Hey... Sooyeon..

Two Moons

Jessica's POV:


"The red moon appears when the victim is being attacked!" I yelled 

"Jinja?!? Omg, that makes sense!!" Krystal gasped. That night, my sister is sleeping with me tonight because what would happen if Krystal were to get caught by those...wolf people? She is fast asleep leaving me awake. 


The next day, hoping I won't be caught again tonight. I walked to school not believing what I saw. But the question was...who was that man??

"Unnie, are you still worried about last night?" Krystal asked sternly

"I am.. But oh well, let's forget about!" I tried to raise the mood. 

As the Jung sisters kept walking, Kris was nearby, keeping an eye on Jessica.

"Haha.. So there she is... You're not gonna get away" he smirked

At school... (As Jessica's POV)


It was English class. I find this class more amusing probably because I already know English unlike the students here. 

"Students. I'm gonna be pairing you up into three groups. You are gonna make a English skit together." Mister Eric announced. Yes!! I wonder who's group will I be in?? I'll end up being the smart one! Ahahah what a easy A! 


After the teacher announced the groups, it turns out I'll be in the same group as Kris and Sehun— WAIT!?!?! KRIS?!? He was the dude who kept following me!! I totally forgot since the accident last night!! Kris and Sehun smirked at eachother as they came to my desk so we could work together.

"Hey....." I said awkwardly

"hello~" Sehun greeted with a warm smile. Kris seemed expressionless as if he never followed me, I turned my head away so we don't make eye contact.

"Hey, can we get working now?" Kris demanded, tsk tsk, he is so bossy! (-.-) Bht anyways, it turns out that I planned out what we should act and what genre, and of course, wrote the English lines, I just kept babbling on and on about our work because it was so fun in this class.

"And plus, I think we should record us instead because I hate to be in front of the class—" 

"JESSICA." Kris yelled coldly, I looked at his face and next thing you know... I get a flashback of last night when the wolf dude said my English name.. It wasn't just a ordinary tone like how Korean people say it, it was fluent English.. Could it be?.. Could that wolf man be Kris? That can't be?.. Am I overthinking?

*poke poke*

I came back to reality finding Kris and Sehun looking at me confusingly.

"Mianhae, I need to go take a drink" I said as I left.


Kris' POV

Crap... Did she notice me? I hope not.. I promised myself not to speak English or else people will know. I turned to Sehun already finding him looking at me.

"Aish, you almost got caught" his eyes said

"Hunnie. Keep your guard on her sister tonight got it?." I commanded quietly as he nodded. Great. Tonight, I will surely catch you.

('FYI, when they say "catch", in this story, what they do is that, they are given a specific victim and has to kiss them under 10 days. If they don't finish their mission, they will be titled as 'Failure' and won't be able to return to earth realm for 30 days. What happens to the victim when they get kissed by the EXO members? The victims disappear and reborn into their next life.')

About 4 days I've been following her. I only have 6 more days left to finish my mission. 

"I'm back!" Jessica yelled. My buddy and I looked at her. She eyed me, which I tried not to make myself obvious. 

"I'm sorry for talking too much" she apologized as she bows forward. We accepted her apology and later on, we changed the subject. Sehun asked about her sister. She told us all about her sister and herself, and it seems we got the advantages of catching them both.

Jessica's POV


Later that night, I fixed Krystal and my bed. We laid down next to eachother, talking about our day, and girl stuff. 30 minutes passed but we can't seem to go to sleep.

"Unnie, I'm gonna go grab a drink of water. Be right back." She said and left quietly. It's been 3 minutes since she didn't come back. She probably went to the bathroom.. My eyes started feeling a little heavy, and as soon as you know it, I fell asleep. I woke up again, I looked at my phone, it was so bright that I couldn't open my eyes. It read 2 a.m. I felt Krystal's body next to mines but— wait, Krystal can't be this long/tall! I turned around to face the person next to me, finding a fimiliar face looking at me. His eyes were pitched black like a dark Galaxy. 

