
Sweet Little Secrets

My dad was planning to set up one of his law firms in Korea, and the whole family decided to immigrate, so that it was easier for him to “monitor the progress of (his) new branch”. I'm Singaporean, but my mom's Korean. Since young, my mom had taught me the basics of Korean language - being able to recognise and pronounce the characters right. We'd been conversing in simple Korean (and a few hand gestures when we didn't get what the other was trying to say) when I entered primary school, and so by the time I turned ten, I could very well greet someone properly, talk about the weather, ask what he or she has eaten for lunch today, and that whether we'll see each other again soon in plain Korean. To put it simply, I've mastered the basics of starting a conversation with a Korean without stuttering and embarrassing myself.

By the time I've turned sixteen, I could probably discuss politics with my mom and sometimes, even share a heated debate. Of course, every time my mom speaks to her relatives on the phone in Korean, I would hide in a corner and listen, even if I did not understand. The words slowly grew on me, and I realised I could catch a few of them as time flies.

Because my mom is Korean, I grew very accustomed to snuggling under the blankets with her and watching various Korean dramas and variety shows together. My dad was like me; my mom would tutor him whenever he came back home from work, but his determination to pick up the language was not as strong as mine, and he always ended up laughing and eventually went back to speaking English with my mom.

Currently, I'm nineteen. I'm studying in the law faculty in one of the most prestigious universities in Singapore, following my dad's footsteps. I have a sister, who is currently working in my dad's law firm. She's twenty-six this year, and she's tall, slender, tough, but pretty. Talk about the large age difference.

However, although we have an obvious age difference, we never, I repeat, NEVER, had an . This is because we have a lot of things in common. She's single, like me, choosing to focus on her career, plus she teaches me a lot of things I need to know whenever I'm due for a report. But the main reason would be because she simply adores Korean music. Or, to put it rather bluntly, she adores the utterly beautiful men Korean pop has to offer. She cries along with me whenever a disaster happens in the K-pop industry, and she laughs and rolls on the floor whenever our favourite groups appear in a new episode of a hilarious reality show and make a fool of themselves. She gets a mini heart attack whenever teasers and comeback images are released, and she certainly bombards me with tons of news related to the Korean music industry via WhatsApp every night. But let's face it, my sister's dead serious when it comes to her work.

The current craze is EXO, and I am proud (or not) to reveal that I've been infected with this sudden virus. My sister showers me with merchandise almost every week, which isn't a problem, considering our family background. If someone is to enter my room right now, they'll probably scream as they take in the horrid fact that my room is plastered with these twelve boys' faces. My mom always laughs and is highly amused whenever she enters and exits my room, and my dad never seems to mind, as long as I don't neglect my studies.

Knowing that our entire family is going to move to Korea, the first thing I felt was surprise. By that, it was meant in a pleasant way. I hugged my sister as we started feeling all giddy with excitement, finally getting to eat all the food our idols have tasted before gaining immense popularity, frequenting the landmarks and restaurants they've visited, and of course, going to concerts at a slightly cheaper price. Not to mention, there are numerous fan meetings and fan signing events held every year! I could get to see how my idols look like when they're close up, and I believe I would faint from all the excitement and shock I'll be feeling then. Imagine, breathing the same air as your idols in a less than five meter radius!

However, I felt a sudden pang of sadness. I was going to leave behind our various memories in Singapore. The day before we left, I knocked on the door of my dad's study before entering quietly. My dad, seated comfortably behind his desk, instantly looks up from a Chinese book as he smiled warmly at me.

“Come and sit.”

I gave a big grin as I settle down on the plush armchair.

“Oh dad, I can't believe that we're leaving tomorrow,” I lay my head on the table as I stared up at him.

“Are you regretting it now? I thought you've always wanted to move to Korea?” my dad threw me a questioning gaze as he placed his book down. “Are you… upset?”

“A-a little,” I admitted. “Am I that easy to read?”

My dad gave a little snort as he leaned forward, “You're my daughter. How can I not know what you're thinking?”

“Oh right, you're a prosecutor,” I smirked. “I guess lawyers are great mind readers.”

“That has nothing to do with being a lawyer. It's because you're my daughter. I've watched you grow up day by day since the moment you're born. I know what you're feeling right now,” my dad protested as he ruffled my hair.

“Then what am I feeling right now?” I challenged, my smile etching up to the corners of my face.

“You're not regretting your choice, but you're still a little upset. Because I know both of my daughters are such sentimental people; you're not ready to leave everything behind, are you?” my dad said, and I felt something tug inside of me.

“That's exactly what I'm feeling right now,” I mumbled, slumping further back into my seat.

