Chapter 05

I Remember...

How can you dazzle so much?
You’re so pretty it’s selfish but your personality is so humble
This is not the place to joke around
I’m announcing the fact about your charms
{Seventeen~Adore U}



I looked up to find Seungkwan on the tip of a branch, face-to-face with the same squirrel that had chased up Jisoo Oppa.

The members burst out laughing as Coups Oppa climbed up the tree to shoo it away.

I shook my head. They really weren't lying....

Seungkwan jumped down from the tree happily as Coups made his way back down.

"LET'S GO~~~~" Seungkwan shouted as he grabbed my hand and started to run down the street.

We ran towards the subway entrance on our street.

Woozi Oppa payed for our subway tickets and we were on our way to Myeongdong.

"Jihye. Yah! Kim Jihye! Wake up! We're here!!!" 

I woke up to find Seungkwan shaking me.

"I'm up! I'm up! I'm up! SHEESH! Do you wake up all the members this way?" 

"'re just harder to wake up than JIhoonie Hyung..." he mumbled as he ruffled his hair and stepped out of the subway car.

The fourteen of us got out of the subway and went up to "window-shop".


"WAHHHHHH!!!!! IT'S SO PRETTY HERE~~~" I said twirling around with wide eyes.

"Yah! Don't do that! You're attracting attention!" Channie said whacking my head playfully with his hoodie.

I stuck my tongue out at him and was immediately distracted by the huge Forever 21 behind him.


"Ooooohhhhh!!!!!" I dragged the nearest person with me towards the store. 

Unfortunately, it was my idiotic best friend.


The Seventeen members were too busy laughing at us to help the poor wittle dinosaur.

He pouted as I successfully got him inside the shop.

"Fine. I'll just look around with you, but after that, I'M LEAVING." he said with duck lips.

"Hey! Channie~ Let's play a game!"

"What kind of game?" his eyes betrayed him, revealing the fact that he enjoyed being in clothing stores.

"It's a game where two people have to find outfits that make the other person look good." I said with a grin.

I used to play this game with my friends back in Cali. If we ended up liking the outfit, we would buy it.

"Okay! Let's play^...^" Channie said with a huge smile.

He ran off in the direction of the stairs to the second floor.

I found the most perfect outfit for Channie~^...^


We had agreed to meet up at the changing rooms in ten minutes, but it's already been fifteen and he still hasn't come yet.

"Excuse me, miss." I looked up to see a tall man with a mustache.

I took a couple of steps back. 

"I believe this is yours." he said showing me a Forever 21 bag with my name written on it in big giant letters with a dinosaur on the bottom.

"What do you mean? I didn't buy anything yet!" I said as my eyes widened with shock.

"A young man came by earlier and said to give this to you when you came. He said something about his hyungs meeting you guys upstairs?" the man said scratching his forehead.

"Oh...ok....thank you!" I said taking the bag and inching towards the stairs.

"You're welcome! Oh, by the way, he said not to buy him that ridiculous outfit that you were holding earlier. Something about how that matches BTS style and not his." 

"Oh...." I looked down at the outfit I was holding. Darn. 

"Thank you!" I said turning around to wave at the man.....but he had already disappeared.

Hmmmm.....I hung up the outfit on the unwanted-clothes hanger and ran up the stairs.

The lights were off and it was extremely dark.

"Hello? Channie? Are you here?" I called out nervously.

I took a few steps forward, but I was too scared to move anymore. 

What is this feeling? It's like deja vu....but not....

AGH! I saw a bright white light and then a memory started to play.

"Oppa! Oppa! You count to ten, and I'll hide, okay?"

"Okay JiYoung-ah. Jihye, do you want to play too?"

I looked up at the tall boy and smiled.

"Yeah! Me and JiYoungie Unni will hide, and you count!"

"Okay. I'm starting! One....two...three..."

I ran towards the most perfect hiding spot---up the old twisty tree next to the playground.

"Eight....nine.....ten! Ready or not, here I come!"

I giggled quietly and stayed in my hiding spot.

He'll never find me!!!

Just then, I felt something crawling up my arm. I looked down and saw a spider.

I shrieked and screamed. "OPPA!!! OPPA!!! HELP ME! SAVE ME!!!" 

But he had disappeared, looking for me and my sister.

I fell out of the tree and hit my head....then everything turned dark.

When I regained consciousness, I was in the hospital.

"Jihye-yah....are you okay? Do you remember me?" asked a pretty woman with brown hair and dark eyes.

"Aniyo..." I whimpered.

"I want Umma...." I started to cry.

"Jihye-yah....don't cry. I am your you not remember?" asked the strange lady.

"No.....I don't remember head hurts....."

"Don't worry Jihye. You fell off your bike and hit your head." she said comfortingly.

"I wanna go home. I wanna be with Channie~" I cried.

The lady's eyes lit up. "You remember Channie? That's good! Okay, then come with Umma...we'll go home right now and see Channie." she said offering me her hand.

I took her hand and she helped me up.

"Let's go home Jihye."

"Ne Umma."

I blinked my eyes again. JiYoung? I have....a sister.....named JiYoung....

That was my Umma just then.....does that mean that she's been lying to me all my life?

I blinked away the tears that were starting to form on my face when the lights flickered on, revealing Seventeen with party hats and streamers and balloons.


