3/3 (Their Story)

Of Chinese and Buns



“Where are we going,?? I thought you want to finish the project. I just spend 30 minutes waiting for you when I should actually go out with Joonmyeon or something..  Something or anything, as long as it’s not with you..”  Minseok grumbled under his breathe. Still Kris can hear it.

But he pretend to not. He just put on his poker face and swiftly drove the car. Minseok take a glance at the other boy and he can’t help but blush a little. The taller look so handsome when he is focused on his driving. And the way he dressed. He felt like betraying himself by thinking the taller boy as handsome so he started to rambling again.

 “Yeahh.. So, I was like one step to leave the library. I swear if you’re not there when I wake up, I’m gonna leave, you know. Also, don’t you know the word punctual? It means that you have to be there at the time you promised to meet. That’s just like…. Mphhh”

Minseok word was cut when Kris shoved muffin in his mouth. Where do the muffin come from anyway..

“Just shut your mouth for a little and let me have a peace driving the car can you? Just eat the muffin and shut your mouth also your grumbling stomach. It’s on loudspeaker mode I think. It distract me from whatever you’re talking before..”

Minseok blushed.

‘This jerk..’ He mumbled. He didn’t eat that morning and is really hungry right now. So he just eats the blueberry muffin that is his favourite while eying Kris.


On the other hand, Kris is dying inside because his finger just has a contact with Minseok smooth lips. And the small satisfying noise Minseok made whenever he swallowed the treats. He should buy more blueberry muffin and bribe his lovely cousin for more Minseok info. He feels slightly unnerving when Minseok keep on looking at him. So, he schooled his expression again and looked at the shorter with a slight smirk.



“Handsome right,??”

“Huhh,? What,??”

“Me.. I’m handsome right,. That’s why you keep on eye- me.” Kris turns with his smirk. However, seeing the look in Minseok face, the smirk turns to smile –a genuine one. Catching Minseok off guard with the rarely sight.

“You sure are cute..”

He smiled fondly and pinched Minseok’s cheek. Minseok just sat silently. Hand on his chest. Cheeks flush bright red either because Kris pinch his cheek too hard or maybe because the sights of Kris rare smile. Either way, both of them were dazed for their own reason.






The day was spent with Kris dragging Minseok to place that do not involve in their project at all. Yeah of course.. How come the restaurant and cinema has anything to do with their Philosophy of Science project anyway. We can just say Kris wanna make his own so-called date style with Minseok and Minseok just followed because ‘Hey just enjoy when people are threating!!!’ is his motto since before. Moreover he is still not in his right mind since Kris smile attack that morning.


“Oppa,. Is this why you keeps on rejecting me..” speaking about attacking. Here comes the - I mean the devil. There is Minah. With her plastic y face glaring at the cowering Minseok. Kris just smiled fondly because Minseok just look smaller – smaller than Minah even. And all this time, he believed that girls are the smallest and fragile creature. Not anymore,  Minseok just beats them all.

“You’re going out with this minion right..” she barks again.

Effectively woke Kris from his smitten phase over Minseok. He looked around and realized that people start on watching them. Of course.. It’s always fun to watch that kind of drama than usual cliché drama on tv anyway.

“K.. Kris.. I’m going first then.” Minseok- cute Minseok try to walk away and Kris was going to hold stop him when Minah move and grabs his frail arms.

“No..” She shout? With loud voice and much force in her hold that Minseok wince in pain.

“You’re not going anywhere. You take him from me. You ..” Minah held his hand up. She tried to slap Minseok only to be stopped by Kris.

“Stop it Minah-yah. Don’t make any stupid things. We’re in the public you know. I never love you.. So he never take me from you…”

“Aniyo.. You’re mine oppa,. He took you from me.. You .!!” Minah screamed and that seems to be the last straw for Minseok.

Jeez, his mother says to not let his pride be stepped on just for a boy. Yeah, his mother supported him for being who he is – gay or not. Heck, his mom even had rainbow flag hung on the garden for him. His mom is cool like that. So, he is never going to fight a girl for a handsome tall boy that he never know if he had any hots for him or not. Nope, he is not going to fight a girl like dogs fighting for bone damnit.


“Look.. I don’t even want him.. I you really want him.. Just take him away.. I better be alone than with person like,,.” For the second time, Minseok’s word was interrupted rudely. That time with Kris lips on his owns.


His eyes wide open. Scratch that, everyone eyes.. Including the cleaner lady has her eyes bulging.






“I’m sorry..”

Kris keeps on saying the word since they get into the car. But seeing Minseok not answering him makes him crazy.

“God damn it. Answer me Minseok..” he groaned and slammed his hand on the steering. This jolted Minseok from his reverie.

“What?” Minseok absent mindly asked. Kris just runs his hand on his hair, ruffling it. A sign that he was frustrated at the moment.

