
My Tutor the Kingka!


After school, You, Jaehyun, Yejin, Aoora, Kimchi, and Hoik all left as a group to begin studying. The first part of the study group was really productive and you were learning a lot. As it became later, though, everyone started getting distracted and Kimchi rolled onto his back, complaining that he was hungry. Jisoon laughed and agreed.


“I can cook dinner,” Jaehyun said, standing up, “if that's alright with you.” Hoik nodded and she started towards the kitchen. Aoora hopped up after her, announcing that he would assist, since he knew Hoik's kitchen better than Jaehyun.


The four of you continued to study when Kimchi suddenly stood up.


“Jisoon, you and I should go get drinks – something sweet for a reward 'cause we've been working hard!” He said. Jisoon giggled and stood up as well.


“Okay,” she said and Kimchi cheered. The two of them made a list of everything that everyone wanted specifically and left, leaving you and Hoik to your own devices.


An awkward silence filled the room, broken only by Aoora's laughter and Jaehyun's scolding from the kitchen, which eventually turned into her own laughter.


“You're grasping the material very well,” Hoik said suddenly, “I don't know why you don't do well in class.”


You blushed.


“Well, maybe you just explain it better than the teacher does?” You offered quietly. He shrugged.


He's so helpful, you thought, and handsome to boot. Ugh, but if anything happens between us, Yewon will probably stop at nothing to make my life even more miserable, you sadly looked at your notes.


Is something wrong?” Hoik asked, his voice gentle, and you shook your head, smiling your most convincing smile.


She's so cute. Why does she look so sad? Hoik thought, seeing straight through your facade. He didn't want to probe, though, figuring it would be better to stay out of it. 

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Cherry_Thekingz #1
Like it~~~~
wemilove #2
exiting~update soon~
wemilove #3
exiting~update soon~
wow. so mean yewon -_-;;;
i like it!!! yewon is so mean!!! =[[ i dont like her lol but yay hoik is tutoring yejin!! cute ^^
cant wait<br />