Serial murderer...

Forbidden Love


[Jiyeon’s POV]

“Baekhee,” I tried to keep my voice cool and a little intimidating but actually inside I was really quite frightened by Yoon Baekhee and her cronies. Baekhee slid into the seat next to me, a nasty smirk on her face.

“Choi Jiyeon now huh? No longer Park Jiyeon?” Baekhee said, smiling at me as though I was her best friend.

I could punch her now and then but then she was also a black belt in taekwondo. We even took the same class. Yoon Baekhee was probably one of the school’s most popular queenkas, and everyone loved her.

Except, of course, her victims.

“What the hell do you want?” Anger replaced the fear I had felt before although I perfectly knew what her answer was going to be.

“Oh, I heard you just got a new brother, and he’s apparently smoking hot,” Baekhee said, the freaking y smile still on her face.

“So?” I countered, but knowing Baekhee, clearly she wasn’t going to end there.

“Simple. I just want to know him better. Him and his friend Seunghyun. Which means you’re going to hang around me for a bit and when you’re in front of them, say nice things about me.”

Jonghun was new to this school and didn’t know what a she was and Seunghyun with his memory loss was no better.

“No way.”

“I’ll give you a week to decide.” Baekhee’s smile was gone, replaced with an intimidating and hateful glare. “Till then.”

She spun around and walked back to her seat, which coincidentally or not, was beside Jonghun’s.

“What a .” Someone said at the same time as I muttered those words out. A girl, with long and straight brown hair, her fringe slightly below her eyebrows, glared at the backing figure of Yoon Baekhee. When she turned to look back at me, however, her face split into a warm smile, as she sat next to me.

“Don’t mind if I sit here, right?” she smiled at me. “I heard everything she said. Yoon Baekhee is a true blue .”

“Don’t let her catch you say that. Are you new or something?” She obviously haven’t been under Yoon Baekhee’s torture yet. The girl shook her head, her smile temporarily replaced by a scowl when she overheard Baekhee’s false sweet-girl voice coming from somewhere around the back of the class.

“Been here as long as you have. I just transferred to this class.”

“Explains why I haven’t seen you before…” I muttered half-heartedly. Clever people knew not to mix with Yoon Baekhee’s tortured.

“You’re Jiyeon, right?” The girl offered her hand as the warm smile came back. “I’m Hyemi. Ko Hyemi.”

“Told you you’d find a new girl friend right?”

I had just waved to Hyemi who was heading the other direction when I found Minhwan in front of me, triumphant smile on his face.

“You were just lucky this year.”

Minhwan smiled wryly when someone suddenly pounced on his back. He looked kind of familiar… Wait. He was the blonde guy who apparently broke into my house with the Jin guy, who was behind me.

“You know what Minari? I think we can form a band!” the blonde guy babbled excitedly as Minhwan tried to push him off.

“What do you mean, hyung?” Minhwan said, a little annoyed as he combed his hair using his hands, which had just been messed up by the blonde guy.

“You’re a drummer, right? I’m vocals and Jaejinnie here is bassist and Seunghyun’s guitar, remember? And today I found a lead guitarist!”

“What the hell are you talking about, Hongki hyung?” Minhwan choked out as he struggled to release Hongki’s grip on his neck. “I’ll see you tomorrow Ji—”

“Enjoy yourself… Seeya.” I waved bye to him as I continued down the road by my own, feeling a little uneasy.

From just now, it felt as though someone was following me. I slowed down a little and could hear faint footsteps not far behind. It eventually slowed down and stopped. Suddenly hearing my heart pounding, I started walking at a faster pace when said stalker put a hand on my shoulder. My head snapped around, seeing Jonghun with a slightly worried expression on his face.

[Jonghun’s POV]

“What the hell? You scared the hell out of me!” Jiyeon burst out angrily as she pushed my hand off. “I thought some mad murderer was following me!”

“I probably don’t want to scare you, but there was someone following you.” The shadow that was following Jiyeon just now suddenly disappeared. “I just saw you walking down here.”

“Yeah, and that someone was you!” Jiyeon retorted angrily as she continued walking on without me. When idiots get angry, it’s best to change subject.

“Yah, are you best friends with this someone called… Yoon Baek… something?”

“Yoon Baekhee. And no.” Jiyeon replied irritably. “I expect she wants to come over or something.”

“She did say something like that, but hell, I wouldn’t want to have a guest like her.” I winced slightly as I remembered what happened this morning. “She’s disgusting.”

“What did she do? Drool all over you?” Jiyeon sent me a nasty smirk.

“Apparently that’s what she did anyway. Reminds me of a dog.”

A small giggle escaped from Jiyeon. “She’s worse than a dog, she’s a .”

There was an awkward silence as I tried to think of something to say when Jiyeon suddenly burst out laughing.

“Haha… Yoon Baekhee drooling over you is really a sight… Tell me, does Yoon Baekhee’s saliva taste nice?”

“What the— god you’re so disgusting.”

“You just god was disgusting.” Jiyeon giggled non-stop as she fiddled with the lock. “Hehe… Yoon Baekhee drooling…” The lock clicked open and Jiyeon pushed her way through, dumping her bag somewhere near the front steps.

Being the overly clean person I am, I just can’t stand mess. I reached down and picked up her bag when Jiyeon suddenly called out a ‘thank you’, and I heard her running up to her room.