“Why should you lie to her? I mean we’re not even together. And that was my first kiss you know. It’s my boyfriend who should have it.. My boyfriend!!” Minseok suddenly shouts. Suddenly gaining his confidence and look at Kris dead in the eyes.

“And who should it be,?? Luhan or maybe Joonmyeon,??”

“What,??” Minseok falters at Kris soft question. “What the hell are you talking about.?? It’s just have to be my boyfriend and they have nothing to do with this..”

 “Then let it be me. Let me be your boyfriend.. I love you did you know that Minseok-ah,..” Kris’s voice starts to soften. He seems so broken that in hurts Minseok.

“S..Stop playing.. I’m not like the others you know. I’m not that stupid to believe you.”

Abruptly, Kris stopped the car. Putting his hands on both side on Minseok head. He grabs his chin and look into his eyes lovingly..

“I really like you Minseok,. From the very first time I land my eyes on you, and it never change till now.”

If the matter was not so serious, Minseok sure will burst into laugh. The face Kris made was so serious. Minseok might be dense for not realising it early, but he was not that dumb to not understand the longing and loving eyes Kris have for him. But teasing him a little will not harm right,??


“Enough Kris,. I know today was April fool. I’m not gonna believe you that easily you know.”

Kris face changed. He only realised the date and mentally facepalm. ‘You’re so stupid Kris.’


“I don’t know what to do but I like you.. I really do.. Don’t you like me Minseok,??”

“No…” Min answers sternly.

“Minseok-ah,.” Kris face fell. He had his kicked puppy eyes on full display.

“Why should I,?? You have a bunch of rabid fangirl that you can choose you know..”

“No.. There’s just you. Why will I choose a girl when I’m a gay?”

“Well then, choose one of your fanboys. They’re gay too..”

“You.. I just want you..” Kris had his eyes set straight on Minseok and the other couldn’t help but shift his eyes only to have his chin being holds by Kris big hand. Minseok can only blushed on full bloom.  


15 minutes later without any reply from Minseok. Kris started to give up. He started the car engine.

“Of course I like you too.. Pabo,..”

In a flash, Minseok is already in Kris embrace. And soon enough, they share their proper first kiss as a couple.




“So.. I don’t really know you like me. I thought you hate me..” Minseok spoke after they continue their journey.

“I don’t??” Kris says confused. “Wasn’t that what you did when you like someone? I thought that’s what Luhan said as love-hate relationship.” He says carefully. Confused etched on his handsome face and Minseok just couldn’t help himself.

“So you actually believe Luhan??” he asked while still laughing his asses off.

“What?? He chased you off and called you Baozi and you still want him instead of me. Why wouldn’t I listen to him??”

“God,,” Minseok groaned. “You’re just too much.. Because you’re too scary, that’s why I rather pick Luhan that you..” he look at Kris with such fondness in his face that now it’s Kris turn to blush.

“So, if I’m being nice with you from the first time, we might have been an item before today? That’s what you’re trying to say?” Kris wiggled his overgrown brows. His face look ridiculous Minseok just have to laugh like crazy one more time before he replied



The answer was just as ridiculous that Kris have to stop their car once more on a deserted road to kiss his adorably sassy boyfriend until he is gasping for air and say sorry. But, that’s not the only thing he’s done to his smaller boyfriend. However, I’m just gonna stop there before the story left PG rated.



Xo- Behind the Scene –Xo

The new love



“And I thought you say Minseok and I are suited for each other.”

 Luhan pouted as Kris reveal about his relationship status with Minseok. Lay eyed him cautiously. You can’t just drop your guard when Luhan is around. He’s been around Luhan since baby and the elder can still surprise him.

“I’m sorry but I really like him Luhan.”

 Minseok hold Luhan hand, hoping that he will understand the situation. Luhan in the other hand is basking in happiness having the small hand holding him.  His free hand move and in a blink of an eye, he is in Minseok embrace. Minseok blinked in confusion because when the hell did he move? But still, the ever angel Minseok patted the sad(??) boy head.

Lay tried to pry Luhan off Minseok when he caught Kris dark eyes. But what can he do? Luhan is a leech that he will leech off anything he wanted. Lay gulped hardly when he saw Luhan hand moving on its own accord towards a forbidden territory. He is so closed to swat Luhan’s hand to avoid world war 3 when Kris growl and Luhan automatically back to Lay side once again.

Lay can only exhale loudly at that. Guess Luhan still want to live. The shameless boy then just laughed, feigning innocence. Minseok is innocently asking his red faced boyfriend where the scary sound comes from?

“It’s so scary Kris..” he whimpered. And Kris is back to his besotted self.

