

Just another BTS fiction for ARMY~ written in first person mostly!

This is my first time writing, but I hope you will enjoy!

And I also know how much grammatical errors annoy some of us (like me) while reading really well-written fanfictions, so I will try my best not to make any errors! ;)

I will take comments for suggestions about how the story should go! Please read and comment after each update, thanks youu~



You're just an ordinary female high school student in Korea. You study- a lot, hang out with friends, flirt with boys, and go about your life, just like any other Korean high school student. Nothing about you makes you stand out within the crowd, except maybe the fact that you are one of the top 3 students at Se Kang Academy (세강고등학교). You have plans for the futurearrow-10x10.png, to become a successful doctor like your parents desire, and one would expect you to carry on your normal life, which you did- until this year, when everything falls apart after meeting seven particular boys.


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Chapter 1: I'm very intrigued with this story, even though it's only one chapter in.
I'm glad to be your first subscriber, I can't wait for the journey ahead ♥