My dad lets out a soft chuckle. “To be honest, I've thought about leaving for Korea myself. I mean, if all of you leave for Korea, it'll disrupt a major part of your life, despite me making plans for all of you half a year ago. You're taking up law, and this is a crucial stage for your future. I was very conflicted in the beginning, and now that you've mentioned it- ”

“It's fine!” I cut him off. “Come on dad, I'm really okay with it. I'm sure I'll get used to the environment there pretty quickly, plus I know how to speak Korean. I'm pretty sure I'll get along well with the other students there. Rather, I'll feel sad and depressed if you aren't with me.”

“Alright,” my dad stood up from his desk as he gave me a big hug. “You can come running to me if anything's wrong. Daddy's always here for you.”

I started to shake as I pressed my face against his chest; I felt so much warmth just by laying in his arms.

And so we left the next day, and we moved in to our new home. It was large and spacious, even larger than our previous one in Singapore, and I was extremely pleased with my room. It was decorated simply, with the walls painted white and the bed covered in silk sheets of grey and black. My sister suddenly enters my room, carrying a huge box.

“Guess what's in here?” She coos, placing the box on the bed.

“My posters,” I laugh as she sulks.

“Why do you have to be so smart?” my sister frowns and stomps her feet as I give her a bone-crushing hug.

“Help me put them up!” I said as I released her from my grip. “Oh my god, why does Kai and Sehun have to look that attractive?”

“Please, Chanyeol be rocking that black hair. Ugh, I just feel like slipping my fingers through his hair! It looks like a ball of fluff!” my sister groans in frustration as I laugh and shake my head.

“Oh dream on,” I laugh. “Dream on.”

*   *   *

“Get ready right this instant!” My sister bursts into my room as I was taking my afternoon nap.

I roll around in my bed, still groggy. Tired, I turn to my door to see her staring at me.

“What?” I question, making her roll her eyes as she starts to violently pull me off my bed. “Eek! I want to sleep! I need my sleep!”

“Dude,” my sister retorts as she releases the grip on my arm, making me fall back hard on my bed.  “There's an EXO fan meet event today.”

“H-huh?” I rub my eyes, not fully awake yet. “EXO has a fan meeting toda- OH CRAP.”

“I would've left you all alone in the house and leave for the event myself,” my sister flips her hair dramatically. “But being the nice sister I am, I knew that I couldn't let my precious little sister miss out on this amazing opportunity to meet th- ”

“WHAT SHOULD I WEAR?” I started to panic as I rummage through my closet. “I need to set a good first impression!”

“Uh, not trying to be a spoilsport over here,”  my sister points out. “But it's freaking cold out there. I suggest you wear your coat. How about that long, white trench coat I bought for you for your birthday? Don't tell me you can't fit into it anymore!”

“Oh please, at the age of nineteen, don't you think it'll be sort of abnormal for me to have a sudden growth spurt?” It was my turn to roll my eyes. “But great idea, let me find that trench coat.”

“Girl, it's placed over there!” My sister shouts as she points towards the chair. “Put it on! Quick!”

“Stop rushing me- ”

“What are you doing? Don't you have to wear an inner piece…?”

“Great. Now get out of my room.”

I let out a soft sigh as I grab a black turtleneck. I proceed to slip on a pair of black skinny jeans.

“ARE YOU DONE?” She hollers from the other side.

I stare at myself in the mirror. Feeling ready, I replied with a “done”.

“Let's go!” my sister grabs my hand and drags me out of the house at a speed as quick as lightning. “We're going to be late! You know how many fans EXO has.”

“Where are you ladies heading to?” Our family driver, Derek, smiles as he pulls open the car doors for us. I nod briefly at him as my sister tells him the details.

Throughout the whole car ride, I can only feel my heart beating irregularly. This is it. This is where I get to meet them. What if they smile at me and shake my hand? What if I scream? Oh god, that would be unpleasant.

I stare out of the window as my sister continued to gush about my outfit. I could hear her telling me not to catch a cold as I started to doze off with my mind filled with the twelve of them.

*   *   *

Someone shook me awake as I hissed.

“Wake up! We're here. Oh my god, look at that crowd.”

I straightened my back as I stepped out of the car and onto the sidewalk, my hands instinctively wrapping my coat tighter around myself. I heard my sister giving instructions to Derek as to when to pick us up. She signalled for me to enter the venue which was noisy and hot with screams, incessant chatter and of course, people.

I joined the queue that was starting to form at the right, and soon, my sister arrived beside me. She looked around in awe, obviously amazed at one, how huge the venue is, and second, how large the fandom is.