 “You know..” Luhan starts “It’s shocked to hear your best friend get your crush. But since it is Kris, I’m ok with that. I mean look at his attitude, he become such a bad boy as he lack of love. So, I’ll let him go this time. Hmm,, I’m such a cool person right Minnie??” he asked innocently.

Minseok just let out a small yeah and grinned. “You’re such a nice person Luhan..”

“I am right,? So, if there’s anything.. You can just look for....”

“Not a chance Luhan..” Kris pushed Luhan face none to gently Lay think it might be call as slap but Luhan just grin sheepishly muttering something about ‘A man can try jeez Kris, you’re such a ’ and this time he get a full smack on his beautiful face. Lay can just flinch and he swear Minseok even shudder.

Later, they fall back into their playful banter.

The couple drowned on their lovey-dovey world and there is Luhan trying to his way into their conversation. Lay have to holds back his jealously feelings. Geez,, too sweet and it is bad for his health. He almost contemplating on just making Luhan his boyfriend but that will be like nightmare because no.. Just noo..

 That go on until a certain someone push Lay and Luhan’s head.

“Minnie.. How can you be with him,? I just want you to accept him as project partner, not as life partner. ”

That certain someone pull a chair and sit in between Luhan and Lay. So hard to be polite isn’t it. Lay just sit still. Watching on how Minseok explaining the same things Kris tell Luhan before. Lay just watch the adorable boy. He’s Minseok best friend and Kris cousin- Joonmyeon.

Lay study his features. Short statue, sweet voices, cute eyes smile and a cute flawless face. Lay suddenly felt his heart beating fast. Lay was about to introduced himself to the other boy when Luhan take a hold of the boy smooth hand.

“Hey bun, I’m Luhan.. But, you can call me honey”

The other boy paled at the introduction and Lay knows he will have a better chance on this one. He just hope his cousin learn how to woo a boy without looking like a creep.  He smiled, preparing his dimple and took the boy free hand.

“I’m Yixing, but you can call me Lay..” the smile radiating from Joonmyeon clearly indicates that he had won.

And Luhan just groaned.





A/N : Sooo, I actually have written the story and forgot to save it again. Just that someone (Maisie1904 you know it’s you) subscribe to this story still and I suddenly have the urge to look again at this story. And believe me when I say I knock my  head on my bedroom door because I’ll admit I’m stupid like that. Also, thank a lot to other subscribers let me have the honour to thank to

Maisie1904, rosy20, mackJ1416, trishplusmama, neuropsych0, The_SnoWSprite, winxtao, blue_ALV, ikazakry, buu4me, Triztan, JiYuKuo, a-xiuhan-h, babyangang and Lovexiu16

for subscribing to this story and wait for this poorly written fic~~


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Chapter 3: OMFG!!! I keep on laughing from chapter 1 to 3! They’re re really hilarious but cute! Love this.
Chapter 3: This is so cute ... I still don't trust luhan through lol
Junnni #3
Chapter 3: Oh good poor LuHan lol...
I really enjoyed this story I loved it
The_SnoWSprite #4
Chapter 3: Yay! Its finished!! But..I am sad its done~ TAT ...awww...Minnie and Kris just got together...I need more their cute lovey dovey moment! Possesive Kris is charming ;) Poor Luhan stand no chance...Hehe....Thank you very much for finishing this story author-nim!! ♡♡♡♡♡
mackJ1416 #5
Chapter 3: so cute ended so well hahaha poor luhan
Lovexiu16 #6
Chapter 3: This is the best. I am so happy you decided to finish it. It's very funny too.
The_SnoWSprite #7
Oh gosh!! Too much of a cuteness!!!! >∆< I can't breath ~ how did I miss this wonderful story~ huhu...its not crappy...its too awesome with dash of fluffiness and CUTE ADORABLE Minnie!!! I cannot~ @.@ >.< I knew it...Kris already fall for Minnie~ with Luhan interference make his life harder~ ^.^ I am loss of words XD Thank you very much for the story and update author-nim!!!! Can't wait for more!<3<3<3<3<3<3
Chapter 2: This is so cute and adorable. My xiuris feels sky rocketed. Plus funny Luhan and bits of xiuhan
bananaicecream #9
Chapter 1: lol this is so funny ^^
minseok is a sarcasm sass.. and krease.. he just want to screw with minseok lol.. luhan and his baozi obsession.. poor yixing have to deal with his craze cousin.. suho too.. bless his poor soul..
I know writing is hard especially when not in own language.. but putting 'update if' thing, it sounds like you write the story by force, not by fun.. but well its your desicion.. I hope many comments on this so you'll continue ^^ because this story is too cuuuute to be let go TT
and we havent know about kris' pov, if there any haha
Lovexiu16 #10
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: This is so funny. Its really good and I hope to read more soon.
You're a good writer so keep it up despite the laguage barrier.

Whaiting!! :)