Vancouver Weddings with Tears on top

Los Angeles x Toronto
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About 2 months later... In a hotel in Vancouver, Canada...

"CONGRATULATIONS LAUREN!!!" Wendy shouts and rushes over to hug the soon-to-be bride. "GIRL YOU LOOK AWESOME!"

"I KNOW!" Wendy's classmate back in her Canada days, Lauren, replies jokingly. The girls laugh together.

"Now, who's that lucky guy who's going to have such a beautiful wife?" Wendy says, pretending to squint and look around.

"Oh he's somewhere with his friends, catching up and stuff." Lauren smiles back at him.

Wendy pouts. "I didn't even know you had a boyfriend and then you drop the whole "HEY I'M GONNA GET MARRIED" news on me like 3 weeks ago!! Who is he? Is he great? He has to be great right? Oh my gawd I'm so happy for you!"

Lauren throws her head back, laughing. "Oh Wendy, you haven't changed, not even a bit! Well, you're so busy with that K-pop life, I didn't want to bomb you with... what do they call it... feels?"

"Wow Lauren, wow indeed! You're learning well! Haha! But really I'm super happy, FEELS GAME STRONG HERE!" Wendy laughs.

"Oh, I see him there. Wanna go over?"


Lauren leads the way with Wendy bursting with excitement behind her, making their way past tons of people.

"Hey babe!" Lauren smiles happily at her fiance, love in her eyes. Wendy giggles. Lauren contineus to speak,"Wanna introduce to this awesome friend who's like a sister to me." Lauren smiles and pulls Wendy closer towards her. "Josh, this is Shon Seungwan Wendy. Wendy, this is Josh Walker."

"Hey, great to meet ya." Josh extends his arm for a handshake and Wendy accepts it, replying,"Same here."

"She's Korean but kinda grew up in Toronto. Currently a fabulous celebrity. I looveeee her vocals so much. This busy celebrity flew all the way to Vancouver here for me, crazy honoured." Lauren continues to say and Wendy laughs.

"Hey honey, I'm sorry for asking you this favour but like could you get me a drink from the tables?" Lauren asks Wendy. She smiles back and replies,"Sure, anything for ya sista."

Wendy pats Lauren's head lightly and gives a polite nod to Josh before leaving the couple and heading to the beverage table.


"Hey man!" a tall guy smacks Josh back and laughs. Josh smiles widely and gives him a bro fist.

"Babe, this is the annoying pal I had back in my school days, the one I told you about." Josh tells Lauren jokingly. She giggles and replies,"Really happy to meet you, annoying friend back in the school days."

"Nah, Josh loves me." the guy replies and laughs.

"Are you an Asian by any chance?" Lauren asks,"You don't look American or Canadian or Australian or anything."

He laughs and Josh slings his arm around his shoulders. "Babe, he's kinda like Taiwanese but was born in Cali. Name is Mark, Mark Tuan."

"Ah I see so you're the Mark he's been talking about." Lauren smiles,"The tall skinny basketball guy."

Mark grins and replies,"That's me I guess." Lauren laughs and notices his hair. "Wow nice blonde hair, very nicely styled." Mark ruffles his hair a little and smiles,"Hah thanks. Occupation I guess."

"What do you work as?"

"Korean Pop idol. Flew over here for my buddy's pre-wedding party."

"Wait what?" Lauren says, shocked. "Why so shocked? Don't you have a celebrity friend too?" Josh asks, "The one that's Korean but grew up in Toronto."

"Yeah yeah her, but like, she's a Korean Pop idol too." Lauren replies. "What? Really? I didn't think she's one!" Josh exclaims and turns to face Mark, about to ask him if he knows her.

By then, Mark's eyes had already settled on that girl across the room. Though her back was facing him, he recognised her right away, it's definitely her.

"W-wendy?" He muttered under his breath, his gaze still on her.


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update status: writing in progress


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GotVelvet-Liss #1
Chapter 11: Por favor continúa
blissfulxo #2
Chapter 11: Oh my god i hope you could update this story soon!! Fighting!
HxPandaxH #3
Chapter 11: I love this storyyyy. Please update!
Chapter 11: Please update soon T_T
Chapter 11: Your story is really good~~ I'm always waiting for your updates!
biged6 #6
Chapter 11: Updateeeeeeeeeeeee
Estherbunny #7
Chapter 11: Please update again soon~! I'm addicted to this >_<
Chapter 11: Goddd mark being a gentleman he is although he also can't coop much with the situation, he is still trying to stand strong and sane for both of them. And the beautiful friendship rv got there!! Markdy fighting for the next chap!! Authornim fighting!! Gonna wait patiently for the next chap. And thank you for this update
yoona530 #10
Chapter 11: Aw cute relationship between red velvet. I love it. And thanks for short update;) waiti for next chapter. Fightig author-nim:D