So she expected me to clean up after her?

I smiled dryly at the abandoned bag in the middle of nowhere. Sure, I might not like mess… but I didn’t like people who expected me to clean up, anyway.

[Jiyeon’s POV]

“Stop.” I stuck my hand right in front of Jiyoung’s face, temporarily stopping her with her channel-changing spree. “Jiyoung-yah, you should really learn to watch the news.”

“I already read the newspapers just now,” Jiyoung dismissed as she tried to snatch away the remote control from me. This kid was really mini-Jonghun, with a hell lot of inter-changeable personalities.

“…serial murderer on the loose. Female students walking home alone please be careful and it’s better to be accompanied by a male. Currently five female students have been murdered, most likely to be the victims of the same killer. He targets girls in school uniforms, short hair, going home alone… Female students around the Seoul area…” The television screen suddenly flickered before it changed to another channel.

“Hey! I was watching that!” I complained to Jiyoung’s smug looking face. She reached around in the pile of newspapers beside her and stuck one in my face. “You can read this,” Jiyoung smiled. “I want to watch my drama.”

“Yah, did you watch the news?” The sofa flattened a little with the presence of another person. Jonghun.

“I tried to, but Jiyoung asked me to read the newspapers.”

“Yah, so you know about the serial murderer thing right? So… do you want me to accompany you home or something?”

“Oppa, what about me?” Jiyoung poked in.

“You, of course. I’m asking Jiyeon.” Jonghun said as he stood up. “Silence means yes, I think—”

As much as I wanted to agree with him… but…

“No, nevermind. I won’t get killed or whatever.”

“You sure?” Jonghun sounded a little unsure. I nodded my head to confirm it.

[Jonghun’s POV]

Jiyeon you pabo… what if you really do get killed?

“You sure?” I suddenly remembered that guy stalking her on the way home today… it might be…

Jiyeon nodded. “Why? I promise, I won’t get myself killed and all.”

But somehow I didn’t have a nice feeling about it.

I spent the entire day in school worrying over Jiyeon.

What the hell has gone wrong with you, Choi Jonghun?

I’m just worrying about my sister!

Yeah, right. Sister. Since when was Jiyeon your sister?

I care for her like how I care for Jiyoung!

You sure?

“Hyung-yah~ what are you thinking about?” Seunghyun’s cheeky grin temporarily crashed my train of thoughts. If this kid knew his hyung was going crazy, having a conversation with himself in his head…

No you’re not crazy, it’s perfectly fine having a conversation with yourself (:

What the… Choi Jonghun! Why the hell are you talking—

“Hyung!” Someone shook my shoulders hard. “It’s time to go home.”


I blinked at all of them as I tried to hide my insanity.

Choi Jonghun, you are going mental.

Standing in front of me was Seunghyun, Minhwan and Jiyoung. Weird, where’s Jiyeon?

She already said she didn’t want to tag along, stupid.

“Oppa, are you talking to yourself in your head?” Jiyoung asked, a small smile on her lips. Minhwan burst into laughter while Seunghyun looked a little confused, but then there was that annoying grin on his face.

“Jiyoung! That’s a family secret!”

“But you improved right, oppa? Last time you used to talk to yourself out loud.” Minhwan laughed even harder.

“Oh I remember now hyung, that time where—”

“Guys, stop torturing him. Let’s go home.” Seunghyun smirked as he pulled me up.

“What time is it now Jiyoung?” I perfectly knew the answer. 7.29pm.

“It’s 7.30pm now oppa~”

There was something really wrong in this house, and then Jiyoung and Seunghyun are acting as though it was nothing.

Really? Or is it just you who was worrying too much?

Head, please stop talking to yourself. Please stop talking to yourself. Please—

The awkward and mentally insane conversations in my head were disturbed by frantic vibration and some super loud ringtone that was really muffled under all the clothes I was wearing. Frowning a little, I pulled out my phone. No one usually calls me…


“Yah, where—” I started as I pressed the ‘accept’ button.

“O-oppa… I… I think there’s someone following me…”


A/N: I tried my best to make it as long as possible T^^T In the end, it only reached 1,734 words. ARGH. I hate myself!

Firstly, sorry for not updating for soooo long T^^T

I swear, homework .


What's gonna happen to Jiyeon now ?! She never calls Huni oppa o-o

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[forbiddenlove] UPDATE IN PROGRESSS . :D


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Chapter 22: I said that i took a risk to read this story and now i am into this!
Do you have any intention to update this story? Please....
Chapter 1: I take a risk to take a peek this story. From foreword, i find this story interesting.
Chapter 22: please update, I've always love your story
ProudPrimX3 #4
Chapter 22: Awwww...PLEASE update :'( We miss you and your wonderful stories...SOOO DAYUM MUCH...*SOBS*
Chapter 22: Please update again..
Please :"
whateveritis #6
Chapter 22: this is one good!
killthemall #7
Chapter 22: update more plese?
please update(:
Was everything Jiyeon's mom plan?and why is she hurting jiyoung and Jonghun? btw i like your story chingu,will wait for the next chapter :)
waits so was it seunghyun who ran over someone and dang i got confused between jiyoung and jiyeon...the names were so similar i had to reread and i'm still curious, what does her stepmother have of seunghyun's that makes it so he won't give up? ... i have to wonder...anyways thanks for updating and hope you can again soon ^.^