Effortlessly Trying

Four Seasons

[EunMi POV]

“Who is this?” A gruff voice yells. Suddenly, a picture was shoved in my face. 

“Yah!” I burst, grabbing the picture and glaring at the man. “Who are you to shove crap in my face?” 

His face reddens. He grabs me by the collar and pulls me up, enough to dangle me from the floor. He evens his face with mine as he glares at me, making me flinch. 

“From what everybody here knows,” He shouts, making everybody around cringe. “I’m Lee DongSun. And from what I last checked, you respect me.”

He unexpectedly let me go, dropping me to the floor. I get on all fours as I look up at him. “Why should I respect you if you don’t even give a damn about us?” I snap. His face gets redder. Before I knew it, a sharp pain hits my stomach. I roll back on the floor as I hold my stomach. 

“Because I’m letting you live.” He growls. “That’s a reason why you should respect me.” 

I cough, my head already pounding. “Really? This seems like hell already.” I manage to say. I recover as I shakily stand up. I steadily meet his eyes, not backing down. 

DongSun shrugs. “Call it whatever you want.” He crouches down and picks up the picture I crumpled. He uncurls it and shoves it in my face again. “Now tell me. Who the hell is this?”

“Aish.” I sneer as I snatch the picture away from him. I feel my eyes widen as I gaze at the picture. It’s Choi Seunghyun, the man who’s been haunting my dreams ever since I met him in that restaurant. 

“One of my employers told me that you paid someone to find out who is handsome young man is. Do you think I’m an idiot? Do you think I’m an idiot to blow this off without notice?” DongSun says. I remain silent. I feel my hands starting to curl, but I restrain myself from crumpling the picture even more. Choi Seunghyun… that name is always on my mind. Ever since it rolled off my tongue that day in the airport, it just comes back easily. Even the man himself shows up in my mind easily.

Suddenly, the picture was taken away from my hard grasp. I snap my head up, glaring. DongSun waves the picture in front of my face.

“Now, your little helper wouldn’t tell me anything.” DongSun examines the picture. “I was going to interrogate him some more, but that boy got on my nerves so damn much…” 

I stared at DongSun in horror. “You son of a—!” I choked up. I feel my hands curl into fists. “You killed him!” 

DongSun simply smiles. My insides heat up. That “little helper of mine” was my only friend in this dump. Hyun Su meant a lot to me… And now he’s gone. 

Rage taking over me, I swing, aiming for DongSun’s face. My fist connects with his nose, making a satisfying cracking noise. I smirk as he falls from my impact. DongSun touches his nose and winces. He glares up at me, daggers in his eyes. Yes, I know that I’m exactly digging up my own grave. I’ll die when I kill this bastard first. 

Catching me by surprise, two big guys each grab me by the arm. I struggle to break free by swinging my legs wildly. I see DongSun stand up, smiling at me with bloodstained teeth. I let out a scream of frustration.

Suddenly, the two guys harshly throw me in a corner. I groan as I feel pain shoot up my spine. I feel a stab of pain burst on my left wrist. That bastard just stepped on me! Just as quick, one of them throws a punch to my face. My head throws back by the impact of the punch. My right eye throbs. My eyesight fades in and out. With me distracted, the other guy kicks me in my stomach. I start coughing, tasting blood. 

I glare at the two. I’m certainly not going to give up. I’d rather die trying than die with weakness. DongSun emerges between the two. He reaches behind him and pulls out a black object. Because of my failing eyesight, I can hardly see. Then I hear a click. That’s when I know he has a gun in his hand. 

I tilt up head up towards them, seeing the shape of the gun becoming clearer and clearer. After a few seconds, my sight was back.

What remarkable timing I have, I thought sarcastically.

I see all three men smiling victoriously at me, as if they’ve already won. DongSun presses the gun to my forehead. “Since you’re one of my best, let’s make a deal. Answer what I asked earlier and I’ll let you have another chance to live. So,” He presses the gun harder to my forehead. “Are you going to answer my question?”

I simply nod. 


I smile. “Yes, I think you are an idiot.”

Then everything went in slow motion.


A/N: So, good or bad? This is the first time I'm writing a "dark" story. 

Tell me what you think:)

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hielooo #1
Lol, I was confused at first in the end, when I read that she had died and then she suddenly resurfaced..very genius of you :D<br />
This story is awesome! All of the emotions were so well written, and I love the entire "four seasons" theme. I have to say, if this song had a theme, it would be "Tell me Good-bye", hehe. I listened to it while reading. <br />
Thanks for sharing once again :D <3
imsosofia #3
Gaaaaaah I'm desperate *rolls rolls rolls rolls*<br />
At first I was like "aww ty Eun Mi died" then I realised what had happened<br />
Heh heh heh heh heh I'm so happy with my life ^^
Nichichan #4
this was soooo good, i cant believe it has this little subscribers. i think im going to read allllll of your works, just because this one was extraordinary. i dont know how you got all of this story into 16 little chapters but you did and im totally amazed. i hope you never stop writing :)
dragonholic #5
It was a good story. (: I loved the ending.
this was so good that i couldn't stop reading till the end. thanks for much for making this story! :D
@SuJuAngal: Thank you for reading! :)<br />
@keroro09: Thank you! By the way, I love your username, cute^^
SuJuAngal #8
It was short but I really liked this story. I actualy thought she died. Good job. :)
nice story:D