“Close your mouth. It's embarrassing,” I nudge my sister and she glares playfully back at me. 

Suddenly, the screams went wild. We immediately glanced back to the front, and saw EXO appearing on stage. My heart started to beat irregularly as I finally saw the twelve of them waving and smiling at their fans. I couldn't help my shout along with the others. A smile started to form on my face. I had finally fulfilled my dream. Everything's so surreal, tears started to form in my eyes.

Soon, all of them took their seats, with the MC advising everyone not to push and hurt themselves in the process.

The queue was moving slowly, but progressively. Each time I took a step, the more nervous and excited I feel.

“You can do this,” my sister winked as she gave me a small hug.

I give a small smile as I step forward, the words I have always wanted to say imprinted into my mind. I'm not going to get tongue tied when I meet them. God, that would be embarrassing.

*   *   *

Sehun's POV

I smiled and waved at everyone as I took my seat. Luhan, who was sitting beside me, gave me a small smile and some lollipops.

“Give a sweet to those fans you have taken a slight liking to.”

“Lu- ”

“Hush, I know it's not allowed, but who cares? Let the manager scold me if we get caught. It's just that it's so boring to just sign albums and posters while not moving our asses for a few hours straight.”

He has a point.

“You know I'll probably cause a war if those fans whom I gave the sweets to start boasting on their SNS or something, right?” I gave a slight chuckle, already aware of the fans around us snapping pictures of me and Luhan.

“It's fine. Plus it's good to see you interact more with the fans. Stop stoning, seriously.”

“You just want to see what type of girls I like,” I retorted, being extremely careful with my volume. I didn't want to start shouting like what I usually do in the dorms.

“True, true,” Luhan clicks his tongue as he starts to smile at an approaching fan who was giggling shyly. “Remember to give out the lollies. You can always ask me for more.”

“Okay,” I give a short reply, not daring to argue back because of the fan that was in earshot.

“Hello Sehun oppa!” A girl with a bob cut rushed up to me and immediately held out her album. “Y-you look really good up close. Do you think w-we could take a selfie on my phone?”

“Sure,” I smiled as I signed her album. “What's your name?”

“I-I'm Min Na,” she gasped, obviously startled with the fact that I was asking for her name.

I wrote down her name on her album as I added a smiley face at the side, before scribbling my signature underneath her name. “Now let's take that selfie. Shall we?”

Min Na blinked twice as she took out her phone and placed it in front of us. I looked into the lens as I heard the click.

“T-thank you oppa! You gave me such a good memory! I-it's my birthday tomorrow. C-could you wish me?” She was stuttering big time as she was speaking. I was almost laughing at how nervous she had sounded. Gosh, am I that intimidating?

“Oh really? Happy birthday Min Na!” I flashed her a charming grin as I heard her squeal.

She grabbed her album and gave me a small yet flustered bow, before giggling and rushing off.

She's cute. But definitely not my type.

“Sehun, when I say give out your lollies, I don't mean classifying every fan under ‘My Type’ and ‘Not My Type’. God, your face just shows everything,” Luhan snorts as he glances at the long line of waiting fans. “Guess we're not going home anytime soon.”

“My face does not show everything,” I almost scowled. “I have the face of a stone, that's what everyone says. And besides, wasn't that what you said? You told me to stop stoning.”

“Yeah, but you aren't like that back at the dorms,” Luhan snickers as he gets ready for the next fan. “And you have to stop using your elders' words against them. Respect, hun.”

“I give up on you all,” I frowned but suddenly smiled when I see Chanyeol making his way towards me from the far end of the table with bottles of water in his hands.

“Water. Manager told me to pass these to all of you. And control your facial expressions please,” Chanyeol gives a short laugh as he pats me on the shoulder.

And so I continued signing albums and posters, admiring how good I look in them as well, before a sudden tall shadow looms over me.


I look up to find a girl, who looks around my age but probably younger than me by a year or two, smiling softly at me. I cannot help but stare right back at her. Her eyes. They're so different; they aren't the kind of eyes that screams stalker alert!, excitement overload, overwhelming feels, but just pure admiration. She was gazing at me, like she was in a daze, until she blinked and suddenly pinched herself.

“I'm not dreaming,” she mutters to herself before looking back at me, clutching her long white coat closer to her body.

“Nice to meet you, Sehun. I've always wanted to meet you. It seems quite impossible, considering that I'm from Singapore, but I've made it here today. I just want to thank you for acting as an inspiration and a distraction for me.”

Unconsciously, I started to smile. It wasn't everyday a fan came over and said that to me.

“You inspire me to become as successful as you when I grow up, and you distract me from stress. I-I really look up to you. I- ” she pauses.

