Chapter Two: A Regular Morning For The Zhang/Kim Family

Cute Family One Shots

The sunlight peered through the window, shining straight on Jongdae's face. He felt it shine upon his closed eyes, so he rolled over facing his husband, Yixing. Not to long ago, the two got married. They lived as two for about 8 months. Jongdae always thought something was missing when the two were together but didn't known what. Until, it clicked.

Jongdae closed his eyes promising he'll wake up in an hour's tops. He closes eyes back into his sleeping state until Yixing nudges him."Huh.."

"Wake up. We gotta go." Yixing says clearly still sleepy too. He looks as if he tried to open his eyes, but his eyes are still closed. His voice is semi raspy with a mixture of sleepyness.

Jongdae seemed to roll his eyes and try to fall back asleep but Yixing nudged him once more."Mehh, fine. I'll go wake up Sienna."

Yixing scooted a little closer to Jongdae and kissed him sweetly on the cheek. He got up from the bed and stretched himself so that you can hear all his bones making weird noises."Gonna go to the bathroom real quick. She's hard to wake up you know."

Jongdae got up from the oppisite side of where Yixing got up from. He yawned a little louder and shook a little bit. As Yixing walked into the hallway, Jongdae peered over to the crib. Inside the crib was a small child sleeping. He sighed at the sight of their daughter, because he apparently didn't want to wake up the sight of their child."Sienna~. Wake up~"

Sienna had moved a little and fluttered her eyes open, smiling instantly at the sight. She did a little giggle as well. Jongdae's heart had warmed up at the sight. This is what they were missing. Jongdae picked up Sienna and smiled as she was still giggling and moving her arms around. Jongdae didn't hear Yixing come out the bathroom but heard pans clattering around downstairs. He looked at Sienna,who heard the noise, too. They both looked at each other both knowing what that meant.

"Let's go. Daddy is making breakfast."Jongdae said in sweet tone making Sienna clap her hands. Jongdae carried Sienna in his arms as they walked downstairs, a little more awake.

Yixing heard them coming downstairs and smiled to himself as he put a pan on the stove and turning the stove up on medium. Jongdae strolled in there with Sienna still in his arms and kissed Yixing. Yixing had turned to the two, with a smile on his face.

"Good morning."Yixing said facing Jongdae giving a sweet kiss on the lips. Jongdae responded back with doing the same thing. Yixing had looked at Sienna, who was still smiling at the moment. He took Sienna in his arms and kissed her on the cheek."How's daddy's little girl?"

Sienna had beamed after Yixing's words. She managed to mutter out a baby version of 'good', which made Yixing and Jongdae's heart flutter. Yixing turned to Jongdae, who had a smile on his face at the sight of his husband with their child.

Yixing had turned back to the stove with Sienna still in his arms."Daddy is making pancakes for breakfast. Well, I started to."

Sienna gave Yixing a cute smile and clapped."Pancake!"

"That's right!"Yixing said in a sweet tone."Jongdae take her into the living room."

Jongdae was handed over Sienna and walked into the living room. Jongdae the TV and sat Sienna in his lap as they sat on the couch, watching whatever was on. Eventually, Jongdae's leg ended up shaking making Sienna laugh a little louder. Jongdae all of a sudden, had an idea.

"Sienna, can you sing me a song?"Jongdae said facing her towards her. Lately, Jongdae and Yixing had been singing songs that EXO had sung together. Sometimes, Sienna would sing along to the parts she would know. She sometimes would fumble over the words. Yixing had been teaching her Chinese (Traditional) so she could understand it a bit more. Sienna had moved around a bit, then nodded.

"Okay."Sienna replied. She stayed silent for a moment then finally started to sing. She decided to sing EXO-M's Angel, something Lay would always sing her to sleep when she was being fussy. Her Chinese wasn't that all great, so it sounded like she made up words making sure it sounded like the the original. She stopped at a certain part and wiggled around a bit.

Jongdae smiled flashing his teeth and picked Sienna up shaking her kinda."You have a nice voice! You sound just like your father!" Sienna smiled and started saying stuff in Chinese plus baby jibberish. Jongdae knew what she was saying half of the time. At other times, it was just a bunch of blabbing on about nothing, but something.

