The time has come

Just friends, maybe?

Nightfall came as promised like a daily routine that never fails. One lone shadow sat amongst the Gardens of Cross to enjoy the beautiful works of the gardener as she placed the watering hose back to its original spot, taking in the beauty of the flowers once again. How long will these beauties last? No one has an answer to these or does anyone knew what was awaiting for this lady in the unprotected outside world.

The sun started setting; slowly hiding its body into the coat of night so that it can awaken in the other side of the earth and welcome another group of earthlings to the day. The surrounding were soon disappearing from her eyes in counting numbers. The pine trees and bushes were seen to row number 20 slowly reduces to ten and finally remain at row number 5. This indicates that the time has come.

A quick check on her digital casio illuminator confirms that it was a good 9pm and that her fellow librarian was then on duty. Well the truth is that they both enjoyed their lovely times in the library so much that shift timing was but formalities when these two could stay there day and night. But today was a unique day. She was planning to bid her goodbyes and to seek Chaerin's assistance to be the temporary head librarian when she steps out of the school tonight.

She enters the library with a quick flash of her all-access-card and heads straight to the office as she smiles when she sees the familiar figure there covering their duties. She walks towards you and flashes more smiles before greeting you "Chaerin ah, mother of alien babies" she said it with a soft chuckle.

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