Chapter 7

Deep Mind
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Hyoyeon POV

Another time pass by quickly and another day pass as qucikly as if I practice really hard for the show. I never want to think about Jiyong plan either think about my answer for he. Everytime when I remember his plan, I can’t concentrate to my dance step and give a blank face to Hyungseok’s instruction. Then I can see his concern expression. I know I and he become more closer than what people see in show, but no matter how close we are now, I still can’t tell he about my problem. In other side, I not yet tell manager oppa about Jiyong’s plan yet. But somehow I can feel if Oppa already know I and Jiyong not in a good condition now. Eventhough, he not give me presure about it, he always caught my change mood everytime he mention his name. And after that, he always try to change the topic or keep silent. Maybe because of that, I keep in my mind if I must concentrate to the show and give them a look if the problem which they don’t know is not a problem they need to worry. And I will always give my best for this show and them. So after that, I keep myself busy with practice for the show and GG’s new song. How luckly, our new song is about paparazzi. Such a good timing.

Today is a day before the show. Hyungseok and me agree to meet in our practice room early than usuall. Manager oppa offer to drive me there but I decide to drive alone. In my way, I buy some bread, milk, some snack and kimbab for my breakfast, our breakfast I mean. We can’t practice with empty stomach right. I also buy some bottle water but it look like not some but many bottle. I buy too much until I can’t bring it out with my own hand when I arrived. When I finish take out all what I buy and what I bring, Hyungseok come in beside me.

“Are you want to picnic? We are going to practice or have fun girl?” He said shocking me. I am too concentrate until I not aware Hyungseok already stand beside me.

“You come? When you come? This? I think we need to eat first before start practice. So I buy some. Ehm .. After I see, it not some either. Can you help me bring this inside?” I said while asking he for some help. I feel embrase after looking at all thing I bring.

“Sure. I can see your hand can’t ever hold more. And you know what, we have some mind today.” He said while bring some my belonging and wait me to close my car.

“Same mind? What mind? Come early to practice?” We start walk inside beside each other casually.

“Meal. Breakfast. I also buy some for our breakfast. After I think, we can have picnic in our practice room if we combine our food.” He said while open the door for me. He let me come first.

“Really. Wow. We come early to practice but I think our plan will change. We have breakfast picnic first before practice then.”  I said while wait for he to close the door.

“Its a good idea. Anyway, for someday you look like a girl who lost her soul. Lets talk first. You can tell me whats wrong ... or maybe you won’t tell it. You seem like people who don’t like to share their problem and let other people see if you are a happy girl everytime and everywhere.” He said as we walk to our practice room. I don’t expect he know me that well. But hear he speak like that, make me feel sorry to he but thankfull in other way because he understand her partner well.

“Ehm .. maybe when we have a problem we just need to forget it and focus to what we need to do now. Anyway, that just my opinion. And yes, I am that type girl you think. Better they look at me as such as a happy and strong girl better than they look at me from my weak side. Open the door please” I answer his word with smile and ask he to open the door of practice room.

“Yes madam. Do what you want to do. If you think its better for you, then do it. Maybe you need your time to solve your own problem. I won’t push you to tell me then. Because you said you will focus to what you do now, so now we need to eat breakfast first. I think I can’t continue to practice in this morning if I am not eat now.” He said try to make me relaxe and enjoy beside he. He really such a good friend who understand other well. I am glad I have partner like he.

“I think so. I also need to eat first. Anyway, what you buy?” I

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leekimchoding #1
Chapter 9: hey author-nim hope you'll update soon
Naahyo #2
Chapter 8: Really love this story
Roxylovexoxo #3
Chapter 8: This so beautiful love the chapter .
Roxylovexoxo #4
Chapter 7: Please update poor hyo also lov3 your story.
leekimchoding #5
This is so short and heartbreaking please update soon
kim_032 #6
Chapter 6: Why so short.. I've been waiting for this story
poor Hyo.. the plan was not right.. i want to know what will happen with their relationship.. update soon
Roxylovexoxo #7
Chapter 6: Update soon even if its short chapter
kim_032 #8
Chapter 5: What a plan! Keke update soon!!!
Roxylovexoxo #9
PLease update i love GD and Hyo they cute together
khyoyeon262 #10
Chapter 2: sweet couple <3 >,<