"Jongdae! Sienna! Breakfast is ready!"Yixing said putting the plates of food on the table. Jongdae had picked up Sienna and put her in her high chair and scooted it over closer to the table. Jongdae had cut up Sienna's pancakes and feed them to her while eating his own. Sienna at last tried to use her hands but Jongdae woul attempt to stop her. Eventually, he chose to let her eat with her hands. She was a toddler anyway, She'll learn how to use utensils eventually.

"Is there anything important to do today, Yixing?"Jongdae asked as Sienna took in another bit of pancakes.

"Well. I was thinking that we should go out."Yixing started."I need to go to the market anyway. A certain 3 year old has been drinking it all."Yixing looked over at Sienna playfully as she looked at him, confused.

"Also, more chocolate syrup."Jongdae said."That one glass of chocolate milk did something to Sienna. Now she's craving it at the worst time. I was almost up all night telling her she'll get some today."

Yixing had looked back over to Sienna, who looked like she was giving him a 'Whatever, you still love me' look.Then he looked back down continuing on his food."Fine, we'll do that then."

Jongdae turned to Yixing and nudged him. He smiled when Sienna smiled and stood right next to her."Don't we smile the same?"

Yixing laughed a little."Yeah, you do." Yixing had got up from his seat, putting his plate in the sink."I'm going to get ready. You two hurry up, okay?"

Jongdae nods as he looks at Sienna's plate (which had less food than his plate)."Alright. You look full,don't you?"

Sienna nodded."Yes." Sienna held out her arms so Jongdae could pick her up and take her upstairs. Jongdae carried her upstairs and sat her down. Yixing had stopped him from getting their child ready to get washed up.

"I'll do it."Yixng said."You go ahead and yourself ready. You always do it." Jongdae nodded and entered the bedroom. He had to find a pair of clothes for him to put on. Also, he needed something for Sienna to wear. He opened his drawer and practically threw out something that looked okay for Sienna to wear and put it on the side of the crib. Then, he found something for him to wear and he put it on quickly and sat on the bed. Yixing had came out of the bathroom with Sienna wrapped in a towel and sat her on the bed. He exaimened the clothes and looked back at Jongdae.

"Did you just throw anything out?"Yixing questioned. Jongdae nodded.

"Basically, it does look good together, right?"Jongdae said waiting for a reply. Yixing nodded and started to get Sienna dressed.

"Do you know the tempreture outside? I don't my 'Little Ray of Sunshine' getting a cold."Yixing said pinching Sienna's cheek making her squirm a bit.

Jongdae checked his phone and sighed."It's 34 degrees outside. I got a sweatshirt for her. Don't worry." Jongdae got up and went in his drawer. There, he pulled out a sweatshirt with the word, 'EXO' printed on the front.Yixing raised an eyebrow and put the regular shirt on Sienna.

"This should keep her warm!"Jongdae exclaimed putting it on the bed."It's awfully big, so it should."

Once Sienna was all done and dressed, she walked over to the sweater. She tilted her head and tried to turn it around. There, a number and a name was revealed.

"Chen!"Sienna exclaimed."That's you daddy!"

Jongdae smiled at Sienna."That's right. But that was my stage name."

"Jongdae come on. I wanna go before it gets too crowded up there."Yixing said going down the stairs. Jongdae scooped Sienna up and walked down stairs with the sweatshirt in his other hand. Once he was done walking downstairs, he sat Sienna down on the step and put her shoes on for her. Shortly after that, Jongdae put on his own shoes. Yixing threw jacket at Jongdae and huffed. One side, he was careless half of the time. This was basically because of his attention being drawn to their daughter.

Sienna had picked up on of her hats off the table and put it on. She pulled the oversized sweatshirt off the couch and attempted to put it on. Yixing kneeled down and put it on her right. He picked her up and started to walk out the door. Jongdae had followed behind them quickly, locking the door.


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i'm trying for something tbs related so hold tight's been throwing around so it'll [probably] be out next week?


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priya1234 #1
Chapter 2: I am soo waiting for jikook❤️