“You…?” I blinked, confused, as I stopped signing her poster.

“I… You're my bias,” she blurts out.

I stare at her for a long time, before I burst out laughing.

“What's so funny?” She frowns a little but soon laughs along with me.

“Nothing, it's just that you're really random. And I like your personality.” I made sure to add a ton of hearts on her poster. “And you're pretty good. I mean, your Korean.”

“What he means is that you're pretty,” Luhan suddenly whispered mischievously.

“I- Really?” She covers with her palm, and blinks again. “T-thank you…?”

I wanted to kick his . Badly. But I can't. Firstly, he's my hyung. Secondly, we're at a fan meeting. But now that Luhan has mentioned it, I glanced at my fan.

She's really tall, probably 1.7 or so, and her hair curls slightly around her shoulders. She has beautiful, large eyes, which are staring at me, unblinking. There's a faint blush painted on her cheeks as she suddenly avoids my gaze. And not to mention, I love the way she dresses.

“Y-you have a great fashion sense,” I rub the nape of my neck as I confessed.

“O-oh,” she turned even redder. “I-I feel like screaming.”

“Go home and scream all you want. But it's real. I just complimented you,” I flash her a grin.

“I think I'm dying.”

“I feel that you're a dork, just like me.”

“How is it like living with the other members?”

“It's great at first, like you're having sleepovers with your best friends. But not so great when you're fighting for the washroom.”

“I know that feeling. I live with my sister, and I swear to god, she takes so long in the washroom and she comes out without much difference either! It's not like we don't have other washrooms, but my stuff are all in there!”

“Talking bad about your sister here, aren't we?”

“You should know what I mean!”

“Oh hell I do.”

“Sehun!” Luhan hissed at me.

“What?” I turn to reply before slapping my mouth with my hand. “! No wait, ignore what I just said. No bad words. No. None. Sorry.”

“Why are you so uptight?” The fan suddenly asked. “I'm fine. I-I cuss too. So don't feel bad or anything.”

My jaw just dropped. She's like the friend I've never had. It was so easy and simple to talk to her, and we relate so well. And now this. She gets me every, single time.

“I'm just gonna do something stupid but, here, take these.”

I shove three of the lollies towards her, and her eyes seemed to sparkle.

“R-really? Thank you! I love lollipops. I… thanks.”

I smiled warmly as I asked for her name. She inhales before telling me her name, but I didn't know how to write it because it was an English name. She leaned over and took the pen from my hand, and I blinked at the sudden closeness. The ends of her hair were scraping my arms, and I couldn't help but sniff at the sweet scent.

It was like honey, but with a tinge of lemon. She wrote her name down with a small grin plastered across her face. She was beautiful, but there was something about her that made me want to know her more. I wanted to touch that smile, or even her face. It was contagious.

“Aaaaand, there.”

Suddenly, she glanced up at me and her eyes widened.

Shoot, she caught me staring at her. I coughed awkwardly and she took a step back. I was aware of the glares Baekhyun and Luhan were shooting towards me, and I knew that I had made a big mistake.

Oh, to hell with this.

“Thank you for coming today,” I give her the biggest grin I can muster. “Remember to eat the lollipops okay? And think of me when you eat them.”

I could see her gulping as I flipped open her album and wrote down my number on the top left hand corner of the page with my signature at the side. She wasn't looking (she was probably busy blushing), and I smirked as I closed the album shut.

“Remember to think of me!” I made a huge heart with my hands as she stares at me, but then broke into a dazzling smile a few seconds later.

There's something about her that makes me want to reach in deeper, but I wasn't sure what it was that made her undeniably attractive. To hell with all the mistakes I've made; I'm not backing out.

*   *   *

Back to My POV

“I saw what Sehun did.”

My sister couldn't stop squealing. She's been bugging me about it ever since the fan meet had ended. We were resting on the couch with the helpers scurrying about preparing our home wear, filling the tub with warm water for us, and preparing dinner downstairs. The TV was , but adjusted to a lower volume as none of us were paying attention, with our minds filled with our idols' smiles and faces.

“I saw what Sehun did,” my sister repeats as she stares long and hard at me. “That heart that he flashed at you! And he gave you three lollipops! Oh my god.”

“I'm going to eat one now, keep the other one in the fridge for tomorrow, and the last one as a memento. How about using it as a bookmark? Gosh, my face's heating up,” I started to laugh like a maniac as everything finally sunk in.

“I was at Tao's table, and I saw how the both of you communicated. It was…” my sister gestured wildly with her hands as she finally snapped her fingers. “…It was sweet,” she concluded.

