OH MY GOD
Chapter 6: I laughed so hard I startled my cat
mybeautifuleyes #3
This is awesome!
Mysteria #4
Chapter 6: This is amazing. The long update was worth the wait. ^-^
sushi-solaria #6
Chapter 5: Your story is really fresh and hilarous, i really like it! ;D It's my first time reading something about EXO x RPG. And OMG Suho writing , LOL!
Waiting patiently for the upcoming chapters!
theant256 #7
Chapter 5: Update soon pleass i like this story~^^
Chapter 5: This is hilarious. I love it. The content is fresh. I don't remember reading anything like this before. Marvel RP? I love Marvel. Gahh, this fic is like heaven for me. I can't wait for the next chapter. ^-^
Chapter 5: luhan is definitely me
Chapter 5: lu han is me