"Jihye! What's wrong? Why are you crying???" Seungkwan rushed up to me before I collapsed.

By that time, I was bawling.

I cried into his chest and he held me tightly and patted my back in a comforting way.

"Jihye-ah what's wrong? Tell me." Chan said as he wiped away my tears.

"I-I-I had a flash back...." I said sniffling.

Chan's worried facial expression got even more worried-looking (if that's even possible).

"I-I-I saw my brother....a-a-and I have.....a sister...." 

Chan nodded his head, urging me to go on.

"And....she looks....just like me...."

At this statement, Wonwoo's eyes widened.

I felt the sobs coming up again. "My parents.....were lying to me this whole entire time..."

I choked. "They're not my real parents...." I whipsered.

I heard someone gasp from behind Seungkwan, who was still hugging me.

"It's ok have us now..."Mingyu said gently as he came over and shoved Seungkwan aside to give me a hug.

"Let's talk later....I have to tell you something..." he whispered into my ear as he released me from his hug.

As he got up, I saw him wipe away his tears.

I looked around and saw all the boys with concerned expressions on their faces.

I let out a guilty laugh.

"I guess I ruined the mood......I'm sorry.....I-"

"NO! It's not your fault, Kiara. Flashbacks happen for good reasons. As your cousin....well, adopted(?), that sounds weird.....As your cousin, I think that this all happened for a reason. Maybe you're one step closer to finding your family." Josh said as he patted my back.

"Anyways, on a happier note, WE PREPARED A CAKE FOR YOUUUUUUU!!!!!" Hoshi shouted trying to lighten up the mood.

He came running towards us with a grin from ear to ear, but it quickly disappeared into a panicked expression as he slipped on the carpet in front of me and landed face-first in to the cake.

I burst out laughing at his clumsiness and the rest of the members joined me.

Hoshi raised himself out of the cake with another smile. 

Picking up a handful of cake, he threw it at me.

"FOOD FIGHT!!!!" DK yelled from the snack table at the other end of the room.

The 2nd floor of Forever 21 became an instant madhouse.

We're lucky that the only food that was messy-ish was the cake.

Otherwise, we were ok^^

DK was throwing bundles of grapes at everyone and The8 & Jun made a team effort to get Woozi into a dress...which resulted in a lot of cursing coming from the latter.

Wonwoo was trying to avoid S.Coups and Junghan, who were chasing after him with handfuls of cake.

Vernon and Seungkwan were dressed in Forever 21 Men's clothes and were having a rap battle. LEL. #BoononForever

Josh Oppa and Dino were trying to help Hoshi clean off his face from the icing and cake, but it was just smearing all over the place.

Mingyu was....where was Mingyu?

"Uh....Jihye?" said a deep voice from behind me.

I turned around to face the puppy giant.

"Hai Mingyu Oppa~" I said with a teeny smile.

He smiled back at me and took my hand to lead me away from the madhouse.

"Jihye....about earlier....your story reminded me of something that happened to me when I was little." Mingyu said as we walked down the queit hallway.

I turned to face him.

"I had two younger sisters. They were twins and their names were JiYoung and JiHye..." he said not making eye contact with me.

"JiYoung and JiHye. Those are cute names^^" I said with a smile.

"Yeah....they were cute kids too.." he said with a faint grin. "But then something happened..."

I looked up at him in confusion.

"One day, when the three of us were at the park near our house, one of my sisters was kidnapped. We had been playing hide-and-go-seek, but my youngest sister disappeared. I remember her calling for me, but when I went towards her voice, she was gone..." 

My eyes widened as I listened to what he was saying.

No can't be.......

Is Mingyu my brother?


this didn't turn out half as bad as i expected it to^...^

anywho, i hope you guys liked it^^

what do you think about it so far?

plz leave a comment below bcos COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED <333

~lurv da one and only sarasquirrel

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my computer shut down while i was in the middle of writing an update ㅠㅠ only half of it saved ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ


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byunghuny #1
Chapter 28: Update pls:)
lee_in #2
Chapter 27: update more please authorniiiiiiiiim! T.T
Chapter 26: Yes!!! I loved how you put twice and running man in here too. Also for so,e reason I want her to end up with channie and not Wonwoo.
jangyoonhee #4
Chapter 26: the last chapter got me really intrigued with wonwoo so I was a little sad that he wasn't in this chapter... BUT NONETHELESS, I can't wait for more wonwoo/jihye interactions ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Funnypanda369 #5
Chapter 25: Please do update soon, I'm intrigued
Funnypanda369 #6
Chapter 10: Eh? Le me confused
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 9: -________________________-

Funnypanda369 #8
Chapter 8: *Gasps* (I will be accusing Simba because she is so mean to me ;A;) SIMBA STOLE JIYOUNG EONNIE'S NUMBER, AJHDAHDKADAHF;HAJHDAJH
Funnypanda369 #9
Chapter 7: Shut the eff up Sima, or watever her name was, haha. I just KNOW that it is her, that mean girl who accused me of being Jiyoung... Jinyoung? No, I think it was Jiyoung, lmao XD
Funnypanda369 #10
Chapter 6: Omg, this is hilarious. IT'S IS RUINING MY SEVENTEEN BIAS LIST, STAHP IT! (i dont even have one, lmao >,<)