“I-I know,” I hugged my knees as I remembered how Sehun smiled at me. “It was like the whole world around us came crashing down and we didn't even realise because we were busy badmouthing about y- ”

I paused.

“What did you say?”

Oh shoot.

“I mean, badmouthing the other members,” I came up with a lame excuse, but I could see that my sister didn't buy it.

“Were you badmouthing me?” My sister widened her eyes as she stares at me, dumbfounded. “Because I swear if you did, I'll kill you. Right this instant.”

“I- ”


I flinched as my sister started to panic.

“Oh no no no no no! No wonder the two of you seemed to click so well; YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT ME WHILE HE WAS TALKING ABOUT S. YOU COMPLAINED ABOUT ME. I CANNOT ACCEPT TH- ”

“Calm down,” I started to laugh as I flung my arms around my sister. “Sorry. I really mean it.”

“I get to wash up first. Deal?”

“NO! Anything but the washroom!”

“How dare you- ”


“Why thank you, now if you'll excuse me.”



I curled up into a ball as I settled myself on the couch. I stare at the autographed album and poster as I smiled to myself.

I'll keep this memory, forever.

*   *   *

Sehun's POV

“I saw what you did.”

Luhan said to me for the thousandth time today. After the fan meet, he wouldn't stop bugging me. I started to groan as every mistake I had made came back in boulders falling from the sky, crushing me under their immense weight.

“I saw what you did,” he repeated.

He was relentless.

“Hyung!” I groaned as he simply chuckled and patted my back.

“I can't believe this. You shoved three of them right in her face. I'm so going to tell Xiumin about this,” he started to grin like a maniac as he smacked my head. “Looks like you like girls who dress well, huh? Thought you said you like girls who are 1.62cm? How specific.”

“Stop mocking me!” I stomped my feet on the ground as Tao turned to stare weirdly at us.

“I like girls who are petite, probably at a height of 1.62cm,” Luhan mocked as he tried to imitate me, which was an epic failure. “Gosh, that interview. You should be regretting what you've said. And there's Baekhyun who likes girls who look good in jeans. Don't you guys feel embarrassed?”

“I HEARD THAT!” Baekhyun calls out angrily from the kitchen.

“IT WAS MEANT FOR YOU, ANYWAY!” Luhan shouts back.

Suho entered our room after taking a bath, the ends of his hair still dripping with water.

“The floor's wet,” I retorted.

“Don't be a ,” Suho laughs as he squeezes the ends of his hair with a towel. “Where's the bin? Is Kyungsoo washing the items today?”

“Yeah, it's his turn. The bin's in the washroom,” Luhan replies.

Suho makes an ‘OK’ sign as he makes his way to the bathroom once again.

“Back to the point,” Luhan grins mischievously as I groaned for the nth time today. “Do you want to see her again?”

“Yes. Wait, no! I m-meant no!”

“Caught you there! Oh my god, Sehun has a crush!” He coos.

“Hyung! No, I don't! I've only met her once. It's nothing like that. It's just… I don't know. She's interesting.”

“Hmm,” Luhan hums as he pretended to think. “Is this called attraction, love, or lust?”


“What, you want to get in her p- ”

“NO. OH MY GOD, NO. Stop it, it's embarrassing!”

“But it's hilarious to listen to. And watch,” Kris suddenly appears at the side.

“Nothing's going to happen. Okay?” I assured them.

“I hope so,” Luhan warns with a playful wriggle of his eyebrows.

Kris nods his head as he turns around and walks back into his room.

“One last question,” Luhan probes further.

“What?” I asked. I was starting to get irritated.

“Did y- ” A sudden loud and deafening noise interrupted Luhan. “WHAT THE HELL BRO?”

“Sorry,” the noise stopped as Suho sheepishly turned towards us. “Hair dryer.”

Then he went back to blowing his hair.

“COULD YOU LIKE, NOT USE SUCH STRONG AIR? THE NOISE. THE NOISE,” Luhan nearly screams as I burst into laughter.



I spluttered at that.

“You s, never including your precious leader in your conversations,” Suho clicks his tongue as he goes into the living room to blow his hair dry.

“So I was saying,” Luhan cleared his throat. “Did you… do anything reckless?”

“I…no,” I said, trying to sound as calm as possible, but the guilt came continuously in waves. What have I done?

“That's good,” Luhan breathes a sigh of relief as he pats my back before going out of my room to beg Kyungsoo and Chanyeol for food.
I'm not sure if I'm regretting it now. I hope she calls. If she doesn't… I'll worry about that later.

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irsalinaidzm #1
Arghhh can't wait!! Just reading the description makes my heart jumping >.< I'm waiting your story~