Unexpected Meeting.

Dancing Cook

------KEY'S POV------

30th October.


Another day at work.I open the restraunt doors with a sleepy face as i just woke up. Oh god i think I even have panda eyes. The usual, I greeted and briefed the workers what to do and everthing. Most importantly, I told them about the upcoming Global Cooking Competition that is held in New York.

''I hope you guys work hard for this competition as we are the ones representing South Korea, our country! Well for now, lets get back to work and do our best.'' With one snap of my fingers, they all rushed and started to do their individual kitchen work.


------NARRATOR'S POV------

After Key announced this BIG BIG NEWS, Everyone was shocked even while doing their work, they were not informed early enough to prepare for the competition.

Some of them thinks that it is ridiculous! But for Key, he is smiling like a smiling emoticon!

Key was rushing in and out of the kitchen. One, to help out in the kitchen and guide the cooks.Two, he had to see what was going on outside the kitchen and check if everything was going well with the customers.This made Key busy alright. But it also motivated him to work harder for his father and make his master proud.

Speaking of master, there was a commotion going on with the waiters at the entrance of the restaurant. Key went to check it out.

'' Oh my....Is...it....is it really you?I cant believe it....Master TOP you're back!''

''So Glad to see you Key! How's life?'' TOP asked as he patted Key's back. He was proud that his once apprentice has been one of the great chefs in the world. He then gave Key a gift which made Key grined like a child who just recieved a gift from santa claus.....or santa TOP. In return, he treated his master for a soju drink after work. Key was really happy that his master came back early when his is supposed to come back at the year end. Like how he told his employees, he told his master about the competition with much enthusiasim.

''So Master,have you heard about the Global Cooking Competition?'' Key asked as he drank another shot of soju.

''Oh yes i have.'' TOP took the whole bottle and gulped it in, in one go.

''You see Master,I'll be taking part in this competition, you will be supporting me right?''

'' I dont think I need to wish you good luck. I'm sure South Korea will win with you representing the country. Anyway, I will still support you....if you give me another bottle of soju! Hahahaha....just kidding!''

As happy times pass by quickly, they have to part with a happy smile on both faces. Key had to go home before his father scolds him again. Because of that, Key rushed home. He was a bit drunk and dizzy but he had to or else he would face the wrath of his strict father.Again. But something made Key stop running and rooted to the ground.

He heard a faint sound of music....

Music that reminds him of his dream....

Key's curiousity widen and followed where was the music coming from and was astonished by the scene of the talented street dancer dancing with such wild hip-hop moves.

He then remembered his dream.

To be a dancer.


                                                                       -Chapter 2 Ends-

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