Chapter 5


Despite being in heels, she managed to run down the escalators. Merely because she overslept in her office and only woke up when Chanyeol texted her informing his arrival. She rushed through the employees who were also heading out for lunch, managed to attract a few confused and amusing looks.


Only Chanyeol could make her throw away her sassiness.


She arrived at the entrance to the sight of her husband leaning against the car with his arm crossed. He was talking to the security guard when she soon approached him. Seeing the smaller figure, the lanky man flashed the most handsome smile and enveloped her in his arms as a greeting.


“Alright, Mr. Jang, gonna get going,” he patted the guard’s shoulder and opened the door for Baekhyun to slip in. He chirped as he then entered the car and started the engine.


“Where are you taking me to?” she asked as soon as the car entered the motorway.


“Moon,” the deep voice answered short, yet mischievous.


“That’s so lame, Park Chanyeol,”


“Is it? Should I take you to another galaxy then?” he continued teasing though his eyes never leave the road. Baekhyun chuckled at the words, “This is why I said stay away from Mr Wu,” Her own response brought joyful laughter from the man while his wife only smiled at the simple humour.


“Where are we eating?” Baekhyun tried again.


“Ain’t it always you who decides?” Chanyeol asked with a silly tone. He knew exactly how picky his wife can be when it comes to food. She didn’t like it fried, too salty, too much dressing.


She shrugged, “Nahh, today is your break so I guess we’ll do it your way,”


He raised his eyebrows, “Really? Then should we go to the one behind the SW building? They have y waiters,” The lady immediately widened her eyes and reached out to pinch her husband before the said man fake a shriek with a defensive posture, “I’m just kidding, baby. Let’s go to Viva Polo okay? My mom called me just now. Noona is back. They missed you,”


“Woah, she’s back?” and her question was just answered with a nod.


When they got into the restaurant hand in hand, they were welcomed by the staffs. Yoora came soon after just to give Chanyeol a kick and Baekhyun a big hug, “Oh God, I miss you so much!” she said as she released her sister in law. A fake scoff came right after from the tall man who was watching them, “Just her? How about your lovely dongsaeng? Huh? Wow I’m hurted,”


The guy’s remarks earned him another kick from his noona before they were sitted at the reserved table where many dishes were already being served. They talked a lot while eating. Yoora was the one with most to talk about, all her weird but fun experiences working in Paris. Chanyeol laughed the most and Baekhyun was smiling the most throughout the conversation. But the table hushed into an awkward silence when the mother mentioned how she couldn’t wait for grandchildren to be born.


Seeing the younger biting her lips, Yoora decided to break the tension by shoving a paper bag which she had been keeping next to her, in front of Baekhyun. 



Ok, I'm actually quite amused myself because this chapter is relatively easy for me to write. I just keep on typing then boom update! Well maybe because I spent hours thinking of what to write even when I'm physically shopping lol. So there ain't many conflict in this chapter and yes I did plan for the chapter to end just like that. Dont worry, if you havent noticed, I usually continue the part I left in the next chapter. Okay... er... I think that's it. I hope you can sense the characteristics I tried to potray in Chanyeol and his family, the bonding and all. 

Leave a comment juseyo, would love to hear what youre thinking about! (this is like my tagline already lol)

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I would like to say thanks to my subscribers for subscribing to this story. My semester break is coming soon. See you then! Also do check out "Partners"


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Chapter 5: why mrs do though..... I thought kyung is going to be seduced by jongin ahahahahaha okiesss mrs do need to divorce
lizluvsu #2
Chapter 5: Your doing it again I'm so confused by Chanyeol .... Iol
Chapter 4: chanyeol don't you ever dare to cheat on baekkie.......
lizluvsu #4
Chapter 3: I'm getting nervous now I feel like Chanyeol is cheating on Baekhyun .I hope for a happy ending tho
nice fic i like it ^^
ninissoo #6
Chapter 2: omfg sequel pls don't kill me here ;-;
Chapter 1: sweet~~ >///< sequel please?