

Hayoung's POV

"Umma! I'm going out!" I yelled- I was too lazy to go back upstairs and tell my mom. 

I took one last look in the mirror to make sure my makeup had not smeared. I smoothed out my baby blue mock two-piece and ran a hand through my straightened hair as I grabbed my Adidas sneakers and stepped outside. 

"Oh shoot!" I exclaimed to myself as I realized that I had left my phone on the countertop. I ran back in and grabbed my phone. I glanced at it to see 55 new text messages. I chuckled as I saw that all 55 were from none other than V, though I had to admit that I was somewhat disappointed that it wasn't Jungkook who texted me.

Jagi~ We are almost here!

Jagiyah where are you??!!


You didn't forget right..??

We are waiting!!!

A small smile forming at my lips, I sprinted to the end of my street to be greeted by seven smiling boys.

"Oh! Wassuh, jagi?" V came over and draped his arm around me, smiling his strange, yet slightly attractive rectangular smile. I smiled back, accepting the fact that Taehyung's flirtatious ways could never be stopped.

*After the movie*

"Jagi~ How was the movie?" V asked, running up to me.

"It was fun! I loved it!" I said nervously.

"I'm surprised you payed attention to the movie while falling asleep on my shoulder the entire time," he smirked.

I gasped. "I did not!" I exclaimed, slightly elbowing his side.

"OWW!" He cried, clearly overreacting.

"Aww, you two look like a couple!" J-Hope gushed, resulting in a roar of laughter by the others.

"What are you talking about, hung? They haven't even known each other for an entire day!" A voice exclaimed, slightly angry.

I looked up, instinctively recognizing Jungkook's voice and looking for him, only to be met with an icy stare. With a pang in my heart, I quickly looked away.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook, what's gotten into you? We're just joking around," J-Hope looked strangely at him.

"Sounds like Kookie's jealo-" Jimin, who was the closest to Jungkook, said trying to lighten the mood.

"Don't call me that! Only one person calls me that..." He suddenly grew quiet. 

Only one person..?

"Jungkook, we've all only known Hayoung for less than 24 hours. You make it sound like you've known her for longer than the rest of us," Rapmon said, raising his eyebrows.

"I... Nevermind. You know what, I'm going to stop by somewhere so you guys go ahead. I'll catch up later," he muttered as he shuffled away, looking down at the floor.

"Lord, what has gotten into him?" Jin said, incredulously. Then, turning to me, he said apologetically, "Sorry about that, Hayoung-ah. Maknae isn't usually like this. He has his mood swings though, it's like he's still in puberty!"

"No, no, it's perfectly fine! I understand," I strained a smile, trying to look like Jungkook's actions did not bother me at all even though there were a million thoughts hovering in my head which were solely about him.

"Hayoung, do you still have some spare time?" Suga inquired.

"Yes... Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Would you... Uh... Like to... Uh..." Suga fidgeted nervously.

"God, Yoongi! Loosen up. We would have thought you were asking her out!" J-hope butted in. "Hayoung, what our Mr. Stutter here was trying to say was, would you like to come and hang out at our practice room for a while? You can be our first audience to our debut rehearsal." 

V, Jimin, Namjoon, Suga, Jin, and J-Hope all looked at me, smiling expectantly. How could I say no?

"Sure, Hoseok. I'd lo-" Just then, my phone vibrated. I took it out of my purse to check the text message, in case it was from Yeryung.

New text message from Jeon Jungkook:

Meet me at the park in 5.

"Uh... I'm sorry, guys. Something urgent just came up. I would love to watch you guys, though! Perhaps next time?" Though I could have ignored the text, something inside of me stirred, obliging me to go and meet Jungkook.

"Aww..." V pouted. "Jagi yah~ You HAVE to come next time then, okay?"

I laughed. "I promise."

After waving goodbye to everyone, I jogged to the park- the one Jungkook and I would always play at when we were little. Somehow I knew it was this park though he did not specify.

I reached the park to find a tall shadow leaning against the swings. Heaving a sigh, I walked up to Jungkook and sat on a swing, motioning him to do the same.

"Hey." He whispered, staring at the ground.

"Hey." I whispered back, glancing up at him, but quickly looking back.

"Look, I-"

"Did you-"

 I giggled as there was an awkward silence after we spoke simultaneously. "Go ahead, Jungk- I mean, Kookie."

He looked up incredulously at me. "D-did you already know..?"

"Kook-ah, how could I not? What would I become if I can't even recognize my childhood best friend?"

Jungkook smiled bashfully, still looking down at the floor. "So... Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

I rolled my eyes. "You pabo, how was I supposed to bring that up when I wasn't even sure if you remembered? What if you didn't remember me, and-"

Before I could finish, Jungkook walked over and stood in front of me. I stood up to face him in surprise. Before I could react, his arms were around me.

"I missed you, Hayoungie," he whispered into my hair.

"I missed you too, Kookie," I whispered, smiling into his chest.

He still smelled like vanilla.

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