"Hey... Sooyeon.." The man's y soothing voice came out of his lips. My heart fluttered as he kept staring at me.

"W-who are you?!?" I asked as I stood up seeing him lay on his side

"Honey.. Why don't we just go back to sleep? It's only 2 in the morning..." He smiled

"How'd you know my Korean name?? No body knows but my sister!!" I yelled as I open the patio door and stepped outside with my slip on tennis shoe.

"I know everything about you... Jessica" he sat up and starting to walk slowly towards me. That voice.. I know who's voice that is!

"Wait! A-are you Kris??!" I asked loudly

"Aww.. Man, I wanted to have more fun." He frowned "You guessed it right"

"I knew it! Where's my sister?!?!" I hit my waist against the rail of the patio. Kris snapped his finger as Sehun brought Krystal into the room. I gasped full of fear and sadness of seeing Krystal looking dead.

"I didn't kiss her yet. She isn't dead. She just fainted." Sehun called out to Kris. Kris then looks at me, and started coming closer. I was so scared that somehow the rail broke off leaving me fall backwards going to land on the hard cement. As I fell, I saw Kris falling faster than me hugging me and next thing you know, it seems like we are falling through a tunnel. As we landed, I heard a voice whispered "EXO" (like in the two moon song by EXO). While Kris was still on the ground, I quickly got up and ran off somewhere since we were in the middle of the dark dark woods. I didn't know where I was going but as long as I can find a way back and not get caught by Kris. Kris suddenly got up and saw me run off, and transformed into his wolf form. 

Feels like 45 minutes passed as I ran. I was out of breath, and probably sure that I've lost him for now. 


Kris' POV


Crap.. I brought her to our wolf realm. It's been a long time now and yet I haven't found her yet! What will happen if she doesn't get back to earth realm?. Dammit, if only I let her die—

"Why is this all happening to me?.... If I die... Krystal will be alone... No one to watch and help her or keep her company..." A girl sobbed. I transformed to my human form hiding behind the tree she is sitting under listening to what she is saying.

"Please.. If Krystal could hear this.. I'm sorry Soojung-ah... Ever since our parents left us here *sniff* I wasn't being a good sister to you. It's always you who made my sad and angry mood up. I didn't even help you in life.. *sniff sniff* you were the bestest sister that I could ever had. It's sad that we might separate from eachother because we both might die young like this. *sniff* I'm not ready... I still wanna be with someone like you as my blood sister.." She cried

All I could ever do was to sit back and feel bad for her and her sister. Later, she fell asleep. I got up and walked to her, watching her sleep with cheeks full of tears. I can't believe I'm saying this but.. I never knew she was this beautiful.. 

I brought her back to earth realm where Sehun and Krystal was. Jessica's sister Layed on the bed sleeping as I put Jessica next to her. I can tell that Sehun is looking at me as if why I didn't finish up my mission.

"Sehun.. I'll give her another day. I feel bad" I said as I explore her perfectly structured face.

"Alright. But you do know that the king will be questioning us tonight, since he probably saw you back in our realm." Sehun sighed as he jumped into the portal I made to get here. Before I leave, I put my hand on her face softly, moving her hair to the side and left.

Haii guys! What do you think of this chapter?! Comment? Aha. Probably gonna make Sestal happen in this story?. But Ouu. The king wanted to talk to Sehun and Kris? What is he gonna say to them? Read the next chapter for more!





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Christina_wolf #1
Chapter 6: Aww they are really meant to be
_Jeongie_ #2
Chapter 3: Your blood is not my style??
xD I'm dying lel
mikanMD #3
Chapter 6: Aww true love <3
mikanMD #4
Chapter 5: What will happen to them now, what will they do?
mikanMD #5
Chapter 4: Omo she just confessed like that xP
rdianitasari #6
Chapter 4: Your story is great. I hope everything gonna be ok for krissica. They love each other. Looking forward for the next chapter. Fighting:)
mikanMD #7
Chapter 3: Ohhh this it developing to a very VERY interesting situation xD