Don't Be

That Awkward Moment.....with Super Junior.

Due to the hard impact from Eunhyuk’s shove, Hyeyeon tripped on her own feet but luckily landed onto the sofa.

“ ya kim ki bum, what the hell were you doing?” Eunhyuk growled. 

( eunhyuk’s p.o.v)

And after a few moments of silence, Hyeyeon and Kibum suddenly broke into a mess of laughter.
“w-what is going on?” I was very confused. One moment, he was about to slap her, and the next moment they both are laughing their heads off for no reason? What is going on with the world today?

“ hyung chill, Hyeyeon was just helping me with my acting scene.”Kibum practically struggled to explain in between his laughter.When everything sank down into my brain, my face slowly burned red with embarrasment.

(author’s p.o.v)

Eunhyuk also laughed along at himself.
“Mian…your acting was so good that I though it was real. Good job!” Eunhyuk went with the flow of the situation.”So what scene r u guys practicing for?”

“Kibum’s next historical drama.” Hyeyeon started explaining the scene they had just practiced.” Basically Kibum used to bully me badly when I was young, and in this scene , He meets up with me again when we grew up to apologize.”

For some reason, Eunhyuk’s smile slowly died down.
“And then what happened….?” He asked slowly.

“Well...” Hyeyeon runs through the script a bit. “ Basically I will say that I will never forgive him for all the scars and tears, so he slaps me out of anger ..blah blah blah ...then he is supposed to feel guilty and-“

Eunhyuk couldn’t walk down this guilt path anymore, without any rhyme or reason, he suddenly just runs past her and out the door.

“And suddenly runs out in guilt…” Hyeyeon ended her sentence.
That was the second time that Eunhyuk ran away from her, now she is the one feeling guilty if perhaps she has done anything wrong towards him.

In her few weeks of being here, she has especially grown close to Eunhyuk cuz apparently Eunhyuk has the softest heart once u get to know him better. 
Totally Hyeyeon’s ideal type. Though I am not saying that they will date or anything ( or will they?). Just saying that Eunhyuk was a nice person to be around, so yeah~~
It’s quite easy to grow close to him.

Eunhyuk ran all they way to a park nearby and flopped down on the grass  under a tree. 
Eunhyuk barely comes here, but he thinks that the soft blowing wind of nature and the fresh air would really do him good after all the tension. Well at least the internal tention for him.

As he sits alone by the lake, reflecting on himself, his hands starts to tremble a bit as he clenches a tight fist. His knuckles slowly turning white.

“Hyung? What’s wrong?” Out of nowhere, Donghae appears and takes a seat next to Eunhyuk on the cold grass.
“Ani..i was just..thinking…”
“ about who? Tiffany?” Donghae ,Since there was a big rumor going around in the company that Eunhyuk and Tiffany likes each other.But of course, all that crap is just created by stupid sasaeng fans.again.

“What about you and Jessica? “ Eunhyuk countered his attack. He didn’t feel like talking right now, so he purposely brings Jessica into the topic as this is the only topic that could get Donghae blabbering non-stop.

“Hyung~~~ How many times do I have to tell u that I don’t like Jessica? She is so snobbish and thinks so highly of herself!! She thinks she is so great just cuz she can speak 2 languages and a pretty face..urgh~ she needs to take a lesson to know that all that dosen’t matter if you have an attitude of an ice-princess. And can u believe it that she tried to flirt with me AGAIN just now ?! urgh~ so unbelieveable!”

“ the reason that you didn ‘t accept the confession from all the girls these years is because u r waiting for…Hwang Hye Yeon?” Eunhyuk has already confirmed the answer since that time he saw Donghae sneak a plaster into Hyeyeon’s bag back in hughschool, but he asked anyways just for the sake.

“How did…you know..” Donghae was nervous for some reason .
“ Pabo, I am your hyung. We r best friends. I know a lot about you.How long do you think u can keep your crush on Hyeyeon a secret? How much longer are you gonna wait for her?”

“Hyung…” Donghae felt sad upon hearing the demotivation coming from him.
True,one of the reason he debuted was because of Hyeyeon. He wanted to find her again and confess his true feelings. This is also why he as rejected all the relationship confessions he has received so far.
It’s cuz he still believes in his first love.

“She probably hates us to the core that she would cry just by the thought of our memories.” Eunhuk sighed.
“ for goodness sake hyung, stop being so dramatic. This is real life, not a fanfic!’ Donghae rolled his eyes childishly.

“Well, let’s go common! We have schedule after this!” Donghae conjured up all the happy aura in him to drown out his hyung’s sad aura and exictedly urges Eunhyuk to walk away. *Wait for me Hwang Hye Yeon, I will definitely find you.*

“HAIYA!” Hankyung does a triple back flip and breaks the wooden plank into pieces.

“Woooh! Daebak!” Hyeyeon applaud. She knew that she is supposed to be on her way to the KBS building to meet up with Eunhyuk after he is done with his radio show now, but she was just too immersed in Hankyung’s wushu showdown.She herself learned how to fight when she was young, but it has been a while since she had practiced. But that dosen’t mean that she is not confident with her fighting moves.She still got some fighting fuel in her veins .

Hankyung lets out a sharp exhale and wiped away his sweat.
“Stella, I am sure u have work to do now, you should go before you get scolded.”
“nope, just a bit more.” She zips up her hoodie and walked closer. “ Fight me.”

Hyeyeon gets into her fighting stance.

“Fight what?”  
“yes, me.”
“no.” Hankyung walks towards his bag. “ I can’t”
“why? Because I am a girl?”
“partly yes, and secondly cuz I might hurt you.”
“no you won’t hurt me,”  Hyeyeon rolled her eyes. “ And stop being such a ist, how would u know that I won’t the one that is beats the crap out of you at the end of the day?”
“I am not being ist,”
“if u aren’t , then fight me.”
“no stella. Now go to work before I tell the other staffs that you are stealing breaks.”

“ oh sure…I will go now..” Hyeyeon said sarcastically,” But I guess I can also tell the others that you didn’t wanna fight me cuz u were afraid to lose to a girl…wah~ I wonder how long Heechul oppa can tease you about that.” She smirks at the him.Purposely wanting to make him worked up.

“Fine.” He also got into his fighting stance.
“Expect no mercy from me, girl.”
“I won’t be begging sir.” 

And with a smirk from each side, the two sides clashed. Hankyung immediately kicks straight towards her waist, but Hyeyeon was quick enough to take a step back before attempting to land a punch on the older male’s stomach. Hankyung dodged.
Hyeyeon gives him a spinning kick that hit him right on his shoulder, making Hankyung fall over on his back. Taking advantage of his position on the floor, Hankyung gave Hyeyeon’s ankle a strong kick and she too fell over on her back.

Lee Teuk was on his way to the Studio when he suddenly heard the sound of grunting and groaning  coming from nearby. Using his sharp sense of hearing , he followed the noise all the way to Super Junior’s practice room.

“What the…” His jaw hit the floor to see Both Hyeyeon and Hankyung throwing punches and kicks at each other in the room.

“STOP!!!” He barges in and broke up the fight.
“what the hell is going on here?!” Lee Teuk got furious for no apparent reason.

* 5 oclock!!!!!!!!! * Hyeyeon had a mini heart attack when she saw the time.She was so hyped up in having a par with Hankyung that she had forgotten about the time.

“Hankyung-nyim, thanks for the fight.” She smiled and ran off without an explanation.
*If Eunhyuk is already done with his radio show then I am doomed!!!* she glances at the watch again and ran for her life ( or perhaps her reputation) all the way to the KBS building.
“Good, she is gone,” Hankyung pants heavily with a smile as he laid flat on the floor with his hands and legs spread out.

“What r u to doing? Did u ask hyeyeon to par with u cuz u were bored of always wining against us if we fought with you? Hankyung-ah, even if that is the case that dosen’t mean you should do that to her.You know how good you are at Wushu, u might have hurt her-“

“She was good. Better than I had expected.” Hankyung commented. Blankly staring at the ceiling ad his chest pumps up and down.To be honest, Hankyung had expected to just throw a few kicks and punches to make her lose. But to his surprise, Hyeyeon lasted longer than expected no mater how many punches and kicks she received. She evn had some moves that he has never encountered before up her sleeves. If Hyeyeon had continued fighting him for at least a minute more just now, Hankyung would have ran out of fuel and totally collapsed in tiredness and lost the match.
But for now, we shall call it a tie.

*wow...that was fun."Hyeyeon had reminded him of the feel of the excited adrenaline rush of wushu. Hankyung had always won a fight no matter who he battles, But Hyeyeon just now just actually gave him a temporary fear of failing, making him try harder instead of his usual boring fighting-without-even-trying-but-still-winning-in-the-end-type-of-battle.That was what he called fun.Even the feel of getitng new bruises due to the fight was a nostalgic feel for him . (since he barely even gets scraped in most of the fights he fought.)

“That” Hankyung said in between his pants.
“Fun?!” Lee Teuk fumed. “ You call beating up a girl fun?”
“I wasn’t beating her up.” Hankyung was the one almost getting beaten up. But of course he won’t admit that,due to his pride of learning wushu since he was young.


the reason i made this chapter kind of short, is because i want u all to use take some time to watch this vid for me...



Many people don't really know Hankyung well and how he is such an awesome and amazing person. This video would really help you all understand him more,

So what do u guys think of Hankyung ?or at least..what did you used to think hankyung was like before watching the above video?

please subscribe and comment.^^

a/n : i would like to ask u guys to go back to chapter 7 and watch the video i had put there for Henry's performance. I didn't realise that i didn't embed the video untill just now, mian *awkwardly smile*
Or you could just watch the same vid here : 

ah~ aren't the international members just awesome!!!! KYA~!!!!!

oh~ and another thing to ponder any of still waiting for a Super-Junior-15-member  performance that hasn't happened yet but might happen soon?

Many people telling me that waiting for Super Junior to reunite again is a waste of time, but honestly, am i the only one hoping for them to do so?

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Thank you!
i am still sick but managed to force myself to write a chapter. mian


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average_aqua #1
I don't know if i understand it wrongly, but you said in the description of hwang stella that "her parents died before she was even born..." Who gave birth to her then? @_@
Norhane #2
Chapter 58: OMG author-nim that's it i'm n love with you and i love more suju oppa than ever i was into enhyuk oppa but now i'm also into donghae oppa this is the best story ever...... you need to write the after story i wanna know their kids lol
thank you so much for this story reading it was literally the best moments i had
i had a fight with my friend and we needed to stay in the shop where we work together everyday and the silence was killing me , reading your story made my days better soooo much better thank you i love you author-nim <3 <3 <3
i'm looking forward your new stories
2034 streak #3
Chapter 58: Hello there author-nim ^_^ A new reader here. I started reading this story thinking that it is on Leeteuk. However, as I continued to read more I found out that it is on Donghae. And let me tell you that I didn't hesitate even a split second to read any further. The story was quite nice and I enjoyed reading it :)
nurnadira #4
Chapter 57: Finally they are together Yahoo!!!!!
Chapter 56: Yes he finally is going to be selfish for once and do what he should have done long ago and so glad that she finally came around to knowing that her Donghae is SJ's Donghae and let's hope this is not a dream and the members can accept the situation and she should come clean and tell the members why she did what she did cuz that is the reason why they are mad at her ...Thanks for the Double Update and by the way you posted this chapter twice :)
Chapter 55: At least Hae is okay now thanks to Hyeyeon ..he is still stubborn he still loves he deep down in his heart but is afraid to love her because of the members's hoping someone will knock some sense into the both of them like lock them up in room and throw away the key ...Thanks for the update :)
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 54: what happened?!
Chapter 54: Oh No! They got Hae hope he will be okay ...Thanks for the Update :)
seoyuna #10
Chapter 54: what happened to donghae? is he alright? plz